
 Posted Saturday, July 20, 2002

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Thursday, July 18, 2002, 12:49 PM TORONTO

New Sykes-Picot

No one really knows the extent of America's ambitions in Iraq

THE coming weeks and months will present Arab leaders with some of the toughest challenges this part of the world has known in recent decades. If the conspiracy to conquer, divide and rule Iraq succeeds then our generation will witness a new redrawing of the region's political, economic and demographic maps, the likes of which were last imposed in the aftermath of the World War One. It was then that the victorious colonial powers of the day, namely Britain and France, who were about to overcome Germany and its Ottoman ally, decided to share the spoils of war in the Middle East.

The Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 divided the Levant into areas under British and French rule (Palestine was mandated to Britain later under the San Remo agreement of 1922) and facilitated the creation of a federation of "independent Arab states" under both countries' protection. We can easily trace the Middle East, as we know it today, to those historic events. The outcome of this disgraceful intervention by the supreme powers of the day in the fate of this region and its people is self-evident.

Today history is about to repeat itself. The United States is busy redrawing the map of this region to serve its interest and that of its Israeli ally. The focus of Washington's efforts in the coming phase will be to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and implant a subservient government in its place. No one really knows the extent of America's ambitions in Iraq. They could include partitioning Iraq into a number of entities, making sure that this country will never pose a threat to Israel. As we have seen in Afghanistan, Washington will be the kingpin in imposing a system of government that is subordinate to its American paymaster.

But the embedded danger in conquering Iraq is not limited to dividing that country. It will launch a new era of direct US rule of the Arab world. Replacing Saddam Hussein is no longer the core issue. Turning Iraq into an American base will limit any threat to Israel by the Islamic republic in Iran, prepare for a new approach to Saudi Arabia and put the small Gulf states under US protection and control for decades. Jordan and Syria too will have to fend for themselves in a "redecorated" neighborhood along US and Israeli styles.

Furthermore, if Iraq or the entities that will rise from its ruin fall under American aegis, then the road will be open for Israel to execute a final solution to its Palestinian problem. Transfer will no longer be a dream entertained by a handful of Zionist extremists, but a viable option towards achieving the goal of a pure and exclusive Jewish state.

BushThe United States under President Bush has become a dangerous power, blinded by hate and bigotry and driven by a wicked alliance between right-wing conservatives and Zionists idealists. Under Ariel Sharon, Israel has crossed lines that previous leaders have not dared cross. But now that Sharon has found a staunch ally in the person of President Bush, a convergence of interests is paving the way for a major regional upheaval.

Europe, Russia and others can only resist such schemes to a certain stage. But the burden of standing up to these plans depends on Arab leaders and their willingness to go all the way to prevent the US-Israeli crusade from kicking off.

In addition to talking to the Iraqi leadership and the UN in order to facilitate a solution for the return of UN inspectors, Arab leaders should solicit European, Russian and Chinese help to curb America's hostile action. Apart from the looming humanitarian disaster Iraq and its people stand to sustain if a military strike takes effect, Arab leaders should adopt a common position that clearly defies US policy in Iraq.

President Bush wants to keep the war against terrorism alive by terrorizing his own citizens and the rest of the world. By doing so his administration finds justification to boost the US military and impose additional restrictions on civil and public liberties. More importantly, he is serving Israel's interests by bringing all Arab countries to their knees. For all Arabs, the campaign against Iraq will herald a regional catastrophe.

Osama El-Sherif


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  Sunday, June 16, 2002 Bush has authorised CIA to assassinate Saddam Hussein
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  No one really knows the extent of America's ambitions in Iraq 
  Beirut reports Bush's war preparations against Iraq nearing completion: Saudi and Jordanian involvement
The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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