The former memorial stone at Auschwitz ("Four
million...")  ... and the present one ("one
and a half million...") | Publishing a picture of the
widely respected Israeli prime minister walking
through the famous iron gate of Auschwitz
("Arbeit macht frei")
escorted by guntoting, sunshade-wearing bodyguards,
The New York Times on Apr. 24, 1998 used
this cautious caption: "Bitter Refiections
on Holocaust Day. The Israeli Prime Minister,
Benjamin Netanyahu, top, and Sarah, his wife,
looking down, joined more than 7,000 other Jews
from 42 countries yesterday in a two-mile march
from Auschwitz to Birkenau, the sister camp
where the gas chambers were." COMMENT:
Just as the once-famous memorial
plaque to the "four million" murdered by the Nazis
(top left) was surreptitiously replaced
overnight by a more modest figure (bottom
left) -- one more triumph for the "Deniers"
over the Liars -- bit by bit, equally
imperceptibly, the American media have begun
dissociating "gas chambers" from Auschwitz,
limiting them now only to the (derelict) Birkenau
site in Poland. |