New York, February 11, 2004
- An Insidious Evil
- Christopher
Browning, the author of The Origins of the Final
Solution, explains how ordinary Germans came to accept
as inevitable the extermination of the Jews
..... IN 1968, when Christopher
Browning was a doctoral student at the University of
Wisconsin, he proposed a dissertation topic centering on
the Nazi era. His advisor responded with mixed advice:
"This would make a great dissertation, but you know
there's no academic future in researching the
Holocaust."  David
Irving comments: SO Browning finally comes round to the solution
that I first proposed in Hitler's
War in 1977
-- that Hitler was largely in the dark about
what is now called the Holocaust, and certainly
issued no order for the systematic extermination
of the Jews. That being so, it may seem
remarkable --- leaving the hefty fee out of
consideration for a moment -- that he agreed to
act as an expert witness for Prof Deborah
Lipstadt against me in the British High
Court libel trial in 2000. What his academic advisor,
referred to in the first paragraph, meant of
course has been missed by the journalist
interviewing Browning: the advisor's real
warning was, "Doing objective research on the
Holocaust would be academic suicide." The Madagascar Plan was not
aborted in the summer of 1940; Hitler was still
referirng to it as a likely outcome in his
talk in July 1942. That was six clear months
after the Wannsee
Conference, where -- so conformist wisdom
has it -- Hitler's decision to exterminate was
Christopher Browning was the only expert
witness hired by Deborah Lipstadt who impressed
by his obvious knowledge and objectivity.
| Less than a decade later, the Holocaust was being
studied at universities around the world, and Browning
found himself at the forefront of a new academic field.
So respected was his work that, in the 1980s, he was
approached by Israel's Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem,
about working on a project. The museum had received
funding to print a multivolume series about the Nazi era,
each book summarizing the experiences of Jews in a
different region of Europe. The project also called for
three volumes that would trace the Nazis' development of
the Final Solution. None of the Israeli researchers
involved were eager to explore the topic from the side of
the perpetrators, so the task fell to a group of
non-Jewish academics, each of whom would write on a
different few-year period, tracing the key decisions that
gave rise to the Holocaust. After
two decades of research, Browning's volume, The
Origins of the Final Solution: September 1939-March
1942, will be released in March of this year, the
first in the series to be published in English. Like so
many authors before him, Browning sets out to answer the
question, "How could the Holocaust have happened?" The
book covers much familiar ground -- train deportations,
mass shootings in the East, early experiments with poison
gas. What makes Browning's treatment different from many
others is his insistence on considering historical events
as they unfolded, rather than through the lens of
hindsight. Browning does not view the Final Solution as a
master plan, carefully crafted by Hitler at the beginning
of the Nazi era. Instead, he looks at Nazi Jewish policy
as an evolving reality that unfolded over an extended
period of time, beginning with a program to expel rather
than exterminate Germany's Jews:
- Too often, these policies and this
period have been seen through a perspective
influenced, indeed distorted and overwhelmed, by the
catastrophe that followed. The policy of Jewish
expulsion ... was for many years not taken as
seriously by historians as it had been by the Nazis
As late as the spring of 1940, Nazi leaders dismissed
the idea of mass murder in favor of relocating the Jews
to a colony in Africa. "This method [of
deportation] is still the mildest and best," wrote
Gestapo Chief Heinrich
Himmler in May of that year, "if one rejects the
Bolshevik method of physical extermination of a people
out of inner conviction as un-German and impossible." The
so-called Madagascar Plan was
aborted when Germany lost the Battle of Britain
later in 1940. Browning presents the "gas van," introduced in 1939 to
kill the mentally ill, as the first significant step
toward Nazi extermination camps. Based on the theory of
eugenics, an offshoot of nineteenth-century Darwinist
thought, the Nazis formulated a program in which
euthanasia was used to remove those they deemed
genetically weak. They developed a system wherein a van
disguised with the label "Kaiser's Coffee Company" was
driven through the countryside, loaded up with mental
patients, pumped full of carbon monoxide, and driven to
remote areas for forest burials. During the following
years, gassing would be introduced for targeted and later
mass killings at concentration camps. The summer of 1941 brought, in Browning's view, a
"quantum leap" toward the Holocaust. Before that time,
Jews had been socially marginalized, ghettoized,
relocated en masse, and singled out for waves of killings
from among larger groups of those considered suspect or
inferior (such as alleged Communists and mental
patients). But it was not until Operation Barbarossa,
when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, that Nazi
officials began killing large groups of Jewish men,
women, and children. From this time onward, writes
Browning: -
no further escalation in the process was
conceivable. It implied the physical elimination of
all Jews, irrespective of gender, age, occupation, or
behavior, and led directly to the destruction of
entire communities and the "de-Jewification" of vast
areas. The question was no longer why the Jews should
be killed, but why they should not be killed.
