Paul W writes from Hamburg,
went onto the US Holocaust
Museum site and looked at their photos. The first photo that came up under the
search word GAS CHAMBER was a door to a gas chamber
in Auschwitz where the sign on the door says
Harmful Gas, Entering Endangers your Life.
ABOVE] That sort of ruins their 'Everybody believed
they were going to be showered' story does it not?"
Note that the door handle can
be opened from the inside. And note the
disclaimer which the Museum displays on their Web
front page, perhaps
as a result of the hoots from
Revisionists | "The
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (the USHMM)
freely provides the information contained on this
website to our website visitors.
"Although the USHMM makes every reasonable
effort to provide accurate information, the USHMM
cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability,
currency, or completeness of the information
contained on this website or on any other website
with which it is linked. "The USHMM therefore disclaims responsibility
for any errors in the information provided, and the
USHMM urges all visitors to this website to take
their own steps to obtain independent verification
of the information provided. "In addition, the USHMM disclaims all
warranties, including the implied warranty of
fitness for a particular purpose, in regard to the
information provided on this website." 
You can't
say you weren't warned.