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Posted Friday, October 23, 1998

Traditional Enemies of Free Speech Schedule Big Ottawa Conference-Junket for November

Building History: Ottawa, November 8-14, 1998

Building History: Legal Memory and Contemporary Judgements

November 8-14, 1998 Ottawa

Ethnic cleansing, hate literature, genocide, killing fields, and xenophobic nationalism are contemporary terms evoking echoes of the past. As the experiences of today elicit haunting images of previous atrocities, there is an urgent need to educate the public about what prejudice can and did lead to during the Shoah.

The Kleinmann Family Foundation, and the Institute for International Affairs of B'nai Brith Canada in cooperation with the Holocaust Literature Research Institute of the University of Western Ontario, McGill University, and the Association of Holocaust Organizations, are organizing the third conference, Building History: Legal Memory, Contemporary Judgements in this prestigious series.

The pilot conference, Building History: Holocaust In Education took place in Vienna, March 9-16, 1997. The second conference, Building History: Art, Memory, and Myth took place in Munich, November 9-14, 1997. Participants included academics, artists, educators, representatives of education ministries, and Holocaust organizations from Austria, Canada, Czech, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Slovakia, Switzerland, and the United States.

These conferences resulted in two publications by The University of Western Ontario (London) and McGill University European Studies (Lang: New York). A resource centre in Vienna for dissemination of Shoah resource materials to eastern European countries subsequent to the conference was established.

Building History: Legal Memory and Contemporary Judgements will focus on the the integration of the Shoah within North American culture and conscience. The challenges is in the representation and transmission of the events, dissociated by time and space. A two day component of this conference will be devoted to war crimes and human rights law with the goals of identifying the obstacles that have hindered Nazi war crimes investigations and domestic prosecutions and developing effective measures to prevent those obstacles from impeding future Nazi and modern day war crimes trials. War crimes investigators and prosecutors, legal scholars, government officials and educators will examine and assess the reasons for the failure of the international community to deal effectively with Nazi war criminals. Learning from the mistakes that have resulted in impunity for the perpetrators of the Shoah will inform us in cases of contemporary mass human rights violations.

Suggested Workshops and Panels

Web Memory Site Borrowed Memory North American Memorials Art and Memory Art or Memory America's Appropriation of the Shoah Legal and Political Memory Canada and War Criminals Post-Nuremberg Legal Responses to the Shoah Cases in Applied Human Rights International Cooperation Possibilities and Limitations The Future of War Crimes Prosecutions Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals Why Continue

Exhibit of survivors' art: Memory Vectors

Distinguished participants include Irving Abella, Vicki Bennett, Melvin Charney, Robert Gellately, Phyllis Lambert, David Matas, and Sybil Milton.

For further information and registration contact:

Naomi Kramer Tel (514) 735-3636 Fax (514) 735-6363 E-mail [email protected]

The conference will take place in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Affairs and the proceedings will be published by McGill European Studies (Lang: New York).

Opening reception Sunday November 8, 5:50 P.M., National Art Gallery of Canada.

Don't miss the Second International Symposium on Hate on the InterNet, says Ken McVay, one of the haters: Toronto, March 21-23, 1999. Info: [email protected]


Building History: Legal Memory and Contemporary Judgements

November 8-13, 1998, Ottawa, Canada National Art Gallery of Canada Reception Sponsored by the Embassy of Switzerland

Sunday, November 8th, 5:30-7:00 PM

Opening Remarks, Dr. Irving Abella Lawrence Hart, President, B'nai Brith Canada Institute for International Affairs

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Conference Rooms

Monday, November 9th, 1998 , 9:00-10:00 AM

Greetings Peter Kleinmann, President, Kleinmann Family Foundation Jonathan Wener, Board Member, Kleinmann Family Foundation Dr. William Shulman, President, Association of Holocaust Organizations

Memorials: Distanced Memory Panel, 10:00 AM-12:00

Chair: Phyllis Lambert, Canadian Centre of Architecture Dr. Vicki Bennett, Editor-in-Chief University of Ottawa Press, Memory as Sacred Space Dr. Jonathan Huener, University of Vermont, Auschwitz: Killing Centre to Museum

12:00-1:00 PM, Lunch

Integrating Events Occurring in Foreign Lands into Canadian Public Conscience Lecture, 1:00-2:00 PM Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada

Memory Vectors 2:15-3:15 PM

Dr. Alain Goldschlager, University of Western Ontario, Memoirs: The Memory of History

Appropriate Memorials? Panel, 3:00-5:00 PM

Dr. Trudis Goldsmith-Reber, McGill University, Ghettos in Death: Images of Jewish Life Naomi Kramer, Appropriating the Shoah