In leading the reader from the Nazis' early
deportation of Jews to the launch of the extermination
program in 1942, Browning's book does not seek a single
grand theory behind the Final Solution. Instead, Browning
focuses on the series of contingencies and decisions that
brought the Germans increment by increment to such an
extreme. The result is a vision of evil whose origins are
not otherworldly but unnervingly human. Browning currently resides in Chapel Hill, where he is
the Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the
University of North Carolina. I spoke with him by
telephone on February 3, 2004. -- Jennie Rothenberg
One point you emphasize throughout the book is
the need to look at history stage by stage, without
taking into account what we know now. Why do you feel it
is important to consider the deportation of Jews as a
phase unto itself rather than as a stepping stone to
extermination? The initial or easy tendency in looking at history is
to see it through hindsight. We know ultimately what
happened, and therefore we go back and look at all the
steps that led to it happening but remove all the
contingencies. We're very well aware at this moment that
we can't predict the future. But we go back and somehow
assume that we can impose a deterministic interpretation
on the past because of what we know from hindsight. In doing that, we remove the fact that living
historical actors at that time, certainly in 1939 to
1941, didn't yet know what was going to happen -- neither
the victims nor the perpetrators. And we cannot
understand the decisions they made unless we understand
how they perceived the world they were living in and the
choices that they were facing. We know that Jewish
leaders made certain choices because they couldn't even
conceive of a program of systematic mass extermination
awaiting them. Also important is that the Nazis made
decisions at this point. They had various choices. The goal of this book is to show where those different
turning points were, where people came to forks in the
road and went one way instead of another. This is
essential to understanding not just what happened in the
end but how it happened. What was the step-by-step path
that led from the conquest of Poland in 1939 to the
opening of the death camps in 1942? -
You begin the book by reviewing the historical
events that set up the conditions for the Holocaust in
Germany. One of these was, as you put it, "a distorted
and incomplete embrace of the Enlightenment." Can you
elaborate on this? In Germany, after the Napoleonic conquest, the values
of the Enlightenment were spread in an uneven way. What I
call the humanistic and individualistic side of the
Enlightenment was generally associated with the French,
and in order to break away from Napoleon, the Germans
embraced the scientific and rational side of the
Enlightenment. You have this kind of schizophrenia where
Germany absorbed those aspects of the Enlightenment that
gave them the power to drive the French out but shunned
those parts that they considered contrary to German
values. So a certain strand of German culture rejected such
aspects of the Enlightenment as individual rights and a
more liberal, democratic political tradition, while
embracing the notion of rational, bureaucratic management
of society. That's what I mean by a kind of unequal or
asymmetrical embrace of the Enlightenment, at least
within one part of German culture. -
At the same time as Jews were beginning to be
deported from villages in the East, you explain that the
Nazis were working to resettle groups of ethnic Germans.
