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Posted Tuesday, February 24, 2004

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Copenhagen, Tuesday, February 24, 2004


David Irving: Were they racists? [Danish original]

The falsifier of history and Holocaust denier David Irving is appalled by his racist dinner guests.

By Kaare Quist

IT is not only the events during war years, which the notorious English falsifier of history David Irving has difficulty in corresponding with his understanding of reality. His short-term memory is also absent. Even to such an extent, that even a dinner Saturday evening appears as very vague in the head of the Nazi idol.

When David Irving yesterday could read, that a reporter from Ekstra Bladet had been part of Saturday's secret and private dinner for five especially selected persons with an interest in history, he soon decided to cut the navel string to his loyal Danish fan club.

Now the story is, that David Irving is chocked by the xenophobe attitudes, which have a great time among his own dinner guests.


SHOCKED BY GERMAN UNIFORMS - It is chocking to discover such a kind of xenophobe attitudes among one's guests. Neither Irving nor I will therefore have any more to do with those persons. It is chocking, that the lecturer Christian Lindtner can think of dressing up in a German police uniform - it is a very unlucky signal, says Robert Alexander, the publicity manager of David Irving.

On behalf of David Irving, he now cancels the friendship with the Danish Society for Free Historical Research.

- We are today writing several letters to those people. In these letters, it will appear that neither David Irving nor I will have anymore to do with those people in the future. They have already damaged our reputation.

It is not known, how the publicity manager is going to explain away the racist jokes about the Jews, which David Irving himself served during the dinner. We wait with excitement.


... on this website

David Irving dossier: "Global Vendetta"
Our dossier on the origins of anti-Semitism 
Website with a different view on Mr Irving's visit [Danish]
Politiken: Holocaust denier coming to Denmark | Holocaustbenægter til Danmark
Action Report: Mr Irving's October 2003 visit to Denmark
Ekstra-Bladet: An afternoon with Hitler's Spin Doctor [Danish] [English] | David Irving leaves Copenhagen: score, Mr Irving two, Traditional Enemy nil | Danish Left gloats at his 'defeat" -- too soon | Berlingske: Holocaust Sceptic's Meeting Failed [ditto] | Dirty tricks Danish far left announces: Rightwing Extremists cancel meeting | Højreekstreme aflyser [wrong] | Joy among anti racists over David Irving's defeat | Glæde blandt anti-racister over David Irvings nederlag [wrong again] | David Irving: A Radical's Diary
Extreme Left mobilising for violence against Mr Irving in Copenhagen | Police escort promised: "Hitlers spindoktor David Irving kommer til København" | Berlingske Tidende: "Det bliver indtil det sidste holdt hemmeligt, præcis hvor og hvornår holocaust-benægteren holder foredrag i København. 'Arrangørerne er paranoide,' siger ekspert." | Threats of violence in Denmark: Major newspaper smears Mr Irving ("Nazi-idol i løvens hule"), publishes helpful frontpage photo of meeting location

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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