[images added by
this website] This
rather extraordinary war against terror is not
really a 'war', any more than the war against
obesity means that you can detain
people. The Sunday
Telegraph London, Sunday, July 4, 2004
Rumsfeld Gave
Go-Ahead for Abu Ghraib Tactics, Says General in
Charge By Julian
Coman THE former head of the Abu
Ghraib prison in Baghdad has for the first time
accused the American Secretary of Defence,
Donald Rumsfeld, of directly authorising
Guantánamo Bay-style interrogation
tactics.  Brig-Gen Janis Karpinski, (left,
above, with Rumsfeld at Abu Ghraib) who
commanded the 800th Military Police Brigade, which
is at the centre of the Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse
scandal, said that documents yet to be released by
the Pentagon would show that Mr Rumsfeld personally
approved the introduction of harsher conditions of
detention in Iraq. In an interview with The Signal newspaper
of Santa Clarita, California, which was also
broadcast on a local television channel yesterday,
Gen Karpinski was asked if she knew of documents
showing that Mr Rumsfeld approved 'particular
interrogation techniques' for Abu Ghraib. Gen Karpinski was interviewed for four hours by
Maj- Gen Antonio Taguba, who was ordered to
investigate abuse at Abu Ghraib and produced a
report [pdf file
zipped] which heavily criticised Gen
Karpinski for a lack of leadership at the
prison. During inquiries into the scandal, she has
repeatedly maintained that the treatment of Iraqi
detainees was taken out of her hands by
higher-ranking officials, acting on orders from
Washington. 'Since all this came
out,' she replied, 'I've not only seen, but I've
been asked about some of those documents, that
he [Mr Rumsfeld] signed and agreed
to.' Asked whether the documents have been made
public, Gen Karpinski replied 'No' and went on to
describe the methods approved in them as involving
'dogs, food deprivation and sleep deprivation'. The Pentagon has consistently denied that Mr
Rumsfeld authorised the transfer of harsher
techniques of interrogation and detention from
Guantánamo Bay to Abu Ghraib, where all
prisoners are supposed to be protected by the
Geneva Conventions. Replying to Gen Karpinski's allegations, a
spokesman for the Pentagon told The
Telegraph: 'Mr Rumsfeld did not approve any
interrogation procedures in Iraq. The Secretary of
Defence was not in the approval chain for
interrogation procedures, which would have remained
within the purview of Central Command, headed by
Gen John Abizaid.' The Bush administration has been dogged by
suspicions that harsh interrogation methods
employed at Guantanamo were transferred to Abu
Ghraib, as Iraqi insurgents began to score
significant hits against coalition forces last
year. In May [2004], before the Senate
armed services committee, Stephen Cambone,
the under-secretary of defence for intelligence,
publicly denied charges that Mr Rumsfeld had
approved Guantanamo-style interrogations in
Iraq. Last month, the White House took the unusual
step of releasing hundreds of internal documents
and debates concerning interrogation procedures at
Guantánamo. Extreme interrogation techniques
at the camp, it was revealed, now require the
explicit approval of Mr Rumsfeld. The Bush
administration insists, however, that the notorious
abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib was an aberration
on the part of a handful of rogue soldiers. A
Pentagon spokesman said that all relevant documents
on interrogation techniques in Iraq would be made
public but could not say when. Gen Karpinski has been suspended from duty
pending ongoing investigations into abuse of
prisoners at the Baghdad prison. In a recent
interview with the BBC, she complained of being
turned into a scapegoat for the scandal, arguing
that the running of the prison was taken out of her
IN a separate embarrassment for the Department of
Defence last week, six recent studies, leaked to
the Los Angeles Times, heavily criticised
the military for failing to screen adequately
potential recruits with violent and even criminal
The reports were written by a senior Pentagon
consultant. One was delivered in September 2003,
weeks before the worst abuses of Iraqi prisoners
took place. The title of the report was Reducing
the Threat of Destructive Behaviour by Military
Personnel. In it the author, Eli Flyer, a former
senior analyst at the Department of Defence,
stated: 'There are military personnel with
pre-service and in-service records that clearly
establish a pattern of sub-standard behaviour.
These individuals constitute a high-risk group
for destructive behaviour and need to be
identified.' According to a 1998 report by Mr Flyer, one
third of military recruits had arrest records. A
1995 report found that a quarter of serving army
personnel had committed one or more criminal
offences while on active duty. In his 2003 study,
Mr Flyer said that military personnel officers had
been reluctant to toughen up screening procedures,
fearing that the result would be a failure to meet
recruitment goals. Curtis Gilroy, who oversees military recruiting
policy for the Pentagon, told the Los Angeles
Times: 'It's hard to pick out all the bad apples,
but we are striving to improve the system and are
doing so.'
 London, Saturday, July 3, 2004Israeli
Interrogators 'in Iraq' THE
US officer at the heart of the Abu Ghraib prison
scandal says she has evidence that Israelis helped
to interrogate Iraqis at another
Brig Gen Janis Karpinski told the BBC she
met an Israeli working as an interrogator at a
secret intelligence centre in Baghdad. A BBC reporter says it is the first time a
senior US officer has suggested Israelis worked
with the coalition. The Israeli foreign ministry said the reports
were completely untrue. Intelligence
AccessGen Karpinski was in charge of the military
police unit that ran Abu Ghraib and other prisons
when the abuses were committed. She has been
suspended but not charged. She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme
she met a man claiming to be Israeli during a visit
to an intelligence centre with a senior coalition
general. 'I saw an individual there that I
hadn't had the opportunity to meet before, and I
asked him what did he do there, was he an
interpreter - he was clearly from the Middle
East,' she said in the interview.'He said, 'Well, I do some of the
interrogation here. I speak Arabic but I'm not
an Arab; I'm from Israel.'' Until a 1999 ruling by the Israeli Supreme
Court, Israeli secret service interrogators were
allowed to use 'moderate force'. The US journalist who broke the Abu Ghraib
scandal told the programme his sources confirm the
presence of Israeli intelligence agents in
Iraq. Seymour Hersh said that one of the
Israeli aims was to gain access to detained members
of the Iraqi secret intelligence unit, who
reportedly specialise in Israeli affairs. 'Convenient
Scapegoat'BBC reporter, Matthew Grant, says that
whatever the truth, these allegations could cause
anger in the Arab world. Photographs of naked Iraqi detainees being
humiliated and maltreated first started to surface
in April, sparking shock and anger across the
world. One soldier has been sentenced and six others
are awaiting courts martial for abuses committed at
Abu Ghraib jail. Gen Karpinski has said she was being made a
'convenient scapegoat' for abuse ordered by
others. © 2004 Telegraph
newspapers Ltd 
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Former British foreign
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for one guard claims picture shows his client
taking orders from others - will generals take
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