Tuesday, July 14, 2009
extraordinary Nazi - Zionist cooperative effort
in 1933 - a medal retrieves it from the Memory
We asked who could
identify this remarkable two-faced medallion,
and received a score of

Mark Weber of the IHR
THAT "Nazi-Zionist" medallion was issued by the
Berlin daily Der Angriff to commemorate a
joint visit to Zionist Palestine by SS officer
Leopold von Mildenstein and Zionist
Federation official Kurt Tuchler. A
series of articles on their tour, appearing
under the heading "A Nazi Travels to Palestine,"
appeared in Der Angriff in late 1934.
For more on this, see my article, "Zionism
and the Third Reich," posted at
I HAVE one of these tokens. It was a struck for
Goebbels' Der Angriff newspaper and
translates as "A (Nazi) travels to Palestine".
It served to commemorate the occasion a Zionist
supporter/sympathiser, (and assured
collaborator), SS member Baron Leopold Von
Mildenstein, together with his wife and
Kurt Tuchler of The Zionist Federation of
Germany, spent six months travelling
At this time many German Zionists, like
Tuchler, were Nazi supporters and emphatically
indulged themselves in what they saw as the
integrity and goodwill of NSDAP policy toward
Jewish resettlement: it also furthered their
political objectives. Mildenstein's favourable
report was therefore sought equally by German
Zionists and Nazi's in their collective efforts
at proselytising the peopling of Palestine with
Jewish Semites. The Journals of this visit were
subsequently serialised in Der Angriff in the
mid 30's. I believe Von Mildenstein also
championed the promotion of Eichmann within the
Resettlement Dept.
The twisted genius of Goebbels can never be
THE Medallion was struck by the Third Reich to
honor the co-operation and support given by the
Zionist Jewish Agency in helping to make Germany
"Judenfrei". The SS concluded written Agreements
with the Zionist organization to ensure that
Jews in Germany or under their control were
forced to emigrate, selling their assets, the
proceeds of which were placed in German bank
accounts which would be available to the Jewish
Agency for the purchase of goods and services
from Germany IF the deportee agreed to settle in
The new immigrant to the Jewish controlled
area of Palestine, and his family would be given
jobs, typically on a Kibbutz, and become a farm
laborer - with his tractor and farm equipment
purchased from Germany (but owned by the Jewish
Agency). It was a difficult choice for the Jew
who hated farming and the nasty climate in
Palestine - but if it meant his and his family's
life, he often took it.
Accordingly, the Zionists encouraged the Nazi
regime to make life as frighteningly miserable
as possible for Jews under their control. The
choice was Concentration Camp or Palestine
(Israel). Many thousands chose Palestine.
Germany rid itself of Jews and improved it's
economy and Jewish Palestine ( then a Communist
entity) received the colonists it desperately
needed to outnumber the indigenous peoples whose
land it was. Much literature exists documenting
this arrangement including a book entitled "The
Transfer Agreement ". In other words, Zionists
strongly supported the harshest treatment of
European Jews by Hitler. The Nazi regime created
this Medal in honor of their collaboration in
ridding Europe of Jews, while preserving their
ACCORDING to the above article,the medal
commemorated Baron von Mildenstein's visit to
THIS was a medal struck in honor in honor of
Baron von Mildenstein's report on Palestine,
which ran in Der Angriff from Sept 26 to
October 9, 1934.See Zionism in the Age of the
Dictators, by Lenni Brenner.
PS -- I have been hoping to eventually find a
copy or scan of this report, though I have no
idea where one finds back issue of Der
David F.
YOU'VE probably received hundreds of replies
about the medallion, but here is my
Thus, in early 1933, Baron Leopold Itz Edler
von Mildenstein, a man who a few years later
was to become chief of the Jewish section of
the SD (the Sicherheitsdienst, or security
service, the SS intelligence branch headed by
Reinhard Heydrich), was invited along with
his wife to tour Palestine and to write a
series of articles for Goebbels's Der
Angriff. And so it was that the Mildensteins,
accompanied by Kurt Tuchler, a leading member
of the Berlin Zionist Organisation, and his
wife, visited Jewish settlements in Eretz
Israel. The highly positive articles,
entitled "A Nazi Visits Palestine," were duly
published, and, to mark the occasion, a
special medallion cast, with a swastika on
one side and a Star of David on the
FRIDAY, MAY 04, 2007
A coin with
two sides
AT the end of 1979 a row broke out in Britain
over the fairly innocent and respectable
magazine History Today, which links
professional historians who write most of its
copy to teachers, students, and the interested
general reader. There were complaints to the
publishers, letters to newspapers, even attempts
to remove the magazine from some newsagents'
Such publicity must have been a bit of a
shock to the magazine's editors and writers,
though it can't have harmed circulation figures,
I imagine. I even invested 60p in a copy of the
January 1980 issue myself. (Nowadays I think the
magazine costs over £3.00).
