Sept. 11, 2002, is going to be
one day-long Washington and media
yelp, all over again -- an act of
David Irving

10, 2002 (Tuesday), Key
West (Florida) Arrived back at Key West at 10:33 p.m.
last night. I have driven 4,765 miles in
the three weeks. ---TOMORROW IS September 11. I have
thought a lot about the events of that day
since switching on the television in Iowa
on that morning last year, and seeing the
horrific, fascinating events unfold: the
Pentagon crash-bombed, huge skyscraper
towers collapsing like concertinas, the
second one with an almost beautiful
symmetry as the air compressed by each
descending floor puffed plumes of debris,
dust, and wreckage out to every side. Even as I listened to the television
that day, and took down staccato notes
of each bulletin released to us by an as
yet uncensored media, I became conscious
of a mounting skepticism about the
events. That skepticism has only increased as
the weeks and months passed. Being the
webmaster of a site which ranks
among the top 44,000 of the world, I have
had the advantage of being the focal point
of the unbelievers, infidels in their own
way, who have deluged me with their own
viewpoints, or links to articles and
investigative news stories in little-known
local newspapers (the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette is one shining example).
And thereby hangs the point of what I am
now writing. Let nobody impugn the courage of the
officers and men who, as the word now has
it, ran into the Twin Towers when
everybody else was rushing out: the
firemen, and the officers of the New York
police department. A Hundsfott who
suggests that that is the purpose of the
words that follow!
AS GREAT as were the professionalism and
sacrifice of those officers, so great is
the cowardice of the American journalists
of both print and broadcast media in
failing to follow up the leads which have
glared at them from all around.
I have always been a great admirer of
American journalism. Articles in The
Los Angeles Times or the newspapers of
the Knight Ridder Group, for example, far
outclass any of the writing that I can
find in their European counterparts. One of the pleasures of getting off the
plane in Miami, apart from being hit in
the face by the hot wet flannel that
Florida calls a climate, is picking up for
35 cents a copy of The Miami
Herald: and occasionally even the
Herald has not failed us -- as when
it reported,
many months ago, on Oct. 31, that six men
driving three sedans had been picked up by
police in the mid-West and found to be
carrying maps of Florida nuclear power
plants and other installations, and
Israeli passports; but that they were
released soon after, when Immigration
& Naturalization Service headquarters
confirmed that the papers were genuine;
and that the F.B.I was furious upon
hearing this, and demanded their rearrest,
only to hear they had probably escaped
into Canada. And that the next day John
Ashcroft, the attorney general, said
that the whole story was untrue
The story has not just disappeared from
the newspapers, like those Israelis
caught cheering and videotaping the
collapsing buildings from the top of a
truck in New Jersey (they were imprisoned
for a while, then quietly deported, and
the truck's owners meanwhile did a bunk
for, presumably, Israel, having been
working all along for The
Mossad). It never happened. Or rather, it has
ALL of these strange events are the stuff
of which a Franz Kafka or George
Orwell novel might be made, but they
belong in a loftier realm than the items
which have continued to puzzle me all year
long. Of which, more below.
What has disturbed me is the readiness
of the journalists to gobble up every
strand of propaganda spaghetti that their
fear-crazed government has fed to them.
Are they frightened of being accused of a
lack of patriotism? See
how that word has now been abused and
exploited by the government, like all the
other derogatory p-words from pedophilia
and pornography to now, well, president.
(I predicted to friends at Cincinnati over
a week ago that President George W
Bush would soon declare Sept.11 a
national day, and call it "Patriot Day,"
and events have not proved me wrong.)
The fundamental and perhaps fateful
step that Washington has taken has been to
hide from public view, and even deny, the
punitive nature of the attack (with
the obvious corollary that it was a
one-off spectacular: and there will be no
more). The character-building British public
school education, with all the beatings
that went with it in the 1950s, taught me
at least that an essential part of being
an adult was to take punishment like a
man, without yelping. Tomorrow,
Sept. 11, 2002, is going to be one
day-long Washington and media yelp, all
over again -- an act of national
denial. The
self-evident truth is that the Muslims,
allegedly under the leadship of one
Mohammed Atta (left) carried
out this fearsomely intrepid attack on the
Twin Towers -- eight men bringing down all
seven buildings of the World Trade Center
-- and on the Pentagon because of the
blind United States support of Israel
despite the latter's criminal and
repressive policies in the Middle East; or
because of the presence of the American
infidels on hallowed Muslim ground in
Saudi Arabia, a presence motivated purely
by greed for the region's oil treasures;
or both.
