[images and
captions added by this website] "Books
and Bookman + Argosy" May 1974THE
Hyde 1:
DAVID IRVING: The Rise and Fail of the
Luftwaffe. The Life of Luftwaffe Marshal Erhard
BASIL COLLIER: A History of Air Power, 358PP
WEIDENFELD & NICOLSON £5.95 THE STORY of the Nazi air force or the
Luftwaffe, as it is generally known, forms an
important and most significant chapter in
contemporary European history. By the Treaty of
Versailles after the First World War, Germany was
forbidden to possess a military air force and the
result was that she concentrated on the development
of civil aviation. With the advent of Hitler to
power, the country began the process of secret
rearmament in the air and under the guise of
expanding her civil air fleet was able to produce a
substantial nucleus of military aircraft. The
British Foreign Secretary Sir John Simon and
his colleague Anthony Eden were first
apprised of this disturbing news from the Fuehrer's
own lips when they were received by him on their
visit to Berlin in March 1935. More
than anyone else the man responsible for the
emergence of the Luftwaffe and the machines which
it embodied was Erhard Milch, right, a pilot
observer of the First War who became director of
the German civil airline Deutsche Lufthansa at the
age of thirty-three. Introduced by Hermann
Goering to Hitler in 1930, Milch joined the
Nazi Party, and three years later, when Hitler
became Chancellor, Milch accepted the post of state
secretary of the embryo Air Ministry. Hitler
promoted him Field Marshal on the fall of France
and he was later put in charge of aircraft
production until he incurred Hitler's disfavour in
1944 and he was relieved of his offices, that of
Director of Air Armament being absorbed by
Albert Speer, the Nazi war armaments
Although captured by the British at the time of
Germany's surrender, Milch was handed over -- quite
illegally -- to the Americans who tried him at
Nuremberg as a war criminal, and he was sentenced
to life imprisonment. After serving ten years he
was released and lived under a cloak of anonymity
in Dusseldorf, working for a foreign aviation
company until his death in 1972, a few weeks short
of his eightieth birthday. Meanwhile Mr David Irving had succeeded
in tracking him down, conversing with him at length
and being allowed to see and microfilm his personal
diaries and notebooks. In addition Mr Irving was
able to use Milch's official papers, which had been
captured by the British; after being held for a
time in the Air Historical Branch of the Air
Ministry and later by the Imperial War Museum in
London, these were eventually restored to the
Bundesarchiv in West Germany. From this mass of
original material Mr Irving has written a masterly
and extremely well documented account of the rise
and fall of the Nazi air force in the context of
Milch's life[1]. Milch's appointment as a Director of Germany's
newly formed national airline through the
amalgamation of the two existing airlines in 1925
turned out to be 'a far more momentous step' than
Milch ever guessed. 'Without it,' he wrote after
his capture, 'I would have forfeited the most
rewarding period of my life, the years from 1925 to
1933 with Deutsche Lufthansa; I would not have
become a soldier again in 1933, and a Field Marshal
in 1940; nor would I now be sitting in a confined
and gloomy cell. How inscrutable are the paths of
man!' Like another airman, though of more lowly rank
-- Aircraft-man T E Shaw, otherwise Colonel
Lawrence ('Lawrence of Arabia') -- Milch was born
illegitimate. The accident of his birth was to
prove an embarrassment to him, but for a different
reason than with Lawrence. In Milch's case, his
nominal father, Anton Milch, who had married
his mother, was of Jewish antecedents, though his
mother was not; neither was his real father.
Nevertheless it was alleged that Erhard Milch was
Jewish, not only by his enemies under the Hitler
regime, but even more unjustly by the American
prosecutor at Nuremburg. The reason why Frau Milch
never married Erhard's father was that their
relationship was one which the Church forbade as
between man and wife. Out of respect for Milch's
wishes, Mr Irving goes no further than this -- in
fact the father was the mother Clara Milch's
maternal uncle. In October 1937, Milch led an impressive
Luftwaffe delegation to London. They were shown
round the 'shadow factories' in the
Midlands-producing cars and engines ready for
immediate conversion to aircraft production in the
event of war. They also visited a number of RAF
fighter and bomber squadrons. Irving does not
mention that the Milch party were only shown
obsolescent types of aircraft, but it is doubtful
if they were taken in by this camouflage. Nor does
Milch's biographer mention how his hosts told him
apologetically that it was not possible to take him
to the RAF experimental station at Martlesham, to
which news Milch reacted with a smile, remarking
that he had already visited the aerodrome there,
'as he was passing that way'. However, Irving does relate two stories of this
visit which are new to me. At a rather formal
luncheon given in his honour at Fighter Command
Headquarters, Milch enlivened the proceedings by
asking his hosts, 'How are you getting on with your
experiments in the radio detection of aircraft
approaching your shores?' The effect of this blunt
question was dramatic. Glasses clattered to the
floor and a very red-faced air vice-marshal tried
to laugh it off. But Milch persisted that there was
no need to be so coy. 'We have known for some time
that you are developing a radar system,; he said..
'So are we, and we think we are a jump ahead of
you.' Word of this appears to have reached Hitler,
since years later he was to complain that Milch had
betrayed the secret of radar to the British. The other story concerns a party given for Milch
by the Air Minister Lord Swinton, to which a
of English parliamentarians interested in defence
matters were also invited. They included Winston
Churchill, Duff Cooper, Leo Amery, and
Lord Trenchard, the former chief of the Air
Staff. Churchill decided somewhat roguishly to have
a bit of fun at the distinguished guest's expense
on the subject of gliders, which it was open secret
were being used by the Germans to train potential
military pilots. 'What do you think of gliding as a sport?'
