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Posted Tuesday, February 19, 2008 amended Wednesday, February 17, 2010

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When the censors start churning out the hate speech themselves -- that makes them as much a farce as a menace

Toronto, Canada. Monday, February 18, 2008

Jonathan Kay on Richard Warman and Canada's phony-racism industry

THERE was originally posted here an article with the aboved title, exposing the subversive activities of Richard Warman (left). He has objected to our server, quite mendaciously claiming that this violates his copyright. Under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act the service provider has no alternative but to take down the article pending an appeal.

Here is the server's communication to us and our rpely:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We have received a formal DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) notice regarding allegedly infringing content hosted on your site. The specific content in question is as follows:

The party making the complaint (Richard Warman , e-mail: [email protected]), claims under penalty of perjury to be or represent the copyright owner of this content. Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 512(c), we have removed access to the content in question.

NOTE: I have moved the specific HTML page offline to the base of your user.

If you believe that these works belong to you and that the copyright ownership claims of this party are false, you may file a DMCA counter-notification in the form described by the DMCA, asking that the content in question be reinstated. Unless we receive notice from the complaining party that a lawsuit has been filed to restrain you from posting the content, we will reinstate the content in question within 10-14 days after receiving your counter-notification (which will also be forwarded on to the party making the complaint).

In the meantime, we ask that you do not replace the content in question, or in any other way distribute it in conjunction with our services. Please also be advised that copyright violation is strictly against our Terms and Conditions, and such offenses risk resulting in immediate disablement of your account should you not cooperate (not to mention the legal risk to you if they are true).

We also ask that if you are indeed infringing upon the copyright associated with these works that you delete them from your account immediately, and let us know once this has been done. We also ask that you delete any other infringing works not listed in this take down notification, if they exist.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let us know.



  • APLus Abuse/Security Team
  • Terms of Service:
  • Anti-Spam Policy:
  • Abuse Center:

    Our reply:

    Hello Support

    I have read the complaint, and as you will see from reference to the actual item complained of it is clearly not the copyright of the complainant; he has complained because he is the object of the national newspaper article's exposure of criminal activity by him.

    However I have no desire to upset your service, and will not protest further....

    Putting the article's title into the Google search engine generates 776 hits, of which one is mine. The guy is a crook, and like any other such insect objects to exposure...!.

Our dossier on the origins of anti-Semitism

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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