Even Abraham Foxman, the
unlovable director of the Anti-Defamation
League, admits that he shuddered at
the prospect of the increased anti-Semitic
feelings that the attacks were sure to
generate. He did not shudder for long. It has not
happened. Instead the Americans now surely
believe that a weird Middle Eastern mystic
called Osama bin Laden, of whom
they had not hitherto been told, had
plotted to destroy their cherished
freedoms. Never has a lie been so swiftly
crafted and so blatantly and often retold.
The propaganda management of the
post-Sept.11 epoch has been magnificent,
and I hope we are one day allowed to learn
the name of this new American Dr Joseph
Goebbels. American journalists are however not
the American public. It is their sacred
national duty to investigate what really
happened and why. In this they have --
with a very few honorable exceptions --
failed. Discretion has got the better of
what little valour they might have
succumbed to. Let me make plain here that I do not
for a moment subscribe to the more lunatic
theories vapored around the Internet.
Carol Valentine has suggested that
there were no humans aboard the planes,
and that they were steered by remote
control into the buildings no doubt by
Mossad agents. Other messages sent to me
try to persuade me that powerful
explosives were used to pre-detonate the
buildings just before each plane hit.
Another ingenious theory has it that there
was no plane at all that hit the Pentagon
-- it was a missile. I am not pleased that correspondents
have sent me such items as these. Assuming
that they are not agents provocateurs
inserted into the entire 9/11 debate in
order to discredit it entirely, it implies
that they think my brain is completely
addled, and it is not. During my five thousand mile drive
around the country these last three weeks,
my weary braincells have however pondered
a number of evident flaws in these strands
of propaganda-spaghetti.
WE ARE told that the passengers made calls
on their cellphones to their next of kin
(indeed, we learn that the hijackers on
United Airlines 93 actually invited
passengers to do so, a fact which tests my
credulity to the extreme). Question: Do
commercial cellphones work at that
altitude, inside the metal box of
airplanes? I don't know, I am merely
asking. Driving across Tennessee, I found
my Sprint phone went dead several times at
ground level. Or were the passengers using
the seatback payphones?
Perhaps that does not matter. This
does: According both to my own Arab
experts and to a detailed analysis by the
main German television channel ARD, the
F.B.I. or the Pentagon doctored the
translation of the Osama bin Laden
television videos before transmission, to
insert words and passages indicating that
he had prior knowledge of the attacks and
masterminded them. (I myself have a
suspicion that Mohammed Atta, wherever he
is, or the real hijackers' leader, is
scratching his head and saying: "Osama bin
Who? Who is this guy?") The US journalists
have made no mention whatever of this
outrageous fakery. While
we are on Arabic documents, consider the
Arabic letters which the F.B.I. claimed to
have found shortly after the attack.
The Washington Post initially
described them as consisting of five
pages, allegedly written by Mohammed Atta
himself: oops, only four have been
released by the F.B.I. Internal evidence
also shows that one page is missing.
What was on the fifth? The actual
reasons for the Muslims' grim punitive
expedition? Or errors so blatant that the
page had to be scrapped? Just how authentic are the other four
pages? Their actual content makes any
Arabic expert wince: under Islamic law,
women cannot be killed in war, yet the
handwritten "manual" makes no attempt to
work around this problem for the
hijackers. It even talks of "taking
prisoners" and disposing of "loot"
(permitted under Islamic law). Walking the junior team members through
the take-off procedure, the letter's
author says the plane will "hesitate"
before take off, and he uses other
language that may seem strange for the
trained pilot that Atta had become. The
letter also tells the men to make sure
their "suits" are in order before boarding
the plane. The Arabic word is definitely
formal, "suits", but airport closed
circuit TV shows the hijackers wearing
open neck shirts and slacks as they pass
through the boarding gates. The list is
too full to go into here, but Eric
Mueller went over all the ingredients
at his lecture at Cincinnati last
week. Mohammed
Atta himself, the alleged ringleader, is
an enigma: his father insists his son
would never have become involved; his
tutor and professor at the university in
Hamburg where he studied for many years
were shocked, stating that such an act was
totally out of character.