Churchill asked Milch. 'Do you think I could pick
it up, if I tried to, at my age?' Milch courteously
offered him the opportunity in Germany where the
Luftwaffe maintained extensive gliding sc hools.
'If you value gliding so highly,' Churchill went
on, 'could you not with profit dispense with
powered flight entirely? That would eminently solve
our difficulties!' This query brought delighted
chuckles from the English members of the party, who
showed surprise when Milch replied, 'I am convinced
that our Fuehrer would accept such a proposal.' Churchill thereupon removed his cigar and said,
'Oh, really?' Milch then proceeded to explain that
there was one small condition attached to Germany's
acceptance of the proposal - 'that the Royal Navy
revert to those beautiful old sailing ships!' This
time it was the turn of Milch to chuckle, as Lord
Swinton loudly proclaimed, 'One-nil to Milch!' It
must have been an amusing occasion, since according
to Milch's unpublished memoirs, which are the
authority for this story, the party did not break
up until the small hours of the morning. Unfortunately Germany did not have anything
comparable to Britain's Ministry of Aircraft
Production, which whatever it's faults under the
late Lord Beaverbrook's dynamic personality
at least produced goods. The whole German system
was incredibly inefficient, while the clash of
personalities and intrigues at a high level were
fatal for Milch's work. For instance the Germans
were never able to devise a fighter comparable to
the Spitfire, and they never got round to
four-engined bombers in spite of their Stukas;
production always lagged behind promises designed
to reassure Hitler. Milch was one of the very few
who stood up to the Fuehrer and for this he paid
the penalty of being pushed aside. But he did
manage to keep alive, unlike the two generals,
Ernst Udet, the director of the air
arnament, and Hans Jeschonnek, the chief of
the air staff, who both committed suicide.  In the middle of January 1943, Milch was ordered
to save Paulus's Sixth Army, entrapped
before Stalingrad, by a strong reinforcement of
Luftwaffe fighters and bombers, dropping supplies.
Milch did his best but was inadequately sustained
by Goering and the other air marshals. As the
Russian forces were smashing in the door of the
German radio station at Stalingrad, the station
'signed over and out'. This final message brought
tears to Milch's eyes as he heard it over the
air. When Milch died twenty-nine years later, the
German press published the news in the terms he had
expressly requested: 'Erhard Milch, Field Marshal,
born 30 March 1892, died 25 January 1972, signs
over and out.' It was the last characteristic
gesture of the man who had been compelled to stand
by helpless and watch the deterioration and
eventual destruction of the air force which he
above all in the Third Reich had built up. Whatever damage his literary reputation may have
suffered as the result of the publication of
Destruction of Convoy PQ 17 and the
libel proceedings David Irving has handsomely
retrieved it by his latest work. In my judgement
The Rise
and Fall of the Luftwaffe ranks with
Albert Speer's memoirs Inside the Third
Reich as by far the most important book on
Hitler's Germany to have appeared. The first-hand information it contains is
vividly as well as painstakingly and methodically
presented by Mr Irving, with a useful wealth of
technical detail, and his achievement is a
magnificent contribution to the history of our
times. It has been a long while since I have read
anything based on such massive original documentary
and other research which has told me so much about
its subject. Undoubtedly, it places David Irving in
the front rank of contemporary historians.
I WISH I could say the same about Mr Basil
Collier and his latest study of air power, or
air operations, for that is what his book is realty
about.[2] Incidentally Mr
Collier's work contains only four brief references
to Milch, scarcely adequate, I should have thought,
in a work of this kind which must necessarily
devote some space to the history of the Luftwaffe.
And two of the references are inaccurate. Milch was
not chairman of Deutsche Lufthansa, but Managing
Director, or Chief Executive. Nor is it strictly
speaking correct to describe him as 'Secretary of
State for Air', which suggests that he was head of
the German Air Ministry. In fact, Goering headed
it. Milch was Staatssekretar or 'State Secretary',
if you like, ie. the top civil servant in the
department. But these are minor blemishes in a
competent survey. I must be fair to Mr Collier, who is a military
historian of note and indeed has worked in the
Cabinet office as one of the official historians of
the Second World War. The bibliography of his
latest book indicates that he has confined himself
entirely to works which have already been published
and he does not appear to have made any direct use
of original documentary and unpublished sources.
But subject to this limitation he has produced a
useful account in compact form of the story of air
power, or rather air operations, from the invention
of the kite by the Chinese 2,300 years ago to the
Israeli-Egyptian Six Day War and the American war
with the Communists in Vietnam. Mr Collier rightly points out that the Israelis
owed their superiority in the air not, as was
widely believed in Arab countries, to help given
them by foreign air forces, for in fact such help
was not forthcoming. They owed it to careful
preparation and planning the choice of targets, as
well as the skill and courage of well-trained
airmen. In the result the Israeli Air Force
destroyed nearly three hundred Egyptian aircraft on
the ground in three hours on 5 June 1967 similarly
wiping out the Jordanian Air Force. The Arabs
learned their lesson, so that the going was not
nearly so easy for the Israelis in the more recent
Yom Kippur War.
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the Luftwaffe |