don't like Poland, as the following
entries will
betray. |

2, 2007 (Friday) Budapest
(Hungary) - Warsaw - Treblinka - Warsaw
(Poland)) AT four-thirty a.m. R.
phones a wake-up call to me from downtown
Budapest. [7 a.m. flight to Warsaw,
Poland]. I don't like Poland, as the
following entries will betray. This is my first
visit to the country. Forty years on, I still
recall translating Field
Marshal Wilhelm Keitel's description of
accompanying Adolf Hitler's first drive into
Poland -- the filthy hovels, the unkempt Jews, the
disheveled farms and villages. I wonder how much
has changed. From
Warsaw we drive straight to Treblinka; we take
photos at Malkinia station first, then Treblinka.
Malkinia is on the main railway line between Warsaw
and Bialystok; it crosses the Bug twice, as the
river -- about 150 yards wide yesterday -- bends
and loops. At Malkinia the trains arriving in 1942
were held on sidings, sometimes for several days,
until they could be processed just up the line at
Treblinka. There are several grubby houses standing
near Malkinia station, mostly post-war, and two
indescribably filthy "bars".
Four kilometers outside the village of Treblinka
(which is itself 3.5 km from Malkinia) we reach the
forest where the Treblinka camps were built in
1942. A railway spur originally forked off the main
line that crosses the road from Malkinia southward
to Siedlce, and plunged into the forest. This little branch line itself has (incredibly)
been removed some years ago, leaving just the
railway bed vanishing uphill into the forest
(see photo below). The main line has rusted
over and is weedy and has evidently not been used
recently, if at all. Some rotting, low-grade
concrete posts block off the spur's track. 
Further up the hill we find ourselves just above
the snow line and the ground is wet and slushy. The
wind moans and sighs through the tall, densely
packed pines. The site itself is a long, narrow
clearing in the forest, reminiscent of a logging
camp in the Redwood forests of North America, about
two miles long, and marked by hideous monolithic
memorials of cheap cement and concrete, erected
during the communist era. The Germans had meticulously deleted everything
of the war years when they abandoned the site in
late 1943. We walk along the cobbled way beside where the
rail spur had seemingly ended, and I gain the
uncomfortable feeling that the whole site has been
so artefacted-over as to be worthless as a
convincing memorial: stone obelisks mark the
approximate perimeter of the former site, which is
a good idea; but inside this perimeter there is a
jumble of Stonehenge-type monuments and jagged
stones scattered around to mark where the alleged
gas chamber or chambers once stood. The trains were divided into manageable chunks
at Malkinia, and shunted (pushed) up the gradient
into the forest; the victims arrived in Treblinka
by goods train from Warsaw and by passenger trains
from western Europe, and unloaded at the end of the
spur -- now marked by about a hundred symbolic
slabs like railway sleepers (US: railroad
THE weather today is dark and inclement, the
drizzle never stops. We visit the camp museum. Alan
and I are the only visitors today; the lady curator
opens the kiosk to sell us a brochure. According to
the site's literature, the deportees were unloaded
from the train on a platform, unloaded brutally if
from Poland, with
dogs and shouts (if Jews) because SS
Hauptsturmführer Christian Wirth,
right, in charge of the camps, wanted
célérité, vitesse.
The museum is rather bare; it has two rooms,
with placards on the walls, some original posters
about the labour camp, and a few items dug up in
excavations: mostly battered kitchenware, two
strands of wartime barbed wire (one would have
expected a lot more), but nothing of wartime
significance: no bones, bullets, or bayonets, for
instance. There are evidently no known photographs
showing either of the Treblinka camps in operation,
but there is one September 1944 aerial photo taken
of the now abandoned site by the Luftwaffe, which
seems worthy of closer study. It turns out to have
been drawn in charcoal by a recent artist however.
Useless as a source. There are signs on the site asking people not to
light candles except at the special areas, because
of the fire risk; the forest is coniferous, there
are carpets of pine needles, and in summer that
must present a major fire hazard (which raises an
obvious question -- to which there may be a simple
answer -- about that element of the received
Treblinka history which has the thousands of bodies
buried hastily in 1942 being exhumed in 1943 and
burned in open air pits). The "death camp" began operation on July 25,
1942, according to the literature. (See the
Ganzenmüller -- Karl Wolff
correspondence). The deportees were unloaded from
the train; the men were separated from the women,
made to undress in a barracks building or in a
yard, and the women undressed elsewhere, separated,
-- the left hand side of yard for women, right hand
side for men; after ca. October 1942, the women had
their hair cut off for recycling; all were then
forced into the "funnel" ---- Schlauch --
(also called the Himmelfahrtstrasse),
separated by sex (for psychological and tactical
reasons) and forced at a trot up the
Schlauch. This was a passage enclosed on either side by a
barbed wire fence about two meters high, opaque
with intertwined leaves, and with sand on the
ground, all very reassuring, but at the end of the
Schlauch, beyond a kink, was a wooden shed,
replaced later with a wooden shed built on bricks
and here, says the literature, the killing was
done. Photo:
The memorial at Treblinka erected by the communist
Polish government 
THE literature suggests that the victims were
liquidated 150 to 200 in each chamber, in a shed
with six chambers. There appears to be still a
residual uncertainty about how the killing was done
-- the actual medium used.
