late husband was so interested in your book
Rudolf Hess, the Missing Years, especially
being as he was in Berlin in 1950 in the Royal Art
Dental Corps, in the old Berlin hospital where he
made some teeth for Hess I have a model of his
mouth, and wondered if you might be interested in
having it. He made others at Spandau prison, No.5 I
have here, but who it belongs to I have no
idea! Dorothy Johnson
I went up
to London on Jan. 19 to attend the trial of Lady
Jane Birdwood who published Sixty-Six Questions
and Answers, off the IHR's Website.
Case dismissed on medical grounds. I was reminded
of your great description of those Hassidic Jews
hanging around the Lockerbie crash site, like
Carrion Crows. This is what it looked like at this
trial. An ailing women surrounded by vindictive
"friends." R E,
stuff But
I should like to point out that I have not been
"hounded out" of my column with the
[Vancouver] North Shore News [AR#13
reported]. As I stated publicly at the end of
1995, it was my intention to retire then, but I
hung on because I did not watt to leave the paper
while the misnamed "human rights" case was pending.
best of luck with your case against
& Co. I hope you stick it to them. Doug Collins,
West Vancouver, BC Consider
them stuck-to! [More
on the Collins case: see AR#14 Update

fortunate enough to obtain one copy of
Mastermind of the Third
Reich for reading
from the inter-library loan system of Fairfax
county. The book came from Brandeis University.
Efforts to purchase it from Waldenbroks, Crown
Books, Book Chase, Book Club, B Dalton and Borders
were all met with computer search, expectations and
no results. Friends could not find it for
me in Australia, nor in England. S R O'D,
Springfield, Virginia Tell
your bookstore that David Irving's books can be
bought right
1937 there was an organisation called
LINK in England and the
patron was called Lord Halifax - in Germany the
patron was Joachim von
Ribbentrop. The movement was to foster
Anglo-German friendship; we, I and others, spent
some time on our vacation working on the motor
roads. Our section was Hamburg-Hanover. One day,
out of the blue, Adolf
paid an unexpected visit to look at the foreign
workers and he greeted me and thanked us for our
efforts etc. It was all over in two minutes, but it
took me two days to recover--end of
story! Do you agree that if the same
criteria were used to judge every President of the
U.S.A from Roosevelt to Clinton--as
was used to condemn Germany, then each would be
tried as criminal?! Did you know that the last
agreement suggested by Adolf Hitler to the British
government before the outbreak of war was that in
exchange for the no bombing of Oxford and Cambridge
the British would refrain from bombing the German
Universities? To which the British agreed quite
willingly!] And did you also know that
for 18 months before war broke out, service men,
R.A.F and Army went to France and Belgium in
civilian clothes -with their uniforms packed as
luggage! And whilst in reflective mood
...Hartley Shawcross dug up an ancient law
which enabled the British to hang William
Joyce who was born in New York of Irish
Parents; Shawcross gained a knighthood for that.
And then there is the sad story of John
Amery who thought that the Spanish had granted
him citizenship, but it turned out that an official
had mislaid his application form. That also meant
the death sentence for Leo Amery's son; I met Joyce
and Amery, both of whom were brilliant
men! By the way, I saw and heard
Adolf Hitler a number of times. I was at the
Olympic Games 1936 with my cousin who had tickets
for a number of events, a wonderful experience for
a 15 year old grammar school boy. Thomas W. Hale,
PO BOX 397, Marouba NSW, 2035,
best wishes to your in your fight against the
"traditional enemies" [of free speech],
especially the so-called Anti-Defamation
League. I have a copy
of a letter on ADL stationery, written to a friend
of mine in 1958, asking for information on my
whereabouts, as "some very important people are
looking for him." At the time I was seventeen. Some
threat! Our local (Boston) ADL was headed by one
Isadore Zack. He was also head of the
"Military Intelligence Association of new England,"
with the same mailing address as the ADL. The cover
provided by this group apparently allowed the ADL
to get records of peoples' mail, and who knows what
else. L M, Cambridge,
have not in my eyes ever done anything wrong that I
am aware of, and it seems that your opposition is
making a horses ass of itself.But very very few
people know what is going on. I certainly did not
until I was asked to review your Goebbels.
It is ironic that the opposition, and Deutschland
itself are following the same suppression doctrine
that Goebbels initiated over fifty years ago.Well
... so much for democracy! (I am actually a closet
monarchist, but I do insist on the right of free
expression.) Let your fellow countrymen
know what is going on and perhaps most of this crap
will cease. In this instance, the truth is
forcefully on your side. You will win and we will
all be better for it. R G, North
Carolina. Continue
fighting. Yours is a noble cause. E J I,
Texas. |
I wish it were more
[the enclosed cheque]. Perhaps it will
purchase a bullet for the battle. W D, Chattanooga,
Tennessee It
will buy more than a bullet -- it buys the means to
continue to survive.
The Adams
Family You
and your family remind me of John Adams and
his family. John Adams is one of my idols. I was
born and raised in Quincy so I guess this was
natural. He did not "emerge unscathed" from his
travails or tribulations, but he left a legacy whch
has not been appreciated. I hope that your efforts
will be rewarded to your satisfaction. I will do
what I can. I will buy your books and will send you
what I can from time to time. C M, Berkeley,
California Odd
fact: former US president John Adams lived in
the next door house in London to where David
Irving has lived for thirty years, since
[See also
to this Website] |