AR-OnlinePosted Wednesday, January 2, 2002
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The Immigration and Naturalization Service said the Israelis violated their visas, and their cases were labeled "special interest," a designation used for cases arising from the attacks investigation.

New York Times

New York, December 31, 2001



Lawyer: Detained Israelis Return Home


CLEVELAND (AP) -- Two Israelis who were detained in Ohio as part of the terrorism probe have been allowed by the U.S. government to return home, their lawyer said Monday.

Yaniv Hani, 22, and Oren Behr, 25, were taken into custody Oct. 31 near Toledo, along with nine other Israelis. All had come to the United States separately and took jobs with an Israeli-owned company to sell toys in shopping mall kiosks.

Hani and Behr returned to Israel about a week ago, said lawyer David Leopold.

"They are thrilled to be home," he said. "They had no business in jail and then sitting in this country for as long as they did."

The other Israelis had been released earlier.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service said the Israelis violated their visas, and their cases were labeled "special interest," a designation used for cases arising from the attacks investigation.

Hani and Behr were released Nov. 27 after an immigration judge ruled the INS lacked any evidence to justify keeping them in custody. But the INS then issued an oral "order of safe guard" that the two should remain in the United States.

Linda Rabbett, deputy director of the Cleveland INS district, said Monday that the men were allowed to leave after a hearing before an immigration judge and posting a bond.

Leopold said his clients "understand the fear in this country" but "neither understands why they were caught up in a dragnet."

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