London, Sunday, December 3, 2000
man accused of 'war crimes' against the
Germans By Justin Sparks in Prague THE trial of a
78-year-old Pole accused of killing
thousands of German civilians in the
aftermath of the Second World War is set
to become the first of a series of court
cases in which Germans are seen as the
victims instead of the perpetrators of
Nazi-related crimes. The trial, scheduled to begin early
next year in the Polish city of Opole, has
created a furore over a part of Poland's
recent history which it would like to
ignore. Czeslaw Geborski, the
accused, is said to have systematically
raped, tortured and murdered German
civilians while serving as commandant at
the Lambinowice concentration camp in
Silesia, where Germans living in the
region were interned after the war. Frantiszek Lewandowski, one of
the prosecutors in the case, said: "The main charge we are
bringing against him is that he ordered
a building in the camp to be burned
down, killing 48 people. As people
tried to escape the flames, he
personally shot them or had them flung
back inside." The concentration camp was initially
built by the Nazis to house Allied PoWs.
For most Poles it is inextricably
associated with wartime atrocities
committed by the Germans. The trial is set to reverse those roles
and portray a Pole as the villain,
something simply unacceptable to many who
lived through the German occupation and
the death of an estimated three million
civilian Polish Jews and three million
non-Jewish Poles through bombings and in
concentration camps. Piotr
Radziwinowicz, a 72-year-old pensioner
whose father was killed during the
occupation said: "The trial should be stopped.
In view of what the Nazis did on Polish
soil it was inevitable that some German
civilians would be killed in revenge.
It was chaos at the end of the war, but
we never did anything like the Nazis.
They killed millions of Poles." A museum at the Lambinowice
concentration camp commemorates the many
Poles and Allied PoWs who died there at
the hands of the Nazis, but makes scant
mention of the thousands of Germans who
subsequently suffered the same fate. In the decades following the Allied
victory, the communists erased such events
from their history, and young Poles today
know little or nothing of the acts of
retribution meted out to German civilians
in Silesia and the former East Prussia.
Dr Maruska Svasek, a Central
European specialist at Queen's University,
Belfast, said: "Hundreds of thousands of
German civilians across Central Europe
were raped, tortured, killed, or died
due to terrible conditions after the
war, but communist historiography was
simply anti-Nazi and pro-communist, and
disregarded the truth about postwar
anti-German crimes." Werner Scholz, a German Silesian
who was sent to the camp aged only eight,
along with his grandmother and sister,
neither of whom
survived, believes real
reconciliation can never take place
between Germans and their Central European
neighbours until the "criminals" are
brought to justice. He said: "Everywhere you looked in the
camp there were people dead or dying.
If a person wasn't beaten to death,
then he simply
died of
typhus, dysentery or starvation.
A cold would be enough to finish him
off. These were crimes, like Nazi
crimes, and they should be treated in
the same way and perpetrators brought
to justice." The recollections of German camp
survivors bear witness to the harshness of
the camp regime. In one instance a man was
sealed in a barrel in which nails had been
hammered through the side. The barrel was
then rolled around the camp until he bled
to death. Another survivor claims people
were forced to lie on top of each other
forming a huge pyramid, until those at the
bottom were crushed. Lambinowice was just
one of hundreds of Nazi concentration
camps throughout Central Europe which
exchanged its Jewish and Allied PoWs for
German soldiers and civilians once the war
had ended. In all, around 10 million Germans were
expelled from their homes in the region,
and it is estimated that in Poland alone,
between 400,000 and 1.2 million were
killed in revenge attacks, during forced
labour, transportation, or in
concentration camps. Konrad Badenhauer of the
Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft said: "The case of Lambinowice is
just one of many. There were hundreds
of people like Geborskis. In the Czech
Republic, for example, we have the
names and addresses of many such
criminals whose crimes are well
documented and who are still at
liberty." The prospect of Lambinowice creating a
precedent for the prosecution of postwar
acts of retribution has provoked
widespread unease. Witold Kulesza,
of the Central Commission for the
Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish
Nation, said seven more trials are being
prepared in Poland. Crimes against German
civilians were not limited to hard core
"communist" criminals, but were
widespread. In many cases German farms were taken
over by Poles and previous owners were
either killed or kept on as slave labour.
Inevitably, all such cases are a fight
against time as those involved are now
nearing the end of their lives. Czeslaw
Geborski's trial which involves 40 volumes
of evidence and more than 300 witnesses is
likely to last up to a year, and it may
well be that the opportunity for such
prosecutions has already been
missed. Related
items on this website: CBS
"60 Minutes" on John Sack and "The
Commandant" (WJC's Steinberg said,
"Eye-witnesses lie") Israel
refuses to extradite to Poland
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academic's wife Helena Brus, (right)
accused of Stalinist crimes [photo
left. Two stories
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