These were people of German ancestry whose families had
lived in Eastern Europe for generations, and who still
lived in German-speaking communities. How were those two
initiatives connected? What's key is that the Nazis had a vision that their
new empire in the East would be somewhat different from
many of the overseas empires that other European nations
had constructed. This wasn't going to be an empire in
which you would have a thin layer of Germans ruling over
a foreign native population like, for instance, the
British administration in India. Rather, going along with
the Nazis' very basic racial concepts, if the land didn't
belong to Germany -- if it wasn't part of German
Lebensraum, settled entirely by people of German blood --
it therefore would be only an annexation of the
territories of Western Poland. This required the expulsion of all Poles, Jews,
Gypsies -- all the "undesired" population. The Germans
then had to resettle the area. And the way to find German
blood to do this was to bring back -- they used the term
"repatriation" -- the ethnic Germans living in the areas
that were being conceded to Stalin by the Non-Aggression
Pact: the Baltic Germans, the Ukrainian Germans. So these
people were brought over and placed in refugee camps and
then settled on evacuated Polish farms. There
is something very interesting in this regard. There's a
strong notion that one of the crimes against Germany that
has not been given enough attention is the terrible
ethnic cleansing of Germans from Eastern Europe at the
end of World War II. It's true that hundreds of thousands
of people died in expulsions from Sudetenland, Poland,
and elsewhere. This aspect of German suffering has not
been given enough attention. But neglected in all of
that, I believe, is the reality that the first
destruction of ethnic German communities in Eastern
Europe was not done by the victorious Red Army, by the
Czechs or the Poles, but by Himmler. He was the one who
uprooted the ethnic Germans from the Baltic and the
Very clear in all this was that in Nazi ideology,
individuals had no choice about where they wanted to
live. They were part of a blood community, and they
belonged to the German race. Hitler and Himmler would
dispose of them as they chose. They could be picked up
and moved around and placed wherever it suited the Nazi
regime. When we think of the Jewish ghettos set up by the
Nazis in Poland, we usually envision harsh ghetto
managers who tormented and starved the residents. You
argue that this wasn't necessarily the case, that many
ghetto managers wanted the Jews to stay healthy so they
could be productive workers. What evidence did you find
to suggest that? The evidence is in the documents. As I explain in the
book, there were two groups that I call the attritionists
and the productionists. There certainly were some who
wanted to see the disappearance of the Jewish population
through deliberate starvation. But a greater number of
the ghetto managers wanted to maximize the productivity
of the ghettos for the sake of the German war economy. A
large part of this was driven by a desire for personal
gain. The German presence in the East was extremely
corrupt, and these men saw financial opportunities for
themselves in the ghettos. And at the same time, they saw
the problem of spreading diseases and epidemics. Typhus,
after all, could not be contained by ghetto walls. So it was not in the best interests of the ghetto
managers to create a sick and starving Jewish population.
That ended up happening because the Jews were always
given last priority, only provided for after the needs of
other surrounding communities had been addressed. And
there were not enough materials or provisions to go
around. -
When you discuss eugenics, a philosophy the Nazis
used to justify their killing of the mentally ill, you
briefly mention that this movement had a strong following
in some American states around that same time. Do you
think the U.S. might have started on a similar track if
the Nazis hadn't taken the idea to its farthest
extreme? Well, the goal of the eugenics movement in the United
States was not murder -- "euthanasia," as the Germans
called it -- but sterilization. And it never had any
explicit racial component as it did in Germany. There
was, however, the initiative to sterilize low-income
people with large families, and that ended up impacting
the black population more than the white. Of course, that
whole movement in America and around the world was
discredited after eugenics became associated with Nazi
policy. When the Nazis began to move into the Soviet Union,
they incited German officials to violence by linking Jews
with the Bolshevist threat. You say that the Nazis drew
on old anti-Jewish stereotypes to do this -- the idea of
Jewish people as a foreign, eastern race and communism as
a sinister Asiatic ideology. But the Nazis also
propagated the idea that Jews were money-hungry
capitalists. How were they able to paint the Jew as both
archetypal communist and greedy capitalist without
worrying about self-contradiction? Certainly the two Hitler accusations -- the old
Medieval stereotype that the Jews were the capitalist
parasites, the moneysuckers, and the newer stereotype of
Jews as revolutionary Bolshevik subversives -- are quite
contradictory. The Jew can't be both the capitalist and
the communist at one and the same time. But to square
that circle, one can resort to conspiracy theory. This
is, of course, what the Nazis did -- they said that
behind these two different assaults on Germany, by the
capitalist Jews on the one hand and the communist Jews on
the other, was an insidious Jewish conspiracy that was
coming to attack in all forms. Conspiracy theory reconciles what would be, on the
surface, two incompatible pieces of evidence. And of
course, conspiracy theory is infinitely elastic. No
matter what contradiction you come to, if you go one step
further back and imagine something else behind that, you
can reconcile almost any kind of conflicting evidence.
That is what the Nazis did. They had what I call
"chimeric anti-Semitism," a fantasy in their own minds.
But it became acceptable to many others because it
touched upon so many long-embedded anti-Semitic
stereotypes that, in one way or another, were accepted by
large numbers of people in Europe. For Hitler himself,
all of this came together in this fantasized world
conspiracy. -
In some of the letters you quote, written by German
officials in the East to their wives back home, there's a
claim that the Bolshevist Jews were going to murder
German women and children if they weren't killed first.
Do you think these men genuinely believed this? Most genocides are conceived by their perpetrators as
actions of self defense: "We must do this now because, if
we don't, they will do it to our women and our children
later." Mass murder is then justified as a preventive
measure. I think this is just part of the mentality that
makes genocide possible. First you divide people between
"us" and "them." Then you cast the other -- "them" -- as
a terrible threat. In turn, you justify your doing
terrible things to "them" as self defense. -
You describe August 15, 1941, as "a caesura in the
history of the Holocaust." What sets this date
apart? My argument is that the transition from what I would
call a kind of vague, unformulated vision of homicide in
the future to the Final Solution -- that is, a coherent
program to murder every last Jewish man, woman, and child
in Europe -- took place in two stages; first for the
Soviet Union and then for the rest of Europe. The Nazis
may have come into the Soviet Union in June and July of
1941 under the assumption that, in some way, there would
be no Jews left -- through some unspecified mixture of
starvation, shooting, and expulsion and on some
unspecified timetable. By mid-August, we have evidence
that this had evolved into a very clear notion that the
Jews would all be killed very quickly. The reason I say August 15 is because we have a report
from one of the killing squads, the Einsatz Commando III
in Lithuania, that breaks down the actual body count day
by day, with victims listed by categories of communist or
Jew. And within the category of Jew, they break it down
by both age and gender. We know when they were shooting
men, women, and children, and in what proportions. What
is clear is that up until mid-August, they were following
a pattern of shooting adult male Jewish leadership and
Jews associated with the Communist military danger. Then,
on August 15, the proportions changed drastically, and
the major victims became Jewish women and children. This
was a retargeting. When they started to give priority to
killing women and children, this was no longer a
selective murder of potential enemy male Jews but a
program to wipe out the Jewish race in its entirety. I think this was in fact a transition that took place
in different places over a longer period of time. But
August 15, 1941, is the one date we can pinpoint very
precisely for Einsatz Commando III. -
I was interested by a statement from a Nazi
official stationed in Minsk about the deportation of the
Reich Jews, those from German cities like Hamburg and
Berlin. In contrast with the Jews of Eastern Europe, the
official described the Reich Jews as "human beings who
come from our cultural sphere" and was troubled by the
idea of exterminating them. In general, do you think many
Nazi officials found the killing of the Reich Jews harder
to stomach? The Nazis assumed that, under the guise of this
anti-Communist crusade in Russia, they could kill Soviet
Jews without any real problems on the home front. But
when it came to murdering German Jews, they had to be
much more sensitive. I think they were worried that there
might be a public-relations problem if word got out of
their massacring German Jews. The letter from the Minsk
official is evidence of this, and we see other cases,
too. When the first trainloads of Jews were murdered in
Kovno and Riga, rumors came back to Germany and some
people were upset. Himmler was certainly aware that there
would be a qualitative difference in the indifference or
acceptance of murdering Russian Jews as opposed to German
Jews. Thus, after the first six trains of German Jews
were murdered in late November and early December, that
program was suspended for a while. The Jews deported in
the spring of 1942 were initially sent to ghettos in
Poland -- in a sense "put on ice" for a while -- and then
sent on to death camps later. In the same way, Jews,
particularly elderly ones, were sent to Theresienstadt
first and then sent on to Auschwitz. -
Your conclusion goes into a discussion of Hitler's
role in the Final Solution. You emphasize that Hitler's
enthusiasm brought together all kinds of people --
eugenists who wanted to achieve racial purity,
technicians who wanted to display their skills, political
careerists who wanted to get ahead. But you also point
out that many of the specific ideas and plans did not
come from Hitler but from his subordinates, who took
their cues from Hitler's vague statements. Do you think
those second-level Nazi leaders like Himmler should be
held as responsible as Hitler for the Holocaust? It's true that Hitler did not have to be a
micromanager in this. He was able to make exhortations,
give prophetic speeches. It was embedded in the Nazi
system that the duty or imperative on all loyal Nazis
was, in their own terms, to "work towards the Fuehrer,"
to always anticipate and support him, in a sense devote
your life to him. When he made a prophecy, your
obligation was to make that prophecy come true. When he
staked out something in terms of a vague goal, your job
was to make that concrete. This elicited all sorts of initiatives, all sorts of
plans. Those were brought to Hitler. Sometimes he said,
"No, you didn't read me right." Sometimes he put up a red
light. Sometimes he flashed a yellow light -- "not ready
yet" -- and sometimes he shone a green light and gave
approval to go ahead. The person who read Hitler the best
in this regard was Himmler. He was the one who could
usually anticipate what Hitler wanted and understand what
Hitler meant. This was why the SS gained in power so
rapidly in this period, because as Himmler was leading
them, he became increasingly indispensable to Hitler in
terms of turning prophecies into realities. For a historian, this form of decision-making is
maddeningly imprecise. You can't go to a single document
or a single meeting and say, "Here is where something was
decided." There is a stretched out stage of Hitler giving
vague signals, others reading those signals, they coming
to Hitler, he affirming they had understood him well,
they going back and making plans and then bringing those
back. So the decision-making process can go on over
months, during which time there is not one single day or
document we can pinpoint and say, "This is when it
happened." -
Could there have been a scenario in which Hitler
might have gone around making sweeping, vague
proclamations but no one would have come forward to make
those concrete? Among the many different people who were "working
towards the Fuehrer," there were some very committed
ideologues, very committed anti-Semites. Some of them
were pressing Hitler before he was ready. He was not only
giving green lights but giving red lights, at times
saying, "No, this is premature." The way this worked,
even if a Himmler or [Reinhard] Heydrich
had not come forward with various proposals, it's almost
inevitable that someone else would have. Himmler or
Heydrich may have distinguished themselves by being the
first there, but they certainly weren't the only ones.
There were enough people vying for Hitler's favor in all
of this that, even if those two had not been there, I
think the process would have tended in that direction in
any case. Others would have filled the void. In terms of Hitler giving the "green light," you say
this often coincided with a big Nazi victory. The more
success Hitler experienced in his campaign, the more
daring he became with implementing his plans. I argue for a very stark correlation between the
victory euphoria that Hitler experienced -- in September
1939, May and June 1940, July 1941, and late September
and early October of 1941 -- with what I consider the
four pivotal points of radicalization of Nazi Jewish
policy. I hypothesize that one of the factors influential
with Hitler -- one of the reasons he gave green lights --
was the big boost he got from the sense that Europe was
now at his feet, that previous restraints had fallen
away. He felt he could be more uninhibited, that he could
give greater rein to turning his fantasies into reality.
Therefore, Nazi victories were an accelerating factor, a
factor conducive to the intensification of racial
persecution. -
This book goes into the minutest details about the
unfolding of the Final Solution, focusing on everything
from the train schedules to the different kinds of gas
tested by the Nazi technicians. What is the value of
quantifying evil in this way, breaking it down into small
details rather than only looking at the bigger
picture? It's always easy to identify the Holocaust with
Hitler, which is certainly not wrong. He was, as I argue,
the prime decision maker and instigator in this. But if
we want a fuller picture of how these things came about,
then we need to get at the layered, complex reality in
which all sorts of people made incremental contributions.
It's important to see the impulses toward the Final
Solution as having come not only from Hitler from above
but from many other people below. We may, in the end, conclude that the Holocaust has
very unique characteristics among genocides. But to be
unique in some ways is not to be unique in all ways. The
various perpetrators who became involved in the Final
Solution and their decision-making processes were not
unique. In fact, I would argue that many of the elements
in this were a coming together of quite common factors
and ordinary people. That, I think, is very important to
recognize if we don't want to place the Holocaust apart
as some kind of suprahistorical, mystical event that we
cannot fathom and shouldn't even try to
understand. SUBSCRIBE
Our dossier on
Christopher Browning-