
 Posted Saturday, July 3, 1999

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The Not So Independent

Monday, July 19, 1999


AR logoWebsite comment: The author is not stated but is once again clearly Robert Fisk, whose name has all but vanished from the pages of The Independent after his courageous reporting on the results of the Allied conflict in the Balkans. It is to be feared that if The Independent continues this kind of reporting it will end up being smared as "anti-Semitic".

KHANJAR SHAEB was studying at the Beirut Baptist School when he was seized by Israel's surrogate South Lebanon Army (SLA) militia in 1996. He is still in their notorious Khiam prison in southern Lebanon. Now 19, he [...].


WE regret that by letter dated Tuesday, December 12, 2000 a Ms. Louise Hayman, the head of legal services at The Independent newspaper, requested that this article be removed from this website. We have adjusted the masthead accordingly.

The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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