serialisation of the book will
furnish the far-Right in
Germany with arguments to back
its revisionist claims.
Daily Telegraph
 London, Wednesday, November 19,
2002 Germans
call Churchill a war criminal By Kate Connolly in Berlin WINSTON
Churchill was effectively a war criminal
who sanctioned the extermination of
Germany's civilian population through
indiscriminate bombing of towns and
cities, an article in the country's
biggest-circulation newspaper claimed
In an unprecedented attack on Allied
conduct during the Second World War, the
tabloid Bild has called for
recognition to be given to the suffering
inflicted on the German population during
the strategic air campaign of 1940-45. The newspaper's campaign, provoked by a
new German history of the bomber
offensive, breaks six decades of virtual
silence on the subject, and is being seen
as the latest manifestation of a belief
among Germans that they too were victims
of the war - albeit a war started by their
country. The newspaper is serialising Der
Brand (The Fire: Germany Under
Bombardment 1940-45) by the historian
Jörg Friedrich, which claims
to be the most authoritative account of
the bombing campaign so far. Mr Friedrich
claims the British government set out
at the start of the Second World War to
destroy as many German cities and kill
as many of their inhabitants as
possible. Civilian deaths were not
collateral damage, he says, but rather
the object of the exercise. He argues
that Churchill had favoured a strategy
of attacking the civilian population
centres from the air some 20 years
before Hitler ordered such
raids. Britain's war leader is quoted during
the First World War as saying: "Perhaps
the next time round the way to do it will
be to kill women, children and the
civilian population." Friedrich goes on to quote Churchill
the morality of bombing: "Now
everyone's at it. It's simply a question
of fashion - similar to that of whether
short or long dresses are in." Der Brand is far removed from
the dry style of most German histories,
and is filled with emotive accounts of the
horrors of bombing, but carries few
references to the man who brought
retribution on Germany, Adolf
Hitler. Friedrich argues that the Allied policy
of seeking to break German morale through
bombing proved mistaken, the attacks
merely serving to weld together the German
population. The debate is certain to anger those in
Britain who see the strategic air campaign
as a necessary evil. The
British, led by Sir Arthur Harris,
C-in-C Bomber Command, were the leading
proponents of "night area bombing",
involving the systematic destruction of
German industrial capacity and housing.
The policy resulted in the laying to waste
of city after city, including Hamburg,
Cologne and Dresden (right), and
the deaths of some 635,000 Germans.
The policy was to some extent forced on
the RAF by the failure of daylight
operations against pinpoint targets early
in the war. It also reflected the fact
that, for much of the conflict, bombing
was the only method by which Britain could
attack Germany. German raids on Britain in the Blitz of
1940-41 were seen to have freed the
British from the obligation not to attack
civilian centres. The serialisation of the book will
furnish the far-Right in Germany with
arguments to back its revisionist claims.
It is also likely to overshadow recent
reconciliation attempts between Britain
and Germany over the bombing of Dresden in
February 1945 in which tens of thousands
died. In a symbolic sign of friendship,
British businesses have paid into a fund
to reconstruct the Frauenkirche or Church
of Our Lady which was destroyed in the
raid and is set to be reopened in
2006. Yesterday Antony Beevor, the
historian and
author of the bestselling Berlin: The
Downfall, 1945, criticised the German
claim that Britain's war of attrition was
unnecessarily brutal. "The trouble is this
argument is removed from the context that
they were the ones who invented terror
bombing," he said, referring to German
attacks on Coventry, Rotterdam and
Warsaw. "They literally obliterated whole
cities and that certainly preceded what
the British did," he said. "What we did
was more terrifying and appalling, but it
was a natural progression in this war. "One can certainly debate the whole
morality of bombing, but for Germans to
say Churchill was a war criminal is
pushing it a bit," he said. Friedrich, 58, said his two years of
research prompted him to change his views
radically on the Allied bombing. "Previously it appeared to me to be a
just answer to the crimes of the Third
Reich, but I've since changed my mind," he
said. "Until the Second World War there
was a common consensus that the massacre
of civilian populations was illegal." For the past year Germans on both the
Left and Right have been locked in a new
and intense debate about the war and their
role as its victims as well as
perpetrators. The debate was sparked by
Günther Grass, the Nobel prize
winner, in a novel fictionalising the
wartime account of a passenger ship
torpedoed by the Soviet navy killing
thousands of Germans on board. ©
Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited
of 1945 sinking of the Wilhelm
Gustloff, with 9,000 deathroll
Grass breaks taboo, writes of sinking
of liner Wilhelm Gustloff with
8,000 dead in January 1945
Irving: The Destruction of Dresden
(free download)
Irving: "Churchill's War",
vol. ii: "Triumph in Adversity"
(free download)
Irving: Von Guernica bis Vietnam (free
proposed unprovoked poison gas attack
on German cities
and biological (anthrax) bombing of
German cities too