What caused the furore was an article
entitled "A Nazi travels to Palestine", by
Jacob Boas. Or rather, it was the
publicity for the article, because people
started kicking up a fuss before they could even
have read what Boas had to say in it.
Boas's article described how Baron Leopold
Itz von Mildenstein, a member of the Nazi
party and of Hitler's SS, set out in the Spring
of 1933, accompanied by his wife and Kurt
Tuchler, an official of the Zionist
Federation of Germany, also with his wife, on a
journey to Palestine.
Hitler had just become Chancellor, and begun
his anti-Jewish policies. Julius Streicher
wanted to drive the Jews out of Germany. But the
Nazis were not clear about how they intended to
set about this without disrupting the already
Depression-beset German economy, and nor did
they know what the effects might be on Germany's
relations with the rest of the world.
The Zionists, for their part, were enjoying
an upsurge of support among German Jews after
Hitler took office in January 1933. Most had
seen little point before in leaving a country
where they were well-established to take their
chances in poor and troubled Palestine. They saw
themselves as good Germans whose future, like so
much of their past, was in the Fatherland. But
now Hitler was telling them otherwise.
The Juedische Rundschaue, fortnightly paper
of the Zionist Federation, saw its circulation
climb from less than 10,000 to almost 38,500 by
the end of 1933. It declared that only those
whose commitment to the Jewish people was beyond
reproach could defend Jewish rights. It also
said that only the Zionists were capable of
approaching the Nazis in good faith as "honest
The Zionists proposed that the status of
German Jews be regulated on a group basis, and
asked for government help towards emigration.
Von Mildenstein, approached to write something
favourable about Zionism and its project in
Palestine, agreed on condition that he could
make a visit, accompanied by Kurt Tuchler. He
was favourably impressed, and saw advantages for
Germany, as well as for the SS as proposers of a
A series of article entitled "Ein Nazi faehrt
nach Palestina" began in September 1934 in Der
Angriff , Goebbels' newspaper. It ran for twelve
parts. Von Mildenstein saw in the Jewish
settlement on the land a form of rebirth fitting
Nazi notions about blood and soil, as well as a
way of ridding Germany of Jews. But life was
difficult in Palestine, and problems were
looming, in Palestinian Arab resistance to
Zionist colonisation and British rule.
Though the SS gave privileges to Zionists
over other Jewish groups, assisting their youth
movements, and giving them the right to wear
uniform and fly the blue and white flag, Von
Mildenstein's own star faded amid rivalries and
policy failures, while a man he had brought into
the Jewish department came to the fore, one
Adolf Eichmann.
Himself a survivor, born in Westerbork
concentration camp, Boas is a noted Holocaust
historian and educator, who did not go out of
his way to sensationalise this episode or
demonise those taking part. He did not go on to
consider later responsibilities, the role of the
Evian conference, or Jewish Agency agreements,
or whether more Jews could have been rescued if
they could have gone elsewhere. His part of the
story ends there, in 1936.
But while Von Mildenstein was influencing
policy, Der Angriff had a medal struck to
commemorate his voyage to Palestine, a medal
with the Nazi swastka on one side and the Star
of David on the other. History Today used this
motif in publicity for its January 1980 issue
with Jacob Boas article.
This brought howls of outrage from Zionist
student spokespersons and others convinced it
was their duty to protect Zionism from any
suggestion that its leaders ever collaborated
with Nazis, and to denounce History Today's
supposed motives as well as an article they had
not yet read. For some this subject remains
taboo, even when broached by an objective and
even fairly sympathetic historian, as Boas
When Lenni Brenner, author of Zionism in the
Age of the Dictators, came to
speak in Britain a few years after this row,
all hell broke out, as I can testify, having
been on the receiving end of a few punches when
I tried to stop some Zionist yobbos breaking up
a meeting and throwing furniture around. Whether
or not one likes Brenner, or agrees with his
approach, his opponents were unable to debate
the facts in his books, and had to persuade
themselves they were tackling something
Now I am grateful to Lenni Brenner for
sending a picture of a solid reminder of the
past. He writes that John Sigler, an
anti-Zionist Jew, has found one of Goebbels'
medals, struck to commemorate Von Mildenstein's
" John bought his medal from a respected coin
dealer. It's about 1.5" in diameter and was
originally in bronze. It is thicker than a coin.
