Anti-Defamation League has a new motif, The
Snake and the Star, illustrated at right. We
kid you not. 
For a general link on ADL activities, see and see our Index
to our Dossier on the Origins of
Anti-Semitism Not many people know that
. . . . . . Abraham Foxman,
director of the U.S. "Anti-Defamation League",
attended the funeral of mass-murderer Meir
Kahane as a pall bearer. | 
to the Traditional Enemies of Free
Alphabetical index (text)
ranking: Creeping up to 20,000th: Our Focal Point
website is visibly more popular than the ADL
website. (Graphic date: Wednesday, 26 June,
2005) Index
to Items on the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of the
B'nai Brith --
a New York body which boasts an annual $60
million income, concerned to violate Free
Speech in North America and around the
World$2 | | |
 | Website note:
Foxman, wealthy and controversial chief of the
Anti Defamation League, likes to refer to himself
as a "Holocaust survivor." As a biography
on this website shows, he was not even born when
Hitler invaded his native Poland, and he was looked
after by Polish Catholics throughout the war; his
parents also "survived".
Author, "Never Again?
The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism," foreword by
($24.95, 304 pages). |
comment "The First
Amendment?" "That's included in the $29.95,
sir." THE ADL® (Anti-Defamation League) will team
with The Learning Company on a conversion of its Cyber
Patrol "parental control" Internet filtering software that
will also screen out hundreds of Websites the ADL says
promote anti-Semitism and other hate speech. Available in
1998 on the ADL Web site (, the software will
send surfers who try to access hate sites to the ADL's
anti-hate site. Cost $29.95 --news item[click
for more on World Wide Web Censorship
efforts][and see
ADLWATCH |  | Website note: Al
Gore (protégé of Armand Hammer)
said in a speech
to the ADL on May
9, 2000: "We all applaud the verdict of the court
in Britain against a falsifier of history, who
claimed that the gas chambers of Auschwitz were
built as a tourist
attraction, and
then tried to put history itself on trial and give
comfort to those who cloak themselves in hatred and
denial. Thank God for the wisdom and the law on the
side of the court which struck down that obscene
set of claims by that awful falsifier." |
| The
ADL's Criminal Campaign of Smear, Corruption, and
Harassment: - 2011: Hesitating on which car to buy next? Here's a
pointer: Volkswagen
Corporation says it will donate $1 million to the
Anti-Defamation League
- TheADL's smear job on David Irving, ca 2001:
David Irving: Propagandists'
Poster Boy | original
- Jul 14, 2007: "The
ADL chief is a danger to the future of the community, and
it is a scandal that he remains at the head of a major
Jewish organization. Foxman must
 - Feb 9, 2007: ADL's Abe
Foxman speculates that the Internet may be a major factor
in growing anti-Semitism throughout the world
- Mar 3, 2005: The Lingua Franca of the ADL ADL's
obscene response to a letter from Official Wire re
Holocaust evidence and the Zündel issue
- Bill
O'Reilly calls the Anti-Defamation League an 'extremist
group ' and its national director Abraham Foxman a
- Abe
Foxman demands investigation of "leak" of FBI's probe
into Israeli espionage in Pentagon
| fears
FBI probe will force AIPAC to file as 'Foreign Agent'
under 1938 anti-Nazi laws - Anti-Defamation League
gets coach fired for 'discriminating' against
cheerleader | Cheerleader
applauds firing of UGA coach Marilou Braswell appeals
- A smear
backgrounder on David Irving issued by the
Anti-Defamation League, 2004 | with our added
- Jul 9, 2004: Abraham
Foxman (ADL) to Wall Street Journal, analyses the
Holocaust deniers: "The alleged Jewish motive? A
desire to obtain global power, to defraud non-Jews of
billions of dollars, to demoralize 'Aryan' societies by
imposing crushing guilt for a genocide that never
- Jul 2, 2004: ADL
outraged at Ralph Nader's characterisation of US
Government as puppet of Israel |
Aug 13, 2004: Ralph
Nader defends Israel 'puppeteer' comments: Abe Foxman
sneers, "anti-Semite" |
of Nader letter
- The bribetakers
list of your local US lawmakers and how much cash they
receive from Israel
- Apr 28, 2004: Sen.
