Irving comments: WHAT would I do without
the fragrant "two legged organisms"
(surely a bit Nazi-mouthed, that kind of
language?) around the world who send me
these press items? I really can't cover
them all myself, busy as I am. All these antics
have a sameness about them, after a time.
After a leftist mob smashed
up my car in Brighton, England, in
1993, counsel for one of the two thugs
arrested told
the Court his client had felt
compelled to do so as he had "overheard"
me telling a man with me on leaving the
hall, "Let's go and find a Jewish cemetery
we can vandalize." I kid you not, dear
readers. In wrecking my car he had "merely
wanted to prevent the commission of a
crime." In fact I was alone (and wearing a
pinstripe City suit). The judge didn't buy
it, but the Press still printed the
smear. Now, the same folks are
charging me with indirect paternity for an
outrage twelve thousand miles away. The whole episode, with
this latest bit of khaddish singing,
reminds me of a speech I gave in Cape Town
in 1990, I think. Local folks, outraged
that Pretoria had refused to ban me,
solemnly walked in circles around the hall
holding witchcraft candles, tearing their
air, and chanting Hebrew incantations
against those inside. No matter that I and my
1,000-strong audience emerged unscathed:
the mystic chanting was done for their own
benefit, not ours. As for the much
publicized damage to the cemetery in
Wellington: Well may Rabbi Anthony
Lipman now ask: "Who could have done
such a thing?" The Wellington Dominion
Post has published
one possible answer. The fact remains that if
you stopped most Kiwis in the street (or
me in the streets of Brighton for that
matter), and offered $10,000 for
directions to the nearest Jewish cemetery,
we'd be stuck for an answer, wouldn't
we. Nor would most ordinary
Kiwis know the phrase Sieg Heil,
said to have been scrawled on the stones
at Wellington.  Just as ordinary
English people would not know the name of
the Nazi euthanasia chief "Philipp
Bouhler" to scribble it on the
sent to my handicapped daughter's
in 1999. We are unfortunately dealing with
people with sick minds here, and they are
best left alone, to their own devices. ANOTHER "David Irving" link? I wonder
if David Moskowitz, the organizer
of the cemetery rally, is related to
Irving Moskowitz, the billionaire
Miami "philanthropist" and property
developer whose illegal settlement rampage
is at the root of half the terrorism in
Palestine? Theirs is such a small,
incestuous and inbred world, anything is
possible. |