Anna Rosmus, Scholar, Associate Researcher USHMM, European Response to North American Memorials

Kristallnacht Commemoration 7:30 PM Jewish Community Centre 1780 Kerr Ave

Remarks: Ambassador David Sultan

Tuesday, November 10th, 1998, 9:00-10:15 AM

Web: Memory site Panel and Site Visits

Dina Kitouki, LLB, Carleton University,

Old Hate and New Technology: Pedagogical Guidelines

Richard Hitchens, Auschwitz: Virtual Visits

Legacy of Absence: Art of Genocide Lecture, 11:00 AM-12:00 Clifford Channin, Rockefeller Foundation

12:00-1:30 PM, Lunch

International Perspectives: Teaching the Shoah Panel, 1:30-3:00 PM

Chair, Dr. Peter Daly, McGill University Rositta Kenigsberg, United States Holocaust Memorial Council, Florida International University

Regina Wyroll, Goethe Institute, Munich, Germany

Representative from Canadian Department of Multiculturalism Dr. Karen Mock, B'nai Brith, League for Human Rights

Israel Lecture, 3:15-4:15 PM

Dr. Shlomo Aronson, The Integration and Politicization of Shoah Memory in Public Conscience, Hebrew University

Public Art: The Limits of Representation Site visits, 4:30-5:30 PM Canadian Tribute to Human Rights Monument, Canadian War Museum and the Museum of Civilization

Wednesday, November 11th, 1998, 9:00- 10:30 AM

Voices of Memory: Reflections for the Future

Chair, Lee Macdonald, Chief Archivist, National Archives of Canada Peter Kleinmann Dr. David Elkin, Canadian POW Dr. Hans Müller, Danish Rescuer

Remembrance Service Canadian War Monument, 11:00-11:30 AM 11:30 AM-1:00 PM, Lunch

An Ambivalent Legacy: Memorializing the Holocaust outside Europe Lecture 1:00-2:00 PM

Dr. Sybil Milton, Scholar

Fact Finding in War Crimes Cases Panel 2:30-4:30

Chair: Lisa Armony, National Director, Institute for Int'l Affairs B'nai Brith Dr. Ruth Bettina Birn, Chief Historian, War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity Section(Canada) Howard Margolian, Former Lead Investigator, War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity Section (Canada) Sol Littman, Canadian Representative, Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre

Concert 7:30 PM Museum of Civilization

Lost Generation Susan Hoepner and Cordula Hacke

Reception following hosted by the Embassy of Germany

Thursday, November 12th, 1998 , 9:00-10:15 AM

Legal Memory and Contemporary Judgements Panel

Chair, Dr. Alti Rodal Dr. Irving Abella, York University Dr. Irwin Cotler, McGill University Eli Rosenbaum, Director, Office of Special Investigations

War Crimes Cases: Educational and Historical Tools Panel 10:15-11:15 AM

Chair, Professor Stephen Scheinberg, Concordia University Jon Siverman BBC Myrian Eser Daviolo, Switzerland Dr. Frank Chalk, Concordia University

War Crimes Prosecution in Source Countries Lecture, 11:30 AM-12:30

Dr. Henry Friedlander, Brooklyn College City University New York The Trials of the Nazi Euthanasia Killers Lunch 12:00-1:00 PM

Challenges of Canadian Prosecution of War Criminal Lecture, 1:00-2:30 PM

Mr. Justice Jules Deschênes, Commissioner, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, Former Judge, International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia

War Criminal Prosecutions Panel, 2:45-4:00 PM

Chair, Richard Bogroch, National Co-Chair, Inst for Int'l Affairs Chris Amerisinghe, Prosecutor War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Section Graham Blewitt, Deputy Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Peter Kremer, Former Director War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Section

Friday, November 13th, 1998, 9:00-10:45 AM

Civil Remedies for War Crimes

Marvin Kurz, National Co-Chair League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada Shawn Roberts, Legal Director Centre for Justice and Accountability Dr. Harris Schoenberg, B'nai Brith International

The Future Panel, 11:00-12:15 AM Chair: Rubin Friedman Dir. Gov't Relations, Canada, B'nai Brith Graham Blewitt, Deputy Prosecutor, ICTY Philippe Kirsch, Senior Legal Advisor, DFAIT David Matas, Honourary Senior Legal Counsel, B'nai Brith Canada Jelena Pajic, Lawyers' Commission for Human Rights

Roundtable 12:15-1:00

Our opinion
SOUNDS like a really interesting time, and the food won't be bad either. We hope as many of our scholars as possible will attend.

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