images added by this
website] The
possibility of Sikorski's
murder by the British is
excluded from this paper. The
possibility of his murder by
persons unknown cannot be so
-- Sir Robin Cooper
Friday, July 4, 2003  Sikorski
(left) with General Kukiel, Clementine and
Winton Churchill and the Polish ambassador
Count Raczynski. (Guy Liddell's diary
reveals that Kukiel was communicating with
the German secret service.)
Sikorski, the Polish wartime leader, died
60 years ago today. Our correspondent
looks at new evidence about his mysterious
death ON JULY 4, 1943, 60
years ago today, a converted Liberator
bomber from RAF Transport Command took off
from Gibraltar for England. On board was
General Wladyslaw Sikorski, Prime
Minister of Poland's London-based
government in exile and Commander-in-Chief
of her armed forces, returning from
visiting Polish troops in the Middle East.
The aircraft climbed normally from the
runway, levelled off to gather speed but
then suddenly lost height and crashed into
the harbour. The 62-year-old general died,
along with 15 others. The sole survivor
was the Czech-born pilot, Max
Prchal, who was rescued by an RAF
launch. The bodies of five passengers and
crew, including Sikorski's daughter, were
never found. I first wrote about Sikorski ten years
ago, on the 50th anniversary of his death.
One of the wilder theories about the crash
was that Prchal had somehow been part of a
plot to assassinate him. Picture
added by this website, from David
Irving: Accident, The Death of
General Sikorski. The crashed
plane lies below the surface of
the Mediterranean, July

Irving comments: IT IS a sign of the times, I
suppose (no pun intended), that
the newspaper article does not
mention that I published the
first definitive book on the
crash, Accident:
The Death of General
Sikorski, in 1967, and that
it was in response to a letter
from me demanding a reopening of
the RAF inquiry that Harold
Wilson made his statement to
Parliament. The Times has
drawn much of its detail from my
book. Far from the newly released
records lying "unnoticed for the
past few years" I have
consistently reviewed each file
as it is released, and I wrote a
special appendix about the new
evidence and Prime Minister
Wilson's fears, which I included
in Churchill's
War, vol.ii; I posted this
appendix on my website on April
11, 2001 (and the whole volume a
few days later). Ludwik
Lubienski was of course one
of the many characters whom I
interviewed for the book. One little
mystery remains: Piece 34614b in
the Foreign Office central files
is now titled simply: "Death of
General Sikorski". When I first
went to see it, in the late
1960s, it was closed, and its
original title name had been
pasted over in the catalogue
("sanitised") so it could not be
read; I often wonder what it was
originally called.  Related
of Public Record Office file
III ("Sikorski's Death") to
Churchill's War, vol.ii
| I found and
interviewed a key witness -- Ludwik
Lubienski, who had been head of the
Polish military mission in Gibraltar at
the time of the crash. Now dead, he told
me ten years ago how he had personally
unfastened the inflated Mae West
lifejacket worn by the pilot as he came
ashore unconscious in the launch. He had
gone to visit Prchal in hospital the next
day. To his astonishment, the injured
airman strongly denied that he had been
wearing the jacket, which he insisted he
always kept hanging on the back of his
flying seat -- the account he gave to the
RAF court of inquiry into the crash days
later.The inquiry found that the
crash was caused by the aircraft's
controls jamming after take-off for
some unexplained reason. It also
concluded that there was "no question
of sabotage" and that Prchal was in no
way to blame. But why was Prchal so
insistent that, like his passengers, he
had not been wearing his lifejacket?
Was it because he knew the aircraft was
going to crash? Suspicions that Sikorski had been
assassinated simmered throughout and after
the war, and came to the boil in 1968 with
the staging in London of a play by Rolf
Hochhuth, a German writer.
Soldiers contained the sensational
allegation that none other than Winston
Churchill had been part of the plot.
Prchal, who died in 1984, was suing the
playwright for libel and Harold
Wilson's Labour Government was worried
about becoming embroiled in the case and
having to make available the inquiry
report and other records. Last week, with the 60th anniversary
looming, I decided to check the files on
the Sikorski affair at the Public Records
Office to see if anything new had emerged
in the past decade. Sure enough, I found a
welter of Cabinet Office reports from the
late Sixties, marked "Top Secret", that
had been released under the 30-year rule
but had lain unnoticed for the past few
years. The most remarkable revelation they
contain is that, contrary to the original
inquiry's findings and a statement Wilson
made to the Commons early in 1969, there
had been a serious lapse in security while
Sikorski's aircraft was on the tarmac at
Gibraltar, and ample scope for
sabotage. In a briefing paper to the Cabinet
Secretary, Sir Burke Trend, dated
January 24, 1969, Sir Robin Cooper,
a former pilot also working in the Cabinet
Office, wrote after reviewing the wartime
inquiry's findings: "Security at Gibraltar
was casual, and a number of opportunities
for sabotage arose while the aircraft was
there." Although Sir Robