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Posted Thursday, November 20, 2008

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

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Icelandic Bank Rip-Off: Behind the Scenes

EARLY IN September 2008, four weeks before the country went bankrupt, the President of Iceland, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, made a "private visit" to Israel, accompanied by his well-connected Israeli wife, Dorrit Moussaieff.

Well-connected, you say? Well, her family own a big chunk of the 'Bukhari' quarter in Jerusalem, established by her great-grandfather Shlomo Moussaieff who settled there from Uzbekistan in 1893.

Her father, also called Shlomo, is a jewellery dealer in London who supplies sparkling objects to Arab royalty. An average necklace at his store in the London Hilton Hotel costs more than a million US dollars. Ahem: Also on his CV is a spell in a reform school for robbing antiquities from graves.

Here's a source for the Israel visit in September [link]. Of course, we are not implying any skulduggery (or skull-diggery either).

But: When you think how Peter Mandelson and Paul Myners (from Rothschilds and Marks and Spencer respectively) were dropped into senior UK Government positions as 'men of the moment' to deal with the recent financial upheavals, it makes you think. You've got to wonder what's next on the agenda.

  S.L. writes:

I WAS struck that the President/Prime Minister of Iceland has a Jewish wife. I recall, even within the text of such «careful» publications as National Geographic Magazine (which had a member of the Rockefeller family on it's board of directors for an number of years), that, to qualify for permanent residency in Iceland, one had to: 1) convert to Lutheranism, 2) "Icelandize" one's name. In order to qualify for citizenship. The presence of an Israeli Jew in Iceland really is an legal, administrative, as well as a sectarian anomaly.

Furthermore, in order to preserve the what may only be termed the "racial hygiene" of the population, I recall, that when as an undergraduate I worked quite some years ago now as a rigger for a telecommunications company in the Kitchener-Waterloo area of Southwestern Ontario, one of the company's drivers, who had previously served in the Royal Canadian Navy as an diver, told me that when foreign military vessels (which, in the context of the conversation, must have been American), called at Reykjavik, Black crew members had to remain aboard. There was no shore side "liberty" for them. The Icelanders wouldn't stand for it.

I wonder what administrative/sectarian dispensation must have been sought in order to get her into the country. I think an act of the Icelandic Parliament, the "Allthing", may well have been necessary. I doubt whether this person is an regular attendent at the monstrously ugly Lutheran cathedral in Reykjavik.

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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