International Campaign for Real History
In the High Court of Justice

DJC Irving
- v -
Penguin Books Ltd and Deborah Lipstadt


Having listened to and perfected passages of the key transcript, Counsel Adrian Davies, a legal expert in the Chancery Division, reports to Mr Irving's lawyers.

The Final Gavel: Dossier: Confidential
To open an index to the dossier in a separate window click click | [summary]


29th November 2002


Dear Peter,

David Irving v. Penguin Books Ltd & Anr

This afternoon I attended at Smith Bernal's offices to listen to the tapes of the hearing before Gray J. on 5th May 2000, which led to the making of the interim costs order.

The quality of the recording is indeed very poor, but fortunately I have been able to unscramble pp. 66 to 70 which, together with Miss Rogers's remarks at p. 3, are the crucial passages for present purposes. I have accordingly sent the corrected transcript back to Smith Bernal for amendment.


Damnification The actual losses or costs sustained. In this case, Penguin have admitted they suffered no financial loss whatever.

It does seem to me that we have good grounds for an application to Gray J., bearing in mind the words of Bramwell B. in Harold v. Smith 5 H. & N. 381 at 385, namely that: -

"if the extent of the damnification can be found out, the extent to which costs ought to be allowed is also ascertained."

I will now set to work on a draft witness statement for David [Irving] and yourself to consider, settle the wording of an application notice, and prepare a skeleton argument, while we all wait for Smith Bernal to finalize the transcript.

In the meanwhile, I should be grateful if you would kindly send me a copy of your letter to Davenport Lyons of 4th July (I have their answer of 17th July, but not your to them). I should also be grateful to see any other correspondence in this series of letters.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Davies


Mr P. Laskey
Amhurst Brown Colombotti
DX 412
C.c. Mr D.J.C. Irving




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