We have been shown no handwriting
reports by experts comparing the letters
found with known samples of his
handwriting -- letters to girlfriends and
the like. The Hamburg university and
police authorities must have obtained many
samples of Atta's handwriting in both
Arabic and western handwriting. We are
told that the C.I.A. had him under
surveillance there for a year before he
transferred to the USA. Perhaps one
conclusion is that the letter or letters
were not written by Atta at all, but
subsequently foisted onto the F.B.I. One thing is certain: given the
precision with which the four-plane
operation was planned, each four-man team
would have been identically equipped and
would have been following identical plans
of operation. Failure was not an
option. We know from an air-to-ground call by
one flight attendant that one hijacker
aboard one plane had "shot" the Israeli
passenger seated directly in front of him
(she gave the seat numbers). So there was
a gun. If one team had a gun, it follows
that each team had a gun. In fact that is obvious: no four-man
team equipped just with the proverbial
boxcutters could have guaranteed to seize
control a wide body jet laden with up to
250 passengers and crew (the planners had
to assume as a worst-case scenario a full
load on each plane) unless each team had
at least one firearm. There is no other way that such a small
team could have simultaneously neutralized
both the passenger cabins and the flight
crew on the flight deck. Remember: They
could not countenance failure. So why is the public fed the boxcutter
story? The answer may be purely
commercial: If the two airlines involved
had negligently let guns get onto all four
planes, they would be liable in law for
damage claims, including the direct loss
of the seven buildings, that would bring
down the entire U.S. airline industry.
(The swiftness with which the government
later moved to set a cap on any such
claims supports this theory). We have heard rumours that one member
of the team that seized United Airlines
flight 93 over Pennsylvania was wearing a
bogus American Airlines uniform, and was
allowed a seat on the flight deck as a
courtesy. If this is true, the same
damages considerations would apply.
[See reader's
CAPTIVATING theories circulate about the
role of The Mossad before and after the
catastrophe. Despite the overwhelmingly
financial character of the World Trade
Center, it is startling but true that only
one Israeli was killed that morning
(originally the figure was thought to be
as much as three); there may be a
statistical explanation -- e.g.
that they held dual citizenship, and
are listed under their alternative
citizenship. But the cowardly U.S. media
have drawn a discreet veil over this
anomaly as well.
A tip-off seems an unlikely
explanation: Like all conspiracy theories,
it trips up at the consideration that too
many people would have had to be in the
know. There are however major isolated
anomalies that still seek an explanation,
e.g. that the half
Israeli-government owned shipping firm Zim
its premises high up in one of the
Twin Towers, expensively breaking its
lease, just a week before the disaster and
refuses to explain why. Another Israeli tenant-firm in the
building admitted
openly in the media the next day that it
had received warning emails from Israel an
hour or two before the attack; it passed
them on to The Mossad, their own
Intelligence service, before the attack,
but did not inform the FBI until
afterwards. So much for
I AM not going to pause for even a moment
on American Airlines Flight 587, which
mysteriously came down in a New York
suburb a few days after Sept. 11. Fearful
that another terrorist success would ruin
the airline industry, the government
swiftly moved to crush all
fifty of them including police officers,
who saw a "car-sized" explosion on the
fuselage were discounted. As the
(left) had
become detached and landed in the bay some
distance away, a female National
Transportation Safety Board spokesman at
10:53 p.m. that same evening ended the
debate by saying that it was the cockpit
voice recorder they have recovered.
"Everything tells us that we are
proceeding appropriately -- considering it
to be an accident."
I wrote
down those convoluted and improbable
words as she spoke them. The F.A.A.'s own
subsequent action disproved that version:
Any catastrophic structural failure of an
airplane, in this case an Airbus, would
have led to a grounding of the entire
worldwide fleet of that airplane type
until the defect had been diagnosed and
remedied. No such recall was issued, so
the F.A.A. did not believe its own
version. Far more bothersome is the crash of
(Todd Beamer: "Let's roll!") United
Airlines 93. The evidence is sad: It
suggests that Beamer's little crew
probably succeeded in recapturing the
airliner from the hijackers, only to be
shot out of the sky by a US fighter plane
acting on presidential orders. The government's version is, ahem,
different: No missile fired, but the plane
diving vertically into the ground at
Shanksville, intact, with the heroes still
battling the hijackers in the cockpit,
determined to save the White House and
Bush's staff if not his exalted skin. (The
evidence now provided by al-Jazeera, if it
can be believed, is that this plane's
target for punishment was the U.S.
Capitol, as I suspected all along: the
White House would be a difficult, if not
impossible target to identify and destroy
with certainty.) The
evidence for a shoot-down is formidable:
One engine was found 2,000 yards away from
the crash site; letters over ten miles
away, some of them charred with burn
holes; eye witnesses saw a fighter plane
or planes at the same time; a seismic
station nearby recorded a supersonic
boom at a time when the government has not
admitted, or has actively denied, that
warplanes were in the area.
