A Moral
Issue Goldhunt
Update NEW YORK -- American Jewish
groups are now demanding that the Swiss banks and
government agree to hand over at least $1.5 billion
of bank- and taxpayer money in a global settlement
of all their demands. The shrill campaign by the
American Jewish community to force the Swiss to
hand over more cash is causing mounting concern in
Washington. It began to look like an old-fashioned
Thirties' protection racket -- as the threats
multiplied to damage the banks' commercial
operations in New York, unless they handed over
arbitrarily fixed sums of money to the
blackmailers. Stuart E Eizenstat,
the Under-Secretary of State for Economic Affairs,
has tried in vain to damp down the community's
predilection for extortion methods. | Biggest culprits are Edgar
Bronfman, Senator d'Amato, and Alan G
Hevesi, the Comptroller of New York City,
"whose family included Holocaust victims," as
The New York Times informed its readers on
Aug. 25 last year, in an unsubtle hint at his
racial origins. Heedless of federal
government appeals Hevesi began to hint that New
York City would implement sanctions against the
Swiss banks unless they coughed up -- sanctions
including the withdrawal from the Swiss companies
of cash from the city's pension funds and other big
investors. "In Switzerland," reported
the NYT, "some executives and politicians have
already said that they feel as if they are being
shaken down [robbed] for
contributions." In June this year the three
largest Swiss banks announced a final offer of $600
million, adding that they would not consider
"unfounded and excessive" demands for even
more. This offer was rejected by
Bronfman and the World Jewish Congress (WJC) on
Jun. 19, amid angry claims that the Swiss had
broken a court-ordered confidentiality
agreement. "We are pained," said WJC
general secretary Israel Singer, "by the
monetization of a moral issue." |
3. Taking a different line,
Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal
Center in Los Angeles stated: "We consider the
offer a lack of seriousness on their part. An
independent study showed $442 million (U.S,) was
plundered by the banks. Over fifty years, with
interest, it is now worth about $4.5
billion." It has to be said that Jewish
leaders in Switzerland are horrified by this
international campaign, and accuse the American
community leaders of methods similar to the worst
excesses of Chicago-style protection
rackets. Anybody else voicing such
comparisons is accused of antisemitism. Regardless of the mounting
anti-Semitism they are generating in Switzerland,
American financial officials meeting in New York -
representing eight hundred finance officials with
the power to withhold government business from
major Swiss banks represented in the United States
-- on Jul. 1 gave the go-ahead for further
sanctions. California state treasurer
Matt Fong, overseeing $32 billion in state
funds California on Jul. 2, became the first state
to adopt the tough new measures. -- Based on AP and
wire stories. | 4. Swiss newspapers know which
side their bread is buttered, and have leapt onto
Senator Alfonse d'Amato's bandwagon. First
Facts, then the Schweizer Illustrierte
in its Holocaust dossier, then Blick,
the largest newspaper, published a photograph
showing four Swiss soldiers in August 1942
loitering nonchalantly near the frontier fence as
four ragged civilians pleaded with them from the
German side to let them through. Blick: "The
boat is full. Jewish refugees plead for asylum at
the Swiss border during WW2. In vain." Unfortunately for the
Holocaust Liars, one of the soldiers, Emil
Winzeler, recognised himself: "The picture was
not taken in August 1942," he wrote in a reader's
letter, "when the Swiss border was sealed against
Jewish refugees, but in April 1945, a few days
before French troops under General Lattre de
Tassigny reached the Swiss border at this place. Of
the many refugees who wanted to get into
Switzerland at this time, only Party and SS members
were turned back. The men on the picture were
returning forced labourers." Winzeler's reward for
speaking the truth? There were calls for his
prosecution for "denying the Holocaust" under
Switzerland's new German-style laws for the
suppression of free speech. Footnote: The dramatic
picture is still being used for Holocaust articles
in publications like Brückenbauer, in
Switzerland. |