source U.S. National Archives, RG226, entry 148, box 76 |
Saturday, February 23, 2008 OK, this is from the OSS files, RG & box # are on the chip on the first page. Relevant paragraph is a throwaway line in the middle of the second page. Most or all of the persons named are OSS Field Photographic Branch, and at this time (Summer 1945) were involved in preparation for the war crimes trials. Typically for the spooks, rank and supposed service branch means very little. If you want more information I can help you with some of them, but I don't have much on Colonel Storey or Colonel Allen. All documents scanned by myself at NARA, College Park, in Autumn 2006. Glad to be of assistance. Let me know if you got the scans.
On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 1:15 AM, David Irving <[email protected]> wrote: Are you interested in this document, assuming you don't already have I would be very interested in following up this lead. Thanks for David Irving === I have now had time to read those two pages twice over. So, George M Allen took a box containing the diary and personal papers. I wonder if this is the George Allen who was with the 101st Airborne Division, which arrived at the Berghof in May 1945 and captured the conference stenograms and interrogated Hitler's staff, found in the region. His papers are in the University of Pennsylvania Library, and I corresponded with him in the 1960s. Colonel Storey was in Paris, and PS- on the Rosenberg documents stands for Paris-Story, as you most certainly know. Does Storey have next of kin? I would expect him to have taken souvenirs, just as Colonel Andrus did (family in Colorado springs, we visited his son in 1987). Or I wonder if the Donovan files at Carlisle have any trace of the missing diary. Yours, David Irving