to a file of Mr Irving's speeches and
lectures AFTER
the Australian Labour Government, under pressure, refused
permission for David Irving to make a third tour of the
country in 1993, he videotaped a speech at a studio in South
Africa, and shipped it to Australia. Attempts by his
opponents to ban the video included getting The Mossad to
plant hidden microphone-bugs in the room of the Sydney video
censorship authority. Now for the first time we post the
of this important speech, THE
30, 1993: Australian newspapers report: "Israeli secret
agents linked with bugging" device found in Irving Video
Censorship Bureau
- Sep 3, 1983: at Los Angeles, California [first
speech in USA for fifteen years] "The
Travails of the Transatlantic Writer"
- Nov 12, 1987: in Johannesburg, South Africa; the
David Katz version
[but see Mr Irving's diary
entry account of this]
- April 1988 in Toronto,
Canada, at the time of the Zündel Trial
- 1990: to the Clarendon Club in London, published as
"We have lost our sense
of Destiny."
- Sep 3, 1990 Weinheim an
der Bergstrasse, Germany (with resulting police
prosecution documents)
- Nov 6, 1991: (fragments, in German) to
an audience at Buchenbronn, Germany
- Nov 9, 1991: Halle,
central Germany (fragments, in German).
- May 5, 1992: Secret tape transcript of Mr Irving's
closing address to Munich court (Schlusswort
vor dem Münchner Landgericht (in German)
- Sep 19, 1992: to the
Clarendon Club, London [second version: illicit
transcript circulated by Board of Deputies of British
- Oct 11, 1992: at Los Angeles, California, on the
Eichmann and Goebbels
- Oct 16, 1992: Portland,
Oregon (Real Video link
) - Oct 28, 1992: on Freedom
of Speech, at Victoria, British Columbia (at the end
of which Mr Irving was arrested by Victoria city
- Nov 1, 1992: on Freedom
of Speech, at Toronto, Canada, prior to leaving
Canada (refused entry to the United States that night, he
was returned to Canada and rearrested).
- Nov 8, 1992: on Freedom
of Speech, at Toronto, Canada: released on bail
during deportation hearings, to the fury of the
traditional enemies of Free Speech, he again addressed a
large audience in Toronto
- Feb 1993: videotaped speech to Australians, after
Labour Government refused David Irving permission for a
third tour: "The
Search for Truth in History."
- Oct 10, 1994: at Portland,
Radio (Australia) September 26, 1996 interviews Mr Irving
on his new application
- Apr 13, 1998: at Washington
State University, Pullman, Washington
Moran reports on David Irving's May
19, 2002 talk in Seattle- An account of Mr
Irving's talk in snow-choked Arlington, Virginia, Feb 27,
- 1994-6: The attempts to speak at
the University of California at Berkeley, thwarted by
violent demonstrations staged by the traditional enemies
of free speech.
 - October 23, 2003: David
Irving's speech to the huge Budapest rally, commemorating
the 1956 uprising [and photos]
- March 15, 2007: David
Irving's speech to Hungary's National Day rally
too] [Pictures]
Hungarian text as PDF