Wednesday, November 12, 2003 Resistance kills
Mossad agents in Iraq KIRKOUK, Iraq - A huge blast has
caused extensive damage in a Mossad
office building in Kirkouk in northern Iraq late on
Monday killing and wounding an unspecified number
of Mossad agents and civilian Kurds, the Middle
East News Agency said yesterday. US troops and rescue workers were rushed into
the devastated building to remove the bodies and
take the wounded to a hospital in Mousel, MENA
said. The workers have arrived at the site during
the night to remove the debris and evacuate the
injured persons, the news agency added. US troops prevented the
people from getting closer to the building and
imposed a news black out on the cause of the
occurred in the garage of
the building, it said. The troops wanted to hide the true activities of
the office, which the Mossad rented a week ago, and
the identities of its occupants, MENA said. In another development, witnesses said that at
least three explosions echoed across Baghdad last
night, although the location of the blasts was not
clear. The explosions, which sounded like mortar
fire, follow a trend of mortar attacks on the
US-led administration's headquarters in central
Baghdad in the past 10 days. Four
Iraqis were killed and nine others wounded when a
roadside bomb ripped apart a car in the southern
city of Basra, while the top US ground commander
announced the capture of 20 suspected Al Qaeda
In Basra, police Colonel Mohammed Khazim
al-Ali said that among those killed were two
policemen, while the wounded included several
schoolchildren. The top US ground commander in Iraq, Lieutenant
General Ricardo Sanchez, said the coalition
had detained 20 people suspected of belonging to
the Al Qaeda terror group. "We have up to 20 suspected Al Qaeda members,"
Sanchez said, adding they were still being
questioned and had not yet been proven to belong to
bin Laden's organisation. Meanwhile, Mohannad Ghazi al Kaabi, the
area's top municipal official, died from wounds
after troops shot him when he refused to follow
security procedures for entering a municipal
building, the US military said in a statement. A US military official told reporters that US
jet fighters also bombed a house, near Mahmudiyah,
south of the capital apparently used as a base for
anti-coalition attacks. "We used F-16s to precision bomb the house,"
said Captain Dan Froehlich, a spokesman for the
82nd Airborne's Third Brigade. email: [email protected] 
U.S. Seeks Clues to
Deadly Copter Attack | One Life does not count
any more
Mar 2004: Six
Mossad agents killed in the north Iraqi town of