June 23, 2000 http://www.jewishjournal.com/letters.06.23.00.htmlLetters The
Great Pretenders by Leon Stabinsky IN April 1998, the cover of The Jewish
Journal featured the person who called
himself Binjamin Wilkomirski.
Naomi Pfefferman ("Memories of a
Holocaust Childhood," April 24, 1998)
compared his writing -- his one and only
book, called "Fragments" -- to that of
Primo Levi and Elie Wiesel.
During an emotionally filled performance
at a Beverly Boulevard synagogue,
Wilkomirski was accompanied by a lady who
called herself Laura Grabowski.
Both claimed to be soul mates who, at long
last, were reunited survivors of Dr.
Mengele's experiments in
Auschwitz. Though a number of people -- like
historian Raul Hilberg -- had
already cast doubts about Wilkomirski's
veracity, several months after these two
appeared in Los Angeles, a Jewish Swiss
writer proved that Wilkomirski had
invented his identity. It took a little
longer to demonstrate that Grabowski had
also invented hers. Neither Wilkomirski
(Bruno Doesseker) nor Grabowski
(Lauren Wilson) were Jewish. Both
were born as illegitimate children in the
early 1940's, adopted and raised as
Christians in upper middle-class
surroundings; he in Switzerland and she in
Washington State. During the past year there have been
several major in-depth publications and
documentaries providing decisive proof
that both Wilkomirski and Grabowski were
fakes. With all the evidence at hand and
the forthcoming publication of a book
detailing the results of a comprehensive
investigation, The Journal never saw fit
to mention the uncovering of these
shameless persons who used and abused the
Holocaust as part of their prop to
reinvent themselves for profit and
fame. The Journal has not printed a single
word about this unraveling hoax. It is as
if The Journal were afraid to admit having
been duped. Leon Stabinsky
President, California Association of Holocaust Child
Survivors |