
Posted Thursday, September 19, 2002

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David Irving comments:

HERE is a list of United Nations resolutions against Israel and Iraq:


UN Resolutions violated, ignored: 16
Countries attacked, invaded, violated: Iran, Kuwait
Countries occupied for years: NONE
Countries currently occupying: NONE
Territory illegally annexed: NONE
Wars started: 1980, 1990
Possesses weapons of mass destruction: To be determined
Possesses nuclear weapons: No
Most notable atrocity against civilians: 5,000 Kurdish civilians were killed in the village of Halabja, March 1988
Currently under a regime of UN sanctions: Yes


UN Resolutions violated, ignored: 68
Countries attacked, invaded, violated: Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia
Countries occupied for years: Egypt, Lebanon, Syria
Countries currently occupying: Syria
Territory illegally annexed: Golan Heights, Jerusalem, Palestinian Territories
Wars started: 1956, 1967, 1982
Possesses weapons of mass destruction: Yes
Possesses nuclear weapons: Yes
Most notable atrocity against civilians: 17,500 Lebanese civilians killed in 1982 invasion of Lebanon
Currently under a regime of UN sanctions: No

I am personally on Mr Pilger's side in this squabble.

London, Friday, September 20, 2002


Michael Green
Michael Green, Carlton TV chief

Pilger biased, says TV boss

By Adam Sherwi, Media Reporter

THE chairman of Carlton television has condemned a documentary on the Middle East conflict made by his own company as inaccurate and an attack on Israel. John Pilger's film, shown on Monday night, just after the conclusion of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, equated Israeli military action with Palestinian suicide bombers and concluded that injustices inflicted by Israel were at the heart of the conflict.

Michael Green, chairman of Carlton Communications, told the Jewish Chronicle [he is Jewish] that the programme was "a tragedy for Israel as far as accuracy is concerned. I had seen the programme before it was broadcast and was extremely unhappy about it. It was one- sided. It was factually incorrect, historically incorrect."

Mr Green had not sought to prevent it being broadcast in its original form. He said: "I fully accept that we are a public service broadcaster and that is the opinion of John Pilger. Unfortunately, you can't always agree with him. He has a huge reputation but consistently my views are opposed to his views." Mr Green now wanted a programme to be made that gave an Israeli point of view.

Carlton said that calls and e-mails that it had received were divided equally between praise and criticism. The company declined to comment on the allegations of inaccuracy.

The Israeli Embassy called it a "dehumanising portrayal of the Jewish people, exemplified by insinuation and comparison to the Holocaust." Gillian Shephard, of Conservative Friends of Israel, said that the "grossly unbalanced and biased programme" could hardly contribute to peace. Mr Pilger was unavailable for comment last night.

Related story on this website:

America's TV liberals "twist stories to fit their own agenda

[Image of Israeli Achievement in Jenin:]

Israeli Achievements

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