The photo is of a silvered bronze. (Silvered
medals are common.).
"The Star of David side inscription reads:
Nazi Travels to Palestine. The Swastika side
inscription is UND ERZÄHLT DAVON IM Angriff
-- And tells about it in the Angriff".
Nazis and Zionists were not evenly matched in
the nightmare of the 1930s and nor were their
motives equally evil. But today's Holocaust
revisionism and denial, whether from neo-Nazis
or their dupes, has as the other side of its
coin, or medal, the way the Zionist propaganda
machine has sought to monopolise and distort
this piece of history for its own ends, leaving
out and denying whatever does not fit its myth.
History must be rescued from both sets of
posted by Charlie Pottins at 7:40 AM
William C. Carlotti,
Vermont wrote:
IN OCTOBER of 2002 I wrote an article for
The Voice News entitled "Palestine,
Immigration and Ha'avara" dealt with the subject
of Zionist collaboration with the Nazi SS and
with United States. The article extracted
considerable information from sites on the web
without appropriate attribution that might have
been necessary for a scholarly journal but which
I considered necessary for the limitations of
space placed on such newspaper
I always wondered where it would be possible
to obtain a photo of the medal and a copy of the
twelve favorable articles written by the Nazi
that visited Palestine.
Here is a copy of my article.
Immigration and Ha'avara
By William C. Carlotti, Vermont
Peyser maintains that one of the benefits of
supporting Israel comes from the fact that
"the bulk of the $3 billion (a year) in
military aid (to Israel) is spent right here
in the U.S." in support of the "American
defense industry," which, according to Mr.
Peyser, is a "vital part of our economy."
[Supporting Israel Is in America's
Best Interest, June 21] Actually, the
aid requirement is that it be spent with the
American manufacturers of armaments, bombs,
bullets, guns, weapons, planes, and other
killing devices (including the design and
development of the special tanks that are
notorious for their intrusions into Palestine
(mostly German) Jews made a similar
arrangement with Hitler's Nazi German
government some seven months or so after
Hitler came to power in 1933. The arrangement
became known as Ha'avara (the Transfer
Agreement). Nazi Germany and the Jewish
Agency concluded the transfer negotiations,
allowing Jews emigrating from Germany to
Palestine to deposit their assets in Germany
and receive Palestine pounds upon their
arrival in Palestine. The Zionist Federation
of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank, and the
German economic authorities signed the
Agreement on August 25, 1933, permitting the
transfer of Jewish capital from Germany to
Palestine by immigrants or
this unusual arrangement, those Jews bound
for Palestine deposited money in a special
account in Germany. The money was used to
purchase German-made agricultural tools,
building materials, pumps, fertilizer, motor
transport, and other goods of all kinds and
descriptions, which were exported to
Palestine and sold there by the Jewish-owned
Ha'avara company in Tel-Aviv. Money from the
sales was given to the emigrants upon their
arrival in Palestine in an amount
corresponding to their deposits in German
goods poured into Palestine through the
Ha'avara, which was supplemented a short time
later with a barter agreement by which
Palestine's oranges and agricultural products
were exchanged for German timber,
automobiles, agricultural machinery, and
other goods. The Agreement enabled German
Jews to meet the requirements of the British
certificate of immigration and served the
Zionist aim of bringing Jewish settlers and
development capital to Palestine, while it
simultaneously served the German economy with
an increase in the production and export of
German goods to offset its economic
depression. For a time, the Ha'avara
Agreement helped the Nazis in undermining the
anti-Nazi boycott initiated by the American
Jewish Congress only weeks before the
agreement was signed.
negotiations for the agreement were initiated
six months after Hitler came to power by the
Zionist Federation of Germany (by far the
largest Zionist group in the country), which
submitted a detailed memorandum to the new
government. The memorandum reviewed
German-Jewish relations and formally offered
Zionist support in "solving" the vexing
"Jewish question." The first step, it
suggested, had to be a frank recognition of
fundamental national differences:
believes that the rebirth of the national
life of a people, which is now occurring in
Germany through the emphasis on its Christian
and national character, must also come about
in the Jewish national group. For the Jewish
people, too, national origin, religion,
common destiny and a sense of its uniqueness
must be of decisive importance in the shaping
of its existence
because we, too, are
against mixed marriage and are for
maintaining the purity of the Jewish group
and reject any trespasses in the cultural
domain, we&emdash;having been brought up in
the German language and German
culture&emdash;can show an interest in the
works and values of German culture with
admiration and internal sympathy
a result, the Hitler government vigorously
supported Zionism's proposal for Jewish
emigration to Palestine from 1933 until
1940-41. So thorough was the collaboration
that the SS became particularly enthusiastic
in its support for Zionism's transfer
agreement. SS officer Leopold von Mildenstein
and Zionist Federation official Kurt Tuchler
and their wives toured Palestine together for
six months to assess Zionist development
there. Based on his firsthand observations,
von Mildenstein wrote a series of twelve
illustrated articles for the important Berlin
daily Der Angriff that appeared in late 1934
under the heading "A Nazi Travels to
Palestine," praising the success of the
transfer agreement. The publishers of Der
Angriff issued a special medal, with a
swastika on one side and a Star of David on
the other, to commemorate the joint
SS-Zionist visit. A few months after the
articles appeared, von Mildenstein was
promoted to head the Jewish affairs
department of the SS security service in
order to support Zionist migration and
development more effectively.
