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Real History, USA: comes to Cincinnati


The weekend of Friday September 24 to Sunday September 26, 1999 will see in Cincinnati an important meeting of amateur and academic historians, who will discuss and debate in private issues of modern history.

REAL HISTORY USA is to be an annual all-weekend event organised by Focal Point Publications. The location is held in a well-appointed facility, with plenty of free car parking; a limited number of rooms for guests has been set aside at a prestigious hotel with pool and dining rooms, at a special function rate of $76 per night.

David Irving (Michael Hentz for NY Times)Several of the dozen speakers are coming in specially from overseas. Full details are made known to those applying for tickets.

  • After a friendly greeting on Friday evening at 6 p.m., seasoned after-dinner speaker Bradley Smith makes irreverent fun of North America's academic institutions, and FPP's David Irving delivers a keynote address on the mounting problems of writing and publishing Real History at the end of the millenium.
  • On Saturday, we plunge into some of the more tantalising modern mysteries: did SS chief Heinrich Himmler really kill himself? HimmlerWhat was the true story of Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel's Army Group B during the 1944 invasion of Normandy -- Peter Margaritis gives us a preview of his forthcoming two-volume account. An expert on Britain's codebreaking will talk about the latest discoveries in declassified files. David Irving will discuss how far the Goebbels Diaries, which he was the first to extract from the Moscow archives in 1992, revise our overall view of Hitler and Nazi Germany. John Sack will finally deliver his gripping speech, 'Revenge and Redemption 1945' -- yes, the one he was invited to make at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC; the museum, under pressure, withdrew the invitation . . . so just what was deemed unfit for those hallowed ears? Saturday evening is rounded off by a dinner -- then hear Doug Collins, veteran of the Battle of Dunkirk 1940, relate his heroic, and often hilarious, battles for free speech in Canada.
  • RudolfOn Sunday, September 26, one arm of the function turns to traditional revisionist fare: Germar Rudolf (right) relates how researching at the Max Planck Institute he came up with the right results for science --- but the wrong ones for the German political police; Russ Granata reveals the latest tantalising document discoveries from the trophy archives of the KGB in Moscow. At another arm of the function Brian Renk blows the whistle, academically speaking, on Professor Christopher Browning of Vancouver, one of the world's most highly paid "professional witnesses" for war crimes trials. We hear too why the US Seventh Army refused to prosecute its own officers after the worst American atrocity of the war, at Dachau, Germany. Professor Toby Graham, Emeritus Professor of History at the University of New Brunswick, lectures on the lack of the British Army's preparedness for World War II. And more ...

The standard single-ticket price for the weekend is US$250, payable in advance by money order, personal check, or credit card to Focal Point Publications. Reductions are available for group bookings, couples, and students with ID. For two booking together the price is $200 each. For three and more, $150 per person. Registered students, who will be required to produce student ID, will be admitted for $50. Those wishing to book rooms at the special room rate of $76 must make reservations immediately; a limited number only is available.

[Application form]

 Focal Point Publications reserves the right to refuse to accept reservations without explanation, and to change the order of speakers without notice. Representatives of the published and broadcast media are not invited.

Focal Point Publications invites the submission of papers for the Millennium Real History, USA in Cincinnati 2001: Among our speakers will be ••. Once again the theme will be Real History: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AND WHY

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© Focal Point 2000 write to David Irving