John Kerry to Address ADL National Conference in
Washington, DC
- Apr 22, 2004: ADL
Praises Google for Responding to Concerns about Rankings
of Hate Sites
- 2004: New York Press
YORKERS: No. 37: Abe Foxman
- Jan 2004: ADL's
Abe Foxman justifies 1967 Israeli attack on USS Liberty
which killed many US sailors
chief's outrage as 2004 Oscars ceremony honours Leni
- New dossier: The ADL,
the 1913 Murder of Mary Phagan, and the Lynching of Leo
- Flashback How in 1933
the Anti-Defamation League stifled new books of which it
disapproved, like Madison Grant's 400pp The Conquest of a
- Under
Jewish ADL pressure Mel Gibson deletes a controversial
scene about Jews from his film on Jesus Christ
- Abe Foxman's instant
outrage as Wall Street Journal favorably cites David
Irving on Churchill's tax problems
- Dec 2003: Abe Foxman
shilling for the Sharon Gang, again
- 1996: ADL protested at
Defense Department warning to military contractors that
Israel was trying to steal US secrets using Jewish
- ADL Praises
Microsoft for Efforts to Remove Nazi Symbols from Office
- Financing the
Anti-Defamation League (pdf
file of part of the ADL's public tax info). It seems like
a good business to go into: $50 million in revenues, and
high salaries.
- Abe
Foxman ADL) says movie actor Mel Gibson is 'seriously
infected' with anti-Semitism, based on his upcoming
movie, The Passion of Christ | Rabbi
Eugene Korn resigns as ADL "director of interfaith
affairs" over this issue
- Nov 6-7, 2003: Attorney
General Ashcroft to Address 90th Anti-Defamation League
National Meeting in New York | Ashcroft:
We'll Keep Fighting Anti-Semitism, Terrorism
- Oct 2003: ADL
rejects New Republic apology for article on film 'Kill
Bill' which depicts Harvey Weinstein and Michael Eisner
as 'Jewish executives' who "worship money"
outraged after Chicago bank praises Hitler as a great
economic leader |
President Who Praised Hitler's Policies
- Abraham
Foxman in bed with Assicurazioni Generali, takes $100,000
to stay mum
- "Holocaust survivor"
Abe Foxman's salary nudges up to half-million, while his
organisation begs for funds
- The
boss of crusade against anti-semitism confesses to press
that his organisation took huge bribe to influence US
President to pardon billionaire Jewish fraudster | --
"The guy who gives you $100 doesn't get as much attention
as the guy who gives you $10,000" | -- admits
ADL took Marc Rich's $100G before pushing pardon: sees
"no connection" | ADL's
Foxman grovels, March, 2001 |--New
York Daily News assails ADL, "Jewish Leaders'
Unpardonable Role" in Jan. 2001 Marc Rich corruption
scandal |-- Elie
Wiesel denies he Threw Weight into Campaign to Secure
Pardon for Mega-Fraudster Rich (but he did) |
Rich Linked To $9 Billion Russian Jewish mafia Money
Laundering Investigation | Walter
Reich and Charles Krauthammer on Bill Clinton's pardoning
of tax-fraudster Marc Rich
officials refuse to condemn Israeli bulldozer murder of
US girl peace activist Rachel Corrie
- Irish best-selling
author Gordon Thomas discovers the ADL is preventing his
books from being sold at bookstores
- Abraham Foxman warns Mel
Gibson not to suggest Jews killed Jesus Christ
- ADL outrage at
American Library Association (ALA) anti-Israel resolution
- Ultra-sensitive
ADL members outraged at doughboy massacre spoof
- Feb
2003: ADL's Foxman gloats at Immigration Service arrest
of Ernst Zündel
- The ADL and Other
Branches: Why Waste Time Hacking?
- Wither
the peace process? An interview with Professor Norman G.
 - ADL
protests Finkelstein speech at Georgetown University
 - ADL
Wants Finkelstein Silenced, Defending Free Speech With A
Ball Gag
- Fury as ADL Lumps
Conservatives with Klansmen and Neo-Nazis
- Worried ADL, Wiesel plan
October 2002 NY conference
- ADL Admits To Lying in
Smear about JAIL, an anti judiciary watchdog
- The ADL: Still Spying
on Americans: now monitoring booksellers
- How the ADL Counts
Anti-Semites: An "anti-Semitism index" that's less than
- Abraham
Foxman (ADL) calls the Internet a danger for world's
Jews, May 2002
- San
Francisco Examiner investigates the ADL, Apr 2002: Paper
trail of deceit | ADL
Found Guilty Of Spying By California Court
- Abraham Foxman's guilty
nightmare about September 11, 2001
- Jude Wanniski
to publisher Mort Zuckerman, March 2002: "Do Jews Control
the Media?" -- "Twice in 1998 I
wrote warnings in this space that unless we tried to find
the source of the hatred against the United States in the
Muslim world, terrorists would return and bring down the
Twin Towers."