Evidence for a cover up is no less
concrete: A passenger made, we are told,
the last call from the toilet of United
Airlines 93, to a dispatcher on the
ground. The caller said first that the
plane had been hijacked, repeated that it
had been hijacked -- this was not a hoax;
and then, that there had been an explosion
on the plane and it was full of white
smoke. That is what the news media
announced an hour later -- I typed it down
as they said it. There is an eight minute gap in the
records so far released between that call
and the plane hitting the ground at 10:06
a.m., twenty minutes before the North
Tower collapsed in New York bringing the
attacks to a spectacular finale. Whether a US fighter plane had first
made a pass, as normal shoot-down
procedure would require, to establish
contact with the flight deck and order it
to land immediately, we don't know:
Because that part of the tape has been
withheld or destroyed. The F.B.I. has also confiscated the
tape of the conversation with the
dispatcher, and forbidden her to talk.
Could it be because of the caller's remark
about an explosion? Had the hijackers
carried a bomb on board? Hardly, although
that is what Washington at once hinted.
None of the other teams carried bombs, and
since the objective was to use the planes
as manned missiles, to have carried a bomb
aboard would have been ridiculous. The evidence against United 93
having been shot down is more spare,
though not entirely inconsiderable. The
president has not admitted it. The air
force has denied it. Many more people than
the pilot would shortly afterward have
learned of his deed: Ground crew would
have loaded live ammunition into the
plane, and would have detected that it had
been used when it landed. But just as the captain of the USS
Liberty was rewarded for his
silence after his ship was attacked on the
high seas with heavy loss of life by the
Israelis, and threatened with fierce
punishment if he talked, so too these
officers and men can have been shown both
the carrot and the stick. Told of the
Shanksville crash, Bush himself asked Vice
President Dick Cheney whether it was a
result of the order just given. Cheney's
answer was evasive at best. It remains a mystery to me why Bush did
not admit to the action at once, and gain
the entire world's sympathy, just as
Winston Churchill admitted to
attacking the French fleet in July 1940,
and derived much strategic capital from
the episode. Instead, just like his
father, Bush has in my view tangled
himself and his closest henchmen in a web
of deceit. His cronies later readily admitted to
telling other lies -- the little white lie
that they also had evidence that Air Force
One, the presidential airplane, was a
terrorist target, hence its erratic
all-day scamper across country to anywhere
but Washington. The Big Shanksville Lie, if lie it is,
is more serious. Son of a famous president
who once memorably sneered "read my lips"
as a promise not to increase taxation,
George W Bush has evidently decided he
cannot afford to be caught lying. The Big Lie remains just that. The
techniques are just more subtle. The tapes
of the last call from United 93 and of the
airliner's cockpit voice recorder are not
all that have vanished from public view.
No mention of the Twin Towers catastrophe
has been made in any television sitcom for
the last fifty-two weeks. Unless I am
mistaken, the towers have themselves
vanished from the background of many a
sitcom's title-sequence, e.g.
Friends, airbrushed out as craftily
as a blemish from a Penthouse model's
belly. Seeing them back in the New York
skyline would just anger the Americans, or
remind them of this disastrous punishment
administered by a grim handful of hellbent
men. There is much other than the propaganda
techniques being used that reminds us
historians of WW2: The obfuscations, for
example, and the comfortable knowledge
that the public memory is short. Even the appointment of Hamid
Karzai as a puppet prime minister of
the new pro-American Afghanistan smacks of
WW2 and the satraps appointed by Adolf
Hitler to rule his expanding empire.
Karzai's own peoples have seen through
him, as the several assassination attempts
already testify. In any other scenario he
would be called a Quisling. But not by the
brave American press. These are all superficial wonders. The
deeper mysteries prevail: Why is George
Bush going after the Taliban, since
evidence -- real evidence -- linking them
with the Sept. 11 attacks is non-existent?
And why is that other Quisling, our own
prime minister Tony Blair, so
frivolously leading my own country to
perdition, frolicking along on the U.S.
president's shirttails? There is a possible answer, though an
ugly one. I have long suspected, and
history may bear me out on this, that both
the Labour Party and the Conservative
Party in Britain have been simultaneously
receiving secret funding from America's
Central Intelligence Agency through some
suitable front organisation, perhaps an
educational trust. In the real world of politics this is,
alas, the way that what Sir Oswald
Mosley called "the Old Gang" has
always done things. (Mosley himself of
course solicited money from both Hitler
and Benito Mussolini). The Conservatives never explained how
they suddenly liquidated their £19m
bank overdraft a few years back, while
still in power; and the Labour party also
seems to have solved its financial
troubles in a jiffy. Buy the blind support of an entire
country for one tenth the price of a
Boeing 767? Cheap at the price. We have
how venal the British are. 
Radical's Diary
Atlanticist Tendency o the British
labour movement
to us after posting of the
Ramsay: The influence of Intelligence
Services on the British Left
to us after posting of the