Some sources suggest a diesel engine produced
lethal exhaust gases (technically problematical).
Wirth suggested (to Adolf
Eichmann?) that gasoline was used because
it could be ordered with no questions being
raised. Mike Treganza wrote to Kurt Franz
(deputy Kdt, owner of the Saint-Bernard dog called
Barry, originally Stangl's; arrested 1959 and
sentenced to life index, he died 1998) and Franz
said to Mike from prison in a letter ca. 1980s he
thought it was diesel, but never operated it
himself) The literature is sure that some kind of
exhaust gases were used. The victims had no will to
live, so they did not revolt. The able-bodied Jews
who had that morning been selected for work gangs
-- i.e. to handle the body clearance -- were added
to the victims by day's end. Stangl arrived at the end of August 1942; he
succeeded the incompetent Dr (med) Irmfried
Eberl, born in 1910, suicide 1948. Wirth
arrived at the end of August 1942, upset about
reports of slow operations, perhaps from Kurt
Franz, screaming abuse at Eberl (according to the
trial record): "You swine, what are you playing at,
you claim you can process x-thousand a day, when
you can only do three or four thousand" -- or words
to that effect. Trains were being backed up all
down the line, around the Malkinia sidings. Wirth
had to put a temporary stop to the Warsaw
deportations. They were held at a location in
Warsaw, which is unchanged today. The bodies were pulled, two men per body (or
carried with stretchers), to a pit that had been
dug fifty to a hundred meters from the "gas
chambers". Before the pit was dug, there was chaos.
Franz Suchomel at his trial said that
originally there was just a pile of bodies standing
there which became more and more putrid, with
blood, maggots and excrement, and "the Jews
preferred to be shot rather than touch that mess.
In the end the Germans had to do it." Several pits
were then dug over a large area, and backfilled
with soil as each new pit was dug. In about February 1943 the SS began digging up
the buried victims, as soon as the frost allowed,
and burned the rotting bodies on open-air pyres
(see however above). There was a prisoner revolt on August 2, 1943.
Escapes occurred from both the upper and lower
camps (the lower was camp of the living, and the
upper housed just those prisoners involved in body
clearance). In November 1943 the whole Treblinka operation
camp was shut down and destroyed. Some prisoners
were taken to Sobibór, where they helped
erase all traces of the camp there and were then
shot. (See 1963 or 1964 trial of one Kurt
Frenzl??). From November 1943 the SS built a
Bauernhof, or farmhouse, on the Treblinka
location where the trains entered the camp; this
was the living area for the Ukrainian guards (they
were SS other ranks from Trawniki) and a Ukrainian
peasant, Streibel, a former guard, was
installed as the tenant farmer on this farmhouse
property. The object was to prevent the local
population from unearthing any objects. The literature says: "What makes the death camp so unique
... is the fact that there was an attempt by the
Nazis to cover the existence of the camp and its
functions as the Russians were advancing. The
fencing was dismantled, the mass graves filled
in, earth mounds were levelled, the
extermination and sorting yard were ploughed
over, and lupins were planted to cover the
telltale scarring of the ground. Also most of
the structures that remained standing after the
revolt were dismantled or utilised as a decoy in
order to make the area appear as an ordinary
farm." So much for what the established literature
tells us. The site remains do nothing either to
confirm or to deny it. The Ukrainian farmer
Streibel left before the Red Army arrived; he first
burned the house down (a common practice among
Ukrainians leaving a property) and the local
peasants cannibalized what survived the fire.
Nothing remains of the farmhouse, which is referred
to in Heinrich Himmler's files too, I
remember (see the book by Helmut Heiber:
Reichsführer!); there are not even
traces of its foundations.
BACK in Warsaw in the evening, after this 230 km
drive out to Treblinka and back, we find a
café with WiFi internet connection
advertised; but the transmitter signal apparently
does not reach the actual café. A friend who
works in a bank reopens his office there for us to
go online at 8:50 pm.
Jürgen G. has sent an email, urging
me to skepticism. I reply: "Ich war heute in T.,
sehr enttäuscht darüber, wie die Stelle
umgepflügt worden ist mit
Schüleraufgaben, Denkmälern usw. Sogar
die Bahnlinie ist aufgerissen und abmontiert
worden.. . . Bin in einigen Tagen auch in
A. und L. und S., um eigene Eindrücke zu
sammeln." That is Auschwitz, Lublin, and
Sobibór.  [Previous
Radical's Diary] Donate
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dossier on the Holocaust
well-produced revisionist film on problems with
the Holocaust controversy