- Nicholas
Hill writes about one of the fraudsters who finances the
- ADL smears David Irving for
his opinions about the World Trade Center attack and
Sept. 11, 2001
- Astonishing attack on much
loved community leader: Abe Foxman: Disgrace to my
- Who's Who at the
ADL: its criminal payroll and activities
- ADL To Launch Innovative
Law Enforcement Initiative
report diminished its reputation
- ADL: Censoring the
Internet on behalf of Israel
- Carl Pearlston, Jun
4, 2001: The ADL Pushes "Tolerance"? Why I'm Leaving
after 25 Years
- Corruption/Pardons
scandal (Jan-Mar 2001): Foxman
grovels on Marc Rich Pardon | ADL's
Abe Foxman confesses blunder in using ADL stationery
| -- says "The
guy who gives you $100 doesn't get as much attention as
the guy who gives you $10,000" | -- admits
ADL took Marc Rich's $100G before pushing pardon: sees
"no connection" | Rich's
advisers debated whether to seek a presidential pardon as
early as Feb 2000
- Neighbors'
Spat [Apr 29, 2000] Leads to a Huge Award Against
the Anti-Defamation League | ADL
ordered to pay Denver couple $10.5m | Charges
of bigotry backfire, ADL loses Denver appeal against
$10.5m libel award | $10m
Libel award against Anti-Defamation League upheld |
Supreme Court
refuses appeal, Denver Couple whom ADL portrayed as
Anti-Semites keeps $10 Million Judgment |
Ouch: "Anti-defamers"
finally pay up $12 million for smearing Denver couple
| Denver Couple
whom ADL portrayed as Anti-Semites keep Judgment
- Rabbi calls ADL
leader Foxman the 'worst enemy' of the Jews
- New York
Daily News assails ADL, "Jewish Leaders' Unpardonable
Role" in Marc Rich corruption scandal
- Porky
ADL leader Foxman beefs at Arab hatred (Feb 2001)
- Boston
worthy, Richard J. Cotter, left fortunes in Mar 1999 to
William Pierce, Ernst Zündel and others: ADL's
- Los Angeles
Court Hands Down Final Judgment in ADL Spying Case, Dec
- Letter to New
York Times, August 1999: Monitoring Extremist
- Spy
vs Spite: an in-depth report on the ADL's spying and
harassment methods, Feb 2000
- Born in Poland
in 1940, "Holocaust survivor" Abraham
- On
CNN Abraham Foxman(ADL) claimed to be a Holocaust
Survivor. But he was never in a concentration
reverses promise on "SNL" sketch on Hanukkah
- taz, berlin,
Dec 16, 1999: dialogue between ADL and internet expert on
"rightwing" website dangers [in German]
- ADL protest forces
NBC to shelve "Saturday Night Live" skit | Never
again "Saturday Night "? Maybe not
- ADL's
role in suppressing sales of American book on the 1967
Israeli attack on USS Liberty
- Apr 17, 1977:
Secret Report by ADL's Washington DC office to an
unidentified agency in the United Kingdom, probably the
Board of Deputies of British Jews, on its Attempts to
Stifle interviews of David Irving on US
- Jul 6, 1983: ADL's
Mr Justin Finger, circulates a smear report on David
- Oct 15, 1983: David
Irving issues a warning letter to Finger
- 1985: ADL chief Abe
Foxman lies, tells New York Times that David Irving has
been refuted by responsible historians, such as Gerald
Fleming [Gerhard Flehinger]
1988 report equates criticism of Israeli policies on
Palestine with antisemitism
Dossier: The ADL'S
illegal penetration of US and San Francisco police
agencies, exposed in 1993- ADL in San
Francisco Court, resists Demand to Disclose its
exposé: ADL's main fact-finder was also spy for
South African regime; buddy was San Francisco cop who
tutored El Salvadoran death squads
- ADL settles San Francisco
spying lawsuit, pays damages | ADL
blinks, settles spying case
 - Link
only: Without offering any opinion as to the arguments of
either side, we draw attention to an African-American
narrative on the ADL's role in trying to suppress by
every possible means all academic discussion of the
alleged involvement of European Jews in the Negro slave
- Mr
Irving's Radical's Diary, Feb 1993: the day that a fake
"OSI" document smearing him fell into his hands
- Oct 15, 1992 |
Oct 19, 1992 | ADL-front,
Center for Democratic Renewal, smears Mr Irving in press
releases | witness
statement Jan 1999
- Anti-Defamation
League (ADL) successfully pressures Time Warner &
Sony to remove a video on Hitler from a catalog
- Middle East
Labor Bulletin, Spring 1993 reports: ADL U.S. Spy
