No.14, July 20,
1998 | Sinister Attempt to Muzzle
Free Speech on the Internet"The
First Amendment? -- That's included in the
$29.95, sir." |
LONDON -- Webmasters of
leading sites on the rapidly expanding global
Internet (current estimate: 200 million viewers)
are keeping a weather eye on signs that government
and wealthy private agencies following their own
agendas may soon succeed in imposing, through a
combination of police coercion and technical
trickery, their own brand of censorship on the
Internet's "world wide web" (WWW). Principal villains in the
piece are the Chinese-communist and German
governments. German law-enforcement
agencies are trying to prevent "propaganda"
reaching their intellectual wasteland from North
America: what some say are the archive-based real
facts about modern history, the German government
dismisses -- and now prosecutes -- as racism,
incitement, and even "defamation of the memory of
the dead." | 2 [See the German
government's own
report on its
widely-criticised attempt to silence
German-Canadian Ernst Zündel, p.
15]. In the United States two
bodies, seemingly unlinked but clearly following
the same agenda, are leading the fight against free
speech. The New York-based
League (ADL) has
teamed with The Learning Company on converting its
Cyber Patrol "parental control" Internet software
that will screen out Websites which the ADL alleges
promote anti-Semitism and " hate speech." (Critics
argue that the ADL is itself one of the world's
most virulent sources of anti-Semitism). Available since January 1998
on the ADL
Website, the
software, costing $29.95, will send surfers who try
to access "hate sites" to the ADL's site
instead. The other body,
a Division of Spyglass Inc., based near San
Francisco, works hand-in-glove with the ADL, and is
producing software to enable schools to block
access for curious minds to "bad sites". "In the near future,"
predicts the specialist computer-users' journal
MacHome in its March 1998 issue, "parents
will find filters developed by specific groups,
such as the National Education Association of the
Jewish Federation." The blocking programme
SurfWatch 3.0 already polices the Internet with am
Orwellian combination of computer-software based on
"context-based pattern matching," which searches
for offensive keywords, and teams of human censors
who trawl through cyberspace. |  | See too our file
on SurfWatch | | 3 SurfWatch posts regular
updates listing those Websites which its software
disallows: users can set preferences which not only
stem the flow of sex, gambling, violence, drugs and
alcohol, but also expunge anything classed by the
SurfWatch cyber-gremlins as "hate speech." The
company points to its "Core Category Criteria",
defined on May 1, 1998: "Surf-Watch criteria are
reviewed with our Advisory Committee on a monthly
basis to ensure responsible filtering." Their software can be
adjusted to block a site if it displays a screen
warning identifying it as adult-oriented, or if it
"predominantly contains" links to sites that are
sexually-oriented, exploitive or violent,
containing "bondage, fetishes, genital piercing,"
or advertising escort services and strip clubs.
Careful not to offend the homosexual lobby,
SurfWatch promises however: "We do not block on the
basis of sexual preference." It is on Hate Speech that
SurfWatch proves unexpectedly impenetrable and
implacable: These sites it identifies as
those "advocating or inciting
degradation or attack of specified populations or
institutions based on associations such as
religion, race, nationality, gender, age,
disability, or sexual orientation sites which
promote a political or social agenda which is
supremacist in nature and exclusionary of others
based on their race, religion, nationality, gender,
age, disability, or sexual orientation." | 4 Critics point out that much
of the British and US Government's propaganda
output during the Gulf War could fall foul of this
definition. While SurfWatch assures
customers, "We do not block news, historical, or
press incidents that may include the above criteria
..." it becomes mysteriously specific on WW2,
announcing that, of all possible historical
controversies, it will block only "Holocaust
revision/denial sites." They lump such sites under
the category "violence" and "hate". These are
concepts which even the SurfWatch censors find hard
to operate evenly. In one magazine's tests the
Website of the White Aryan Resistance pass the
SurfWatch filters effortlessly. Nor does SurfWatch software
block the Websites of either the Jewish
Defense League (JDL),
even though it is listed by the FBI as a terrorist
organization, or Anti
Racist Action, which
provides rabid mobspitters and preaches violence
against law enforcement personnel. How objective is the system?
Those with Internet access can key our Website's
URL:(http://www.fpp.co.uk) into the
engine where -- they
will learn that the Action Report site is blocked
under "hate/violence". | 5 ACTION REPORT invited
SurfWatch on Jun. 22, 1998 to justify these
libellous definitions. SurfWatch spokesperson
"Christine Meginness" (Division: "SurfWatch
Content"), responded: "The site does meet SurfWatch
blocking criteria for Violence/Hate Speech," as it
falls under the definition of Holocaust
revision/denial sites. "The site will remain
blocked in our filters." ACTION REPORT called on
SurfWatch to indicate which specific files were
alleged to fall foul of these criteria, "in order
that we can review them ourselves with a view to
meeting your criticisms." The software developer
replied: "There are numerous files on
the http://www.fpp.co.uk which meet the above
indicated criteria, including http://www.fpp.co.uk/Auschwitz/index.html
and http://www.fpp.co.uk/Auschwitz/Dachau/Brudehl280198.html." It is plain that their
search-engines are triggered by all files (URLs)
containing the word or file name
Auschwitz. In fact the first file is an
index listing documents on both sides of the
historical controversy, expressing no views
whatever; the second is an exchange of
correspondence about events when US Army forces
liberated the Nazi concentration camp at
Dachau. | 6 SurfWatch in a standard
response deny receiving funding from any political
or religious group or following a hidden
agenda: "We do not claim that our
blocking criteria are objective criticisms, but are
subjective criteria posted publicly for SurfWatch
users, both current and prospective, as well as any
curious Internet user, to read and
review." Signing as
REPORT Webmaster,
David Irving replied: "Any person finding the two
URLs mentioned by you objectionable is in my view
quite a sick bunny. I shall post your reply on my
SurfWatch page, with hyperlinks to the two URLs
concerned, and the rest of the world can now form
their own opinion about your objectivity. Maybe
they will applaud; perhaps they will
not." Anger at SurfWatch arrogance
goes right across the Internet. Holocaust agitator
Jamie McCarthy, an anti-Real History fanatic who
equally opposes mindless censorship, protested to
anti-censor newsgroups at the site's inclusion on
SurfWatch blocking software, and sent an alert to
his "fight-censorship mailing list." McCarthy suggested however
that given SurfWatch's criteria, the site merited
inclusion since "David Irving is one of the world's
leading figures in that [Holocaust
revisionism] field." McCarthy sincerely believes
that the SurfWatch company has nothing to do with
the ADL. Readers might like to
comment to Software, a Division of Spyglass Inc.,
175 S. San Antonio Rd, Ste 102, Los Altos, CA
94022, Phone: 650-948-950 | Register
your name and address
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