1933 and 1941, some 60,000 of Germany's
wealthiest, best-educated Jews (or about 10%
of Germany's 1933 Jewish population)
emigrated to Palestine through the Ha'avara
and other German-Zionist arrangements. (These
German Jews made up about 15% of Palestine's
1939 Jewish population.) The total amount
transferred from Germany to Palestine through
the Ha'avara between August 1933 and the end
of 1939 was 8.1 million pounds or 139.57
million German marks (then equivalent to more
than $40 million, but the equivalent of $516
million in 2002 dollars). This amount
included 33.9 million German marks ($13.8
million) provided by the Reichsbank in
connection with the Agreement. Several major
industrial enterprises were built with the
capital from Germany, including the Mekoroth
waterworks and the Lodzia textile firm. The
influx of Ha'avara goods and capital produced
an economic explosion in Jewish
learned from its collaboration with Hitler's
Germany, Israel's ruling elite&emdash;now
interned in the Likud Party&emdash;have made
the same deal with the United States to the
tune of $90 billion of military aid since
1948, which has been spent in the United
States to bolster the military-industrial
complex. The continuing colonial expansion of
Israel, turned into the United States "Fort
Apache" of the Middle East, is recorded in
the deaths and sufferings of the Jewish and
Palestine peoples.
same for your french readers
PLEASE see a website: The Marxisim
Message-Nazi-Zionist Cooperation. (I dont
have the direct address,but it comes up on MSN.)
It has a long explanation. A German Baron; SS
member von Mildenstein visited Palestine on the
urging of Zionsts, then wrote a positive, 12
part series in Der Angriff for Dr.
Goebbels!The medal was apparently struck on
Goebbels' orders in anticapation (according to
the article) of further cooperation with the
Zionist Council in Germany. I hope this is
helpful. Many kind regards to you,and my
personal hero, Mr.Irving
Sincerely, David Stolz
There is plenty on the medal if you google:
Ein Nazi fahrt nach Palestina
Among the articles:
1934 the SS had become the most pro-Zionist
element in the Nazi Party. Other Nazis were
even calling them "soft" on the Jews. Baron
von Mildenstein had returned from his
six-month visit to Palestine as an ardent
Zionist sympathiser. Now as the head of the
Jewish Department of the SS's Security
Service, he started studying Hebrew and
collecting Hebrew records; when his former
companion and guide, Kurt Tuchler, visited
his office in 1934, he was greeted by the
strains of familiar Jewish folk tunes. There
were maps on the walls showing the rapidly
increasing strength of Zionism inside
Germany. Von Mildenstein was as good as his
word: he not only wrote favourably about what
he saw in the Zionist colonies in Palestine;
he also persuaded Goebbels to run the report
as a massive twelve-part series in his own
Der Angriff (The Assault), the leading Nazi
propaganda organ (26 September to 9 October
1934). His stay among the Zionists had shown
the SS man "the way to curing a
centuries-long wound on the body of the
world: the Jewish question". It was really
amazing how some good Jewish boden under his
feet could enliven the Jew: "The soil has
reformed him and his kind in a decade. This
new Jew will be a new people." To commemorate
the Baron's expedition, Goebbels had a medal
struck: on one side the swastika, on the
other the Zionist star. [19]
19. Jacob Boas, A Nazi
Travels to Palestine, History Today
(London, January 1980), p.38.Addendum to last email:
Specifically, see page 78 of Zionism in
the Age of the Dictators by Brenner. The
entire work is readily available online.
PPS - Mr. Brenner is one of the last true
Communists, and not at all friendly to "right
wing" revisionists (He expressed a desire to
burn down the IHR building when contacted about
stocking his books). He was clearly disgusted by
the fascist collaboration of the Zionists
though, and detailed it in both the above work
and 51 Documents. Both are well worth reading,
and carefully footnoted.
David F.