illusions about the commitment of
this university to free speech
have rather abruptly been
 Monday, November 4, 2002
College Dublin cancels planned talk by
David Irving Students
at Trinity College Dublin's Historical
Society have today informed David
Irving: On
Friday afternoon we received the following
communication from the head of security
here in college:
" A visit to College by Mr. Irving
[sic] a number of years ago was
cancelled for security and safety reasons.
While I am sure that the Historical
Society and the vast majority of the
college community would act in a
responsible manner during this proposed
visit, it is well known that there are
various elements within and outside
College who would use every means at their
disposal to disrupt the visit. I have to
take into account the safety of every
person on campus (including near to 400
candidates/guests attending a Diploma
Awards ceremony that evening) plus the
security and care of College buildings and
property. On these grounds, I regret to say, I
would not be in favour of this visit
taking place." This letter means, in effect, that
although College cannot directly ban the
event they wish to do so indirectly by
refusing to provide security services for
it. Unfortunately, we cannot prevent them
from doing this, as security is provided
for our meetings at the discretion of the
College authorities. We have protested
this decision with the utmost vigor, but
College is quite immovable. Subsequent to this letter, we held over
the weekend an extraordinary meeting of
the Society Committee at which it was
decided that we regretfully are not in a
position to proceed with the meeting
planned for November 19th if the security
of our guest, our committee and our
audience cannot be provided for. I wish to take this opportunity to
apologise sincerely to you on the behalf
of the Society for this turn of events and
especially for the inconvenience no doubt
caused to you. Our illusions about the
commitment of this university to free
speech have rather abruptly been
shattered. More information: Robert
Lynch, Trinity College Dublin  on
this website:
2001: Irving
to debate with libel QC at Oxford Union
| Oxford
Union invites David Irving to speak
(again) | Academics
threaten to boycott Oxford over Irving
speech [Oxford
Union debate update,
Monday] Australian
press reports: Oxford
slaps ban on Irving Atlanta
Journal-Constitution: Debating
society opts to disinvite Holocaust
denier Invitation
to debate was a travesty, huffs Jewish
Chronicle editor (in The Guardian,
London's deathwish newspaper) Jewish
Chronicle gloats: Oxford
bar on Irving applauded |
editorial: Missing
the point New
York: Jewish
Telegraph Agency kvells [Previously:
storm | boycott
threat | threat
to Oxford Union over Irving
appearance] [Oxford
Student union
leaflet] [Cherwell:
Storm over Irving
Invite] London
Evening Standard: Oxford Union bans
Irving from debate on free speech |
"Error of judgment" Daily
Telegraph: "Free
speech under threat at Oxford
Union" David
Irving's comment on the inevitable rise
in anti-semitism that these West Bank
methods will cause Major
new website invites comment on ban on
Mr Irving speaking at Oxford Union
