FLOWERS, who has died aged 92, built
Colossus, the world's first programmable
electronic computer, to help to crack Nazi
Germany's most sophisticated
cyphers. The
success of the Government Code and Cypher
School at Bletchley Park in breaking the
Enigma code is well known. Flowers was
involved in a perhaps even more remarkable
achievement -- the breaking of the
encyphered teleprinter communications used
by Hitler to talk to his
generals. These
encyphered transmissions, known at
Bletchley as Fish, were even more
difficult to break, and the codebreakers
attempted to use a basic computing machine
known as Heath Robinson to assist in the
process. Heath Robinson was a mechanical
computer based on the ideas of Alan
Turing the brilliant Cambridge
mathematician who played a crucial role in
the breaking of Enigma. But
it had a series of teething problems and,
in early 1943, Turing, who was aware of
Flowers's work with telephone systems for
the Post Office, at Dollis Hill, suggested
that he be called in. Flowers
swiftly realised that the problems with
Heath Robinson could never he solved, and
he made the radical proposal that the
mechanical switching units, which made up
the bulk of the computer, should be
replaced by valves. Flowers
recalled later that his suggestion was met
with disbelief on the part of the
codebreakers who were convinced that
valves were unreliable and would keep
breaking down. Flowers, though, knew from
his earlier work with the Post Office that
if they were never moved or switched off
valves would run and run. He
succeeded in persuading the codebreakers
that valves would work, but then ran into
a second problem. They asked him how long
it would take to produce his machine. When
he told them it could be done in a year,
they replied that this was no good, since
by then Hitler would have won. The
codebreakers decided that they would have
to continue with Heath Robinson despite
its drawbacks. But Flowers was by now so
convinced that his valvebuilt machine
would work that he decided to build it
anyway. He and his team at Dollis Hill
constructed the first prototype in 10
months, working around the clock.
Colossus, as it was to become known, was
demonstrated at Bletchley Park on December
8 1943. The
computer, designed to run through the many
millions of possible settings for the code
wheels on the German encyphered
teleprinter system, was capable of
processing 5,000 characters a second. But
it was its accuracy in comparison with
Heath Robinson that astounded the
codebreakers. They
set out to test it by setting up a problem
to which they already knew the answer.
Each run took about half an hour, and they
let Colossus run for four hours. It solved
the problem eight times, on each occasion
coming up with exactly the same
answer. |
2. It
was at once clear that Flowers's machine
would be of inestimable assistance in
helping the codebreakers to read
communications between Berlin and all the
German fronts. Perhaps more importantly,
it was the first practical application of
a large-scale programme-controlled
computer, and as such the forerunner of
post-war digital computers.
Harold Flowers was born in London on
December 22 1905. After a four-year
apprenticeship in mechanical engineering
at the Woolwich Arsenal, he put himself
through night school and earned a degree
in engineering from London
University. By
day, he worked at the GPO's research
station at Dollis Hill. It was here that
he began experiments with early electronic
systems that would form the basis not only
for Colossus. but also for advanced
long-distance telephone systems that
developed into modern direct
dialling. Following
the success of Colossus Mark I. the
Bletchley Park codebreakers asked Flowers
to build an even bigger version, with
2,500 valves rather than the 1,500
employed in the prototype. Flowers
recalled that they told him the new
Colossus had to be ready by June 1944 or
it would not be of any use. Although the
reasons for the deadline were never
disclosed, he immediately realised its
significance and Colossus Mark II was in
place at Bletchley Park on June 1, five
days before D-Day. Colossus
was constantly updated: by the end of the
war there were 10 in operation, manned 24
hours a day by Wrens working to the
programmes laid down by the
codebreakers. At
the end of the war, all but two of the
Colossi[*] were destroyed. Flowers
was ordered to destroy all evidence that
they had ever existed. The two surviving
machines were taken first to Eastcote,
west London, the first home of the new
Government Communications Headquarters,
and then to its present base at
Cheltenham, where a Colossus was still
operational in the early 1960s. Flowers,
who returned to the Post Office to
continue his work on electronic telephone
systems, received a £1,000 award for
his war work, barely sufficient to pay off
the debts that he had run up while
developing Colossus. He was also appointed
MBE. But his role in the breaking of the
Nazi codes and the development of the
modern computer remained a secret, even to
his family, for many years. Flowers
received an honorary doctorate from
Newcastle University in 1977, and another
from Dc Montfort University in
Leicester. Tommy
Flowers is survived by his wife, Eileen,
and their two sons.  ©
1998 The Daily Telegraph
Although The Daily Telegraph uses the
plural Colossi, we think the word
Colossus is 4th Declension: plural
Colossus (long u). This Website
would be glad to hear from Latin
experts. |