Action Report

A De Gaulle expresses doubts

To the Guillotine with him! Send for the Tricoteuses!

 Philippe de Gaulle

  [Translation below] A propos des juifs: "Les Allemands ont voulu, sinon les exterminer, du moins les chasser" -- Amiral Philippe de Gaulle à l'émission télévisée de Thierry Ardisson, Tout le monde en parle, France 2, 6 mars 2004, vers 23h50.

Il est à noter que les mots de "sinon les exterminer" ont été accompagnés d'une moue de scepticisme, nous dit le Professeur Faurisson.


About the Jews: "The Germans wanted, if not to exterminate them, at least to chase them out." -- Admiral Philippe de Gaulle (son of the famous general), in a television broadcast by Thierry Ardisson, Everyone's Talking About It, on the TV Channel France 2, March 6, 2004, at about 11:50 p.m.

Note that according to Professor Faurisson the admiral accompanied the words "if not to exterminate" with a skeptical gesture.

WEBSITE NOTE : Philippe's famous father did not mention the Holocaust with one line in his post-war memoirs; for him it was less than the "footnote to history" -- the dismissive remark for which the French massively punished Jean-Marie Le Pen in recent times. But then General Dwight D Eisenhower did not mention the Holocaust in Crusade in Europe, nor did Winston S Churchill in all six volumes of his The Second World War. We doubt that they would get away with such outrageous Holocaust denial now.