networks exposed in San Francisco
- May 31, 1993:
The ADL Spy Probe, by Alexander Cockburn: in Beat the
Devil, his bi-weekly column in The Nation
- Middle East Labor
Bulletin, spring 1993: The ADL's info helped the House
UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC) in its 1947
- Middle East Labor
Bulletin, Fall 1993: ADL not only acts as propaganda arm
of Israel but also provides secret intelligence on
Palestinians and Arab-Americans to the Mossad
- Middle East Labor
Bulletin, Fall 1993: Unions were among hundreds of groups
spied on by ADL informant
- Sept 28, 1998:
ADL court battle over secret spy files continues in San
Francisco state appeals court
- Feb 1996:
Attempt by International Jewish agencies to incriminate
David Irving in Oklahoma City Bombing
- Apr
1996: Role in Suppression of David Irving's Goebbels
- Anti Defamation
League called FDR's regime Anti-Semitic
- Oct 1997:
Extracts from an article by Victor Ostrovsky: "When
Israel's Mossad set out to break me, it found its helpers
here [in the USA] at home"
- Abraham H. Foxman's
Obsession with David Irving
- How the
Anti-Defamation League Systematically Smears Conservative
Christians (and others)
- Apr 7,
1998: ADL
attempts to block publication of scholarly book critical
of Daniel Goldhagen
Protests about David Irving Lecture to Washington State
University Students
- Jul 1998:
Anti-Defamation League attacks opponent IHR's tax-exempt
- Sep
1998: Anti-Defamation League targets National Alliance in
- Earning its keep, ADL publishes
new tracts attacking
The Institute of
Historical Review (IHR)
Campaign for Open
Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) - Sept.1999:
Anti Defamation League (ADL), Simon Wiesenthal Center
(SWC), ask U.S. Congress for laws to censor the
campaign against Free Speech on Internet: |
Sample Smears by
the ADL Right: The Website of the New York-based Anti-Defamation League
is currently brimming with hatred and defamation of
historian David Irving. The ADL collaborates closely with
the London based Board
of Deputies of British Jews .
There are no attempts to repeat these smears in the United
Kingdom, where the laws of libel offer more effective
protection against defamation than in the USA. | A
quotation that defines the "Anti-Defamation
League": God's
chosen children: "The Holocaust is
something different. It is a singular event. It
is not simply one example of genocide but a near
successful attempt on the life of God's chosen
children and, thus, on God Himself. It is an
event that is the antithesis of Creation as
recorded in the Bible; and like its direct
opposite, which is relived weekly with the
Sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be
remembered from generation to generation."
Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (New
York), writing in ADL On the Frontline
(January 1994, page 2)
S Ira
Grossman of the ADL wrote to one inquirer on Sep 21,
1996 that Mr Irving's background and "links to the
Holocaust denial movement" were described in a "Q and A"
published by the ADL, which might be reproduced in its
entirety, or excerpted with proper credit. [The ADL
logo is a registered trade mark]. ADL experts were,
promised Grossman, available to provide additional
information and analysis by contacting the Media
Relations Department at (212) 490 2525 ext. 7747 or 7748.
This gives an indication of the scale and intensity of
their closely-targeted campaign of defamation. For the convenience of our visitors, we post on this site
the entire QandA published on Jun 6,
1996 by the ADL. And see below: Smear References to David Irving on
the ADL site:YOU ARE invited to compare the deliberate distortions of
the truth in the above files with the true evidence
reproduced on our Website. |
One Free Speech organisation disclosed
in its report Blacklisted by Cyber Patrol: From Ada to
Yoyo in late December 1997 that the ADL-sponsored Cyber
Patrol software blocked the premier Usenet archive and
search engine, Deja News. "As a result of that report and
the attendant [bad] publicity, Microsystems Inc.,
publishers of Cyber Patrol, unblocked many of the sites we
listed. However, the company stood its ground and refused to
unblock Deja News." [Source:] |