Association for Free Expression (CAFE):
Press Release,Wednesday, May 19, 1999
Should Back Collins' Appeal of B.C.'s Hate
Law "Hollinger must put the
free speech views of its many editorials
into action by backing B.C. journalist
Douglas Collins, who was in court
in Victoria, May 17, in the first round of
an appeal against his conviction earlier
this year under the province's so-called
'hate law'," says Paul
Director of the Canadian Association for
Free Expression. Fromm and other
shareholders will be urging Hollinger
management, at its annual meeting today,
to support and help fund the Collins;
appeal. For 15 years, World War II vet Collins
-- 11 escapes from German P.O.W. camps --
was a columnist for the North Shore
News, which is owned by Southam, now a
subsidiary of Hollinger. In 1996, Collins
was charged under the B.C. Human Rights
Act which makes publishing anything that
is likely to hold a member of a privileged
minority group up to hatred or contempt an
offence. Truth is no defence. Fines can be
unlimited. The complainant, even if rich,
gets legal aid. The victim, even if
acquitted, is not compensated. In February,
1998, Collins was cleared. However, his
defence had cost $203,000, over
$160,000 of it raised from his loyal
readers and free speech supporters
across the country. He was promptly charged again under
another complaint, this one filed by
Harry Abrams of Victoria. A column
cleared in the earlier complaint was part
of the second complaint -- a clear case of
double jeopardy. This February, Doug
Collins and the North Shore News
were found guilty and fined $2,000. In
addition, the paper had to print the
judgement -- an unprecedented intrusion
into press freedom. "This pernicious piece of social
engineering is a chill on freedom of the
press and freedom of expression in British
Columbia. As Canada's largest publisher of
daily newspapers, Hollinger must take a
stand," says free speech advocate Paul
Fromm. "I'm urging that the company
subscribe generously to fund the appeal --
actually an application for judicial
review in the Supreme Court of British
Columbia. Collins is seeking to have this
part of the B.C. Human Rights Law declared
unconstitutional. "Other courts have found
that provinces have no right to restrict
freedom of speech. "Finally, I'll be urging Hollinger to
seek intervenor status in this appeal. The
presence of Canada's largest publisher
would send a powerful message to the
courts that Canadians are no longer
prepared to suffer censorship by special
interest groups that use unelected human
rights bureaucrats as their enforcers,"
Fromm added. |