Swiss banks agreed to a
settlement of $1.5 billion
(£1.03 billion) on the
understanding that they would
be spared further Holocaust
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London, Saturday, October 13, 2001
Holocaust cash revealed to be myth
MOST dormant Swiss bank accounts
thought to have belonged to Holocaust
survivors were opened by wealthy,
non-Jewish people who then forgot about
their money. The announcement marks the
end of a four-year independent
investigation into the archives and vaults
of the world's most secretive banking
It will come as a disappointment to
many Jewish
families, who were sure that their dead
relatives left behind fortunes in
Switzerland. A 17-member tribunal based in
Zurich was set up in 1997 to investigate
the identities of 5,500 foreign accounts
and 10,000 Swiss accounts that have lain
dormant since the end of the Second World
The tribunal said that it had processed
about 10,000 claims in response to the
list of dormant account names published by
the Swiss Bankers' Association five years
ago. Only 200 accounts - containing
£6.9 million - could be traced to
Holocaust victims.
"It was a very difficult and often sad
process," Alexander Jolles, the
secretary-general of the Independent
Claims Tribunal, said. "When we first set
up the tribunal, we were sure that nearly
all these accounts would be those of Nazi
victims. But few were."
per cent of the accounts declared dormant
by the Swiss banks were traced to wealthy
families who had lost trace of their
money. One French family told researchers
that they had simply forgotten about the
SwFr200,000 placed in a Swiss account
before the war.
Mr Jolles said that many of the
accounts were small, with only 5 per cent
containing more than SwFr100,000
(£42,300). About half contained less
than SwFr1,000 and a third held less than
SwFr100. The smallest contained
"I would guess that the holders
withdrew money from them during the war
and then left a small sum in them, which
was subsequently forgotten about," he
said. "These people were not poor. They
were pretty much the same sort of people
who would put their money in Swiss bank
accounts today. "The biggest groups were
French and Americans, but there were also
Italians, Germans and others. Some were no
doubt aristocrats, but by no means
The biggest account was a securities
investment containing SwF4 million that
was handed to a wealthy southern European
family. "Two generations had gone by and
the descendants who are alive today had
lost trace of this money. It had just gone
on growing in the meantime."
Many of the accounts were opened in the
1920s when Switzerland was seen, as it
still is, as a haven in a troubled world.
In 1936, a large number of French
aristocrats and industrialists placed
money there after a radical
Government came to power.
At least one account dated from the
19th century. Claims were filed for about
half the 5,570 foreign-owned accounts
"In prewar days, a hotel address was
sufficient to open an account," Mr Jolles
said. "So finding the truth was extremely
difficult. "We had claimants from 70
different countries speaking more than 15
different languages, and co-ordinating
these people and drawing up their family
trees has been a complicated business.
Sometimes we had 125 people claiming the
same account. Since there was no way of
distinguishing between them, the banks had
to pay out to all of them."
Switzerland came under heavy criticism
in 1997-98 for its reluctance to consider
wartime claims. The United States
threatened it with sanctions and relatives
of Holocaust victims launched class action
lawsuits in the US.
Swiss banks agreed
to a settlement of $1.5 billion
(£1.03 billion) on the understanding
that they would be spared further
Holocaust claims. The banks say they will
pay the costs of tracking down the dormant
accounts from their own
items on this website:
deal for rabbis in Holocaust
Foxman (ADL) on How we bludgeoned the
Swiss Banks