I find myself thinking a highly
improper thought: 'We must do
this more often.' I can already
think of a few Royal personages
whom history would not really
David Irving

9, 2002 (Tuesday) London Queen Mother's funeral this
morning. Solemn music on the radio, and
TV. Again the spectacle of bands,
Guardsmen, etc., is spoiled by the
endlessly chattering commentators telling
us what we can already see (but, thanks to
them, no longer hear); this time the
camera lingers on the occasional Black
face that it has picked out, rather bored,
mostly schoolchildren dragooned into
attending. Again the images are spoiled by
lone Metropolitan Police horsemen leading
the procession, their shambling horses
spoiling the precision of the marching
troops. These totally superfluous police
horsemen were never in the processions in
earlier years. The ordinary British people -- and I
mean once again the native English -- have
risen magnificently to the occasion. The
funeral of Princess Diana was a
rehearsal for this, which is a rehearsal
for others no doubt to come. Seeing how
the unpredictable public rises and cocks a
snook at the leftist media, who predicted
a thin turn-out ("SORRY
MA'AM" was one gleeful daily
Daily Mirror headline above a
carefully angled photo of empty barricades
last week), and enjoys these after-echoes
of a great imperial past, I find myself
thinking a highly improper thought: "We
must do this more often." I can already
think of a few Royal personages whom
history would not really miss. 
MEANWHILE, Ariel Sharon and his
Jewish gangster friends have risen to the
occasion in their own way. Just as our own
beloved Tony Blair's colleagues
secretly advised each other last September
11 that that day's events might be a good
chance to "bury bad news" about the
British transport system, Sharon has
decided to use these few days while the
civilised world's eyes (at least those in
Britain) are averted, to bury
What is it about him that reminds me so
much of the 1956 methods of Nikita
Khrushchev? The realisation that what
you have, you hold: that in international
gangsterism, a week is a short time, and
that a week later the gangsterism is
forgotten as the newspapers move on. Of his criminality, not least in the
constitutional sense of a Slobodan
Milosevic, as head of state, there can
be no doubt. I have over the last few days
received from various quarters appalling
evidence of what has been happening to the
innocent Palestinians, sheaves of atrocity
photos. One picture shows a toddler held
in the arms of an elderly officer -- the
baby's head has been blown right off by a
rocket fired by one of the helicopter
gunships so kindly supplied by the eager
American taxpayer; the romper suit was
powder blue, so it was probably a baby
boy. Victims
of Mr Sharon 
NIGHT (April 8) television
stations in the Arab world showed
film footage of a Palestinian man
in Bethlehem sitting beside the
bodies of his brother and mother.
Sharon's brave soldiers will not
allow ambulances to remove the
bodies so they decompose before
his eyes. "Why us?", the
Jews will wail once again, the
next time misfortune befalls
them. |
Another, even more nightmarish, photo
is of an innocent Arab youngster killed in
a gun battle some time ago. The corpse,
returned to his next of kin, hangs as
limply as a deflated beach-mattress
painted with human features; this is
because it has been robbed of most of its
vital organs, which have been "harvested"
by his murderers, the Israelis, for
retailing on the international
human-organs market. One wonders what
historians would have made of it if Dr
Josef Mengele had done the
same. No doubt for reasons of taste, the
national press has failed to print any
such photographs in their reporting on
this wanted war criminal, Sharon; to my
shame, I have to admit that I will not
post them on my website either. They are
obscene, and one feels dirty for having
even looked at them. I have no doubt that the victims of the
suicide bombings in Israel do not look any
more wholesome. Nor those crushed by the
collapsing Twin Towers. But it is the
dishonest refusal of intelligent statesmen
to draw a direct line, between Cause and
Effect, that I find baffling, between the
hopelessness of these Palestinian warriors
and what Sharon and his predecessors are
doing, and the American-Jewish world of
capitalism, and the greed of the United
States military-industrial complex. 
INCIDENTALLY, there has been much talk of
the kamikaze airmen, and of the Arab
suicide commando (I myself heard
President Bill Clinton call them
"cowardly and despicable") who took an
explosives-laden rubber dinghy alongside
the "defenceless" destroyer USS
Cole in the Yemen and blew
themselves up, and of other such
Himmelfahrtskommandos, as the
Germans used to call them; but nobody has
pointed out that in April 1945 scores of
German airmen, driven to the same
desperate straits of hopelessness and a
fatalistic sense of impotence against
force majeure, resorted to just the
same device.
Three weeks before the end of World War
II, in a carefully orchestrated and
long-planned Luftwaffe operation
Werewolf, oft-postponed, seventy
suicide pilots crashed their fighter
planes en masse into a US heavy-bomber
formation attacking Hannover. That was on
April 7, 1945; and a few days later, the
survivors of that operation crash-bombed
their planes into the bridges over the
Oder as the Russians began their final
advance on Berlin. These doomed pilots were, it is
reasonable to guess, probably young men
who had lost family, friends, children,
and all that was dear to them in the
Allied saturation bombing raids, and this
was their one chance of striking back at a
ruthless Übermacht. Sounds
familiar? All the evidence is there, in the war
diary of the Luftwaffe High Command and
the stenographic records of the
conferences of Field Marshal Erhard
Milch. Nobody commemorates these
German patriots now, so let me. I shall
post the relevant
pages from my
biography on my website: it provides
better inspiration than looking at those
photographs. [Previous
from David Irving's biography of Hermann
Göring reveal that the German air
force carried out desperate kamikaze-type
suicide operations in 1945 |