Posted Monday,
January 11, 1999
January 10, 1999 | Poland
blames Jews for the crimes of Communism
From Adam LeBor in Warsaw The
frontlines are being drawn in
eastern Europe's latest conflict.
This is a battle not over territory
or borders, but for control of
something more intangible and, for
the continent's political health,
more important: memory and
historical justice. THIS YEAR marks 10
years since the collapse of the Berlin
Wall, which triggered the end of the
Soviet bloc and, ultimately, the Soviet
Union itself. A decade after those
first slabs of masonry came crashing
down, the noise reverberates still
across the lands where the Red Star of
Russia once ruled unchallenged. For
nations, like people, suffer from the
traumas that twist and shape their
psyche: traumas of war and occupation,
resistance and collaboration with
dictatorships, Nazi or Soviet.
It is perhaps difficult for citizens
of Britain, a country that has not been
occupied for centuries, to imagine the
mental scars left by Nazi and Soviet
occupation and the choices of
collaboration and compromise demanded
by a reign of terror. Now officials are
grappling with the question of how to
bring to account those Communist
officials who organised systematic
human rights abuses including
judicially-sanctioned torture and
murder. Polish officials are now
seeking the extradition of two alleged
Communist-era criminals: Helena
Brus, a former military prosecutor,
now living in Oxford, and Salomon
Morel, one-time commander of a
Soviet detention camp, now living in
Tel Aviv. "This is payback time for the
Stalinist period. The same excuses were
given by Nazi war criminals. They said
they were innocent because they were
just following orders," said
Zbigniew Wolak, veteran in the
Polish Home Army, many of whose
comrades were killed or imprisoned on
their return to post-war Communist
Poland by the Soviets and their local
supporters. "You cannot punish the
hundreds of thousands of people who
were involved, but you can bring to
justice those who were prominent. This
is a battle for the memory of future
generations. Either they will know the
truth or it will be hidden." But who to bring to justice, when
the very nature of a totalitarian
regime means that almost every citizen
was, by their complicity in its
demands, implicated to a greater or
lesser degree, in its continuance?
Perfectly preserved for decades in the
vaults of national memory, these events
are now rising to the surface of the
consciousness of nations such as
Poland, triggering a spate of attempts
by legal officials to win what they
believe is belated justice, but what
others call veng-eance - a vengeance
forged on the anvil of ancient
prejudices. The attempt by Polish authorities to
force the extradition of Helena Brus, a
former Stalinist-era military
prosecutor in 1950s Warsaw, from
Britain, has highlighted an issue that
is set to haunt the new democracies of
post-Communist eastern Europe for years
to come. Last week, Poland's Supreme
Court quashed an arrest warrant for Mrs
Brus, formerly Wolinska. Now married to an Oxford don,
Wlodzimierz Brus, fellow of
Wolfson College, Mrs Brus was accused
of issuing an illegal arrest warrant
for General August Emil
Fieldorf, a leader of the Polish
Home Army, who was hanged in 1953. Her
case is likely to go to appeal. Salomon
Morel is wanted by the prosecutor in
the southern Polish city of Katowice,
charged with crimes against humanity
while he was commander of
Swietochlowice camp. More than 3,000
prisoners, mainly Germans, were held at
the camp during 1945; more than half
died or were murdered, according to the
Polish news agency. | "THE
SAD truth is that our
secret services in the 1950s
were dominated by Jews. They
were disposed to Communism,
perhaps it is genetic. All the
people connected with the
arrest and prosecution of my
father were Jewish, and most
of them went to Israel.
"Nobody says sorry to us, but
nowadays we have to say sorry
to Jews all the time. Our
government apologised for the
Jews killed by the Germans:
now Israel should apologise to
Israel has refused his
extradition, saying that the crimes
with which he is charged are not seen
there as genocide, and so are subject
to statutes of limitations. Dorota
Boriczek, now 68 and living in
Ludwigsberg, Germany, was taken to
Swietochlowice when she was 14, with
her mother. Morel was a cruel and
barbaric man, she said. "He was young
and very brutal. He came in at night,
we could hear the cries of the men as
they were beaten, then they threw the
bodies out."TWO STRAIGHTFORWARD cases, then, of
two aged, alleged criminals, with blood
on their hands, either directly or
indirectly, finally being called to
account. Except that these cases are
anything but straightforward. Both Mr
Brus and Mr Morel are Jewish, Holocaust
survivors who lost many in their
families to the Nazis. However bloody
their hands seem, they were two small
cogs in a machine, run by hundreds of
thousands of Stalin's willing
functionaries. Many of those officials
now live peacefully in Russia, Ukraine
and Belarus. During 1997 and 1998,
Poland did not make a single
extradition request from these
countries for former Communist
officials, according to the Polish
Ministry of Justice. "The evidence against Salomon Morel
is very damaging, but why, of all the
commanders of the dozens of camps run
by the Soviets, pick on him?" asked
Konstanty Gebert, editor of the
Warsaw-based Jewish magazine
Midrasz. "There are no
extradition requests to other countries
where former NKVD officers must be
living. "The Morel case is very
worrying, because when the Poles made
the extradition request they must have
known that Israel had no legal basis on
which to accept it. So either the
experts at the Ministry of Justice are
incompetent, or this was done to make
Israel look bad." For Maria Fieldorf-Czarska,
who is daughter of the hanged General
Fieldorf and is pressing for Mrs Brus's
extradition, Poland has said sorry to
Jews too many times. Now it is their
turn to apologise to Poland, she
claims. Mrs Fieldorf-Czarska, now 73
and living in Gdansk is blunt with her
opinions. "The sad truth is that our secret
services in the 1950s were dominated by
Jews. They were disposed to Communism,
perhaps it is genetic. All the people
connected with the arrest and
prosecution of my father were Jewish,
and most of them went to Israel.
"Nobody says sorry to us, but nowadays
we have to say sorry to Jews all the
time. Our government apologised for the
Jews killed by the Germans: now Israel
should apologise to
- previous
stories on Morel: Israel
refuses to extradite to Poland
Morel, accused of atrocities:
|  - previous
stories on Brus: The past
catches up with Oxford academic's
| The
above news item is reproduced without editing other
than typographical | Register
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