Films on the Lipstadt Trial

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Deutsche Welle World

(Print edition of the German government's radio propaganda service)

One of the greatest 20th century tales

Speaking to DW-WORLD, screenplay writer, Ronald Harwood said: "Szpilman's tale is truly one of the greatest stories of the 20th century". The author is currently working on another project related to the Nazi regime, a film of the trial of [sic] the historian David Irving, who repeatedly denied the Holocaust.

In a damming [sic] judgement in 2000 a British Judge found Irving to have "deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence", that he was "an active Holocaust denier" and an anti-Semitic and racist. -- Ruth Elkins.

Our thanks to the website reader who spotted this item


 Fighting fund

The Irish Times, Dublin, 5 October 2002: "See you at the Gate"

© Focal Point 2002 F Irving write to David Irving