Picture: Mr Irving
arriving at the High Court on January 11, 2000 to commence
his libel action.
 David Irving vs. Penguin Books Ltd &
Deborah Lipstadt (January - April 2000)Daily
Trial Transcripts[spell-checked
and corrected]Free Download The 32 transcripts have been posted on
this website in two forms.
all 32 in plain text (one 1.7MB download, but no
illustrations or hyperlinks). You will need StuffIt Expander to
unpack the file - get it free at the bottom of the
drop-down menu below.
Or Browse
each Day -- use the drop-down
menu below. These transcripts are provided with
facsimiles and hyperlinks to relevant documents, as they
are referred to.
The hyperlinking is still in
progress. Readers are invited to suggest more hyperlinks
pointing to relevant documents on this website or
elsewhere (e.g. the Jäger Document), in absolute URL
form ("http://www..."). Do not provide links to sites
that are not likely to survive long. State precisely
which Day and page the hyperlink belongs on. [also:
Irving's trial diary in
English] [or
German] Access the same index
in text form:  These transcripts are
posted as a service by David Irving. They are the
property of Harry Counsell & Co, Clifford's Inn,
Fetter Lane, London EC4 and reproduction without
permission is forbidden.Unlike
the transcripts posted by us immediately after the trial,
we have corrected where possible the spelling of names
and foreign words. No changes have been made to
substance. The formal header has been removed from all
except Day 1. Readers are invited to inform us of errors
and necessary corrections. This is not the
official (i.e. unedited) transcript, digital
copies of which we can supply on request. Note: some free servers will not
permit large downloads. Please
contribute to the license-fee cost of posting