Photographs of David
Irving - David Irving's Schooldays, May 1955: Mock
Election campaign -- four images showing David Irving
standing as the school's Labour Party candidate
(2.6MB, zip file) | web low-resolution versions:
- David Irving's Schooldays, Jul 23, 1955: Pranks
during last lesson of M Jacottet at Brentwood School
| enlarged
| high-res
version (1.5MB) | enlargement
of the mechanical model "Jacottet"
- Early
career summarised, with some images (also available
on request as high
- David Irving: photos of ancestors:
(naval officer), mother (illustrator), and grandparents
of --
- Mar 23, 1962 Interviews
Marshal of RAF Sir Arthur Harris about bombing Dresden,
- Jul 18, 1963 First
daughter, Josephine Victoria Irving
- Jan 25, 1965 Meets
German playwright Rolf Hochhuth in Der Stern office,
Hamburg: later one of his best friends -- this is
their first meeting [see also 1966
and 1976]
- Feb 1970 David
Irving loses the libel action brought by Captain Jack E
Broome, the escort commander in the disastrous July
1942 North Russian convoy PQ.17...
- 1976 interviews
Christa Schroeder, Hitler's private secretary
- David
Irving in 1976, portrait photo by Jerry Bauer. Printable
high resolution version (2.MB)
- Oct 11, 1979 David
Irving with former Nazi armaments minister Albert Speer
at Frankfurt Book Fair, Oct 11, 1979
- 1983: David
Irving exposes "Hitler Diaries" fake (1983) and see
Running; and as
honoured guest at Der Spiegel offices (including high
- History
of his private publishing Firm FPP | FPP
Policies and personal Staff including some from many
- Oct 28, 1992 - Nov 13, 1992 Arrested
in Vancouver BC and deported
from Canada [with high-resolution images
family, daughter
Jessica, and Danish mother Bente | Jessica
at two | with Jessica
May 27, 2004 [click
image for 700K hi-res]- Jan 13,
1993 lawyers who defended David Irving in Munich. He
was fined DM30,000 for expressing an opinion. With high
resolution version of photo.
- March 18, 1997: high
resolution portrait photos by Mr David Gamble for The
Independent weekend magazine (as whole-page
illustrations for a profile by Melanie Macdonald):
placeholder and contact details only.
- May 1998 Images
from David Irving's Spring 1998 tour of the United
- June 1999: Four
portraits by Michael Frentz, Key West, for Don
Guttenplan's New York Times Feature article on the
coming Lipstadt trial
- Selected photos from trial of DJC Irving vs Lipstadt
in British High Court, Jan - Mar 2000: [1]
[10] Gray
J [2]
- March 2003: David
Irving at 65 photograph outside Public Records office
(National Archives) London | Working
at the PRO on March 18, 2003 David Irving discovered
significant discrepancies in the British Army records
relating to the capture and death of Heinrich
- July 2003: High
resolution portrait photo, amiable, in Key West |
More Portrait photos of David Irving, 2003, b/w: high
resolution, zipped [1]
[2] [3]
[4] [5]
[6] (each about
- October 2003: Tours
Hungary, promotes history of Budapest revolution of
1956 | more
- May 12, 2004: David
Irving speaks in London, May 12, 2004
- June 13, 2004: David
Irving spoke in Niagara Falls, New York State
- June 20, 2004: David
Irving addressed a small audience over tea in a private
home in Baltimore, Maryland
- June 21, 2004 David
Irving spoke to one hundred dinner guests packed into the
upstairs room of a restaurant a few hundred yards from
the Capitol building in Washington DC
- June 28, 2004: Mr
Irving spoke to an appreciative audience after dinner in
Wilmington, North Carolina
- June-July, 2004: David
Irving speaks at Niagara Falls | Baltimore
| Washington
DC | St
Louis | Wilmington
- August 4, 2004:
David Irving writing in Key West, Florida
 - March 2005: David Irving on a lecture tour in USA -
- Arrest in Austria Nov 11, 2005: press
conference Dec 22, 2006 [photo gallery]
- May 19, 2007 David
Irving reads Polish newspaper report on his expulsion
from Warsaw Book Fair [with high
resolution image link]
- May 20, 2007 David
Irving visits The Wolf's Lair, Adolf Hitler's
headquarters from 1941 to 1944 [with high
resolution image link]
Most of the above website images are also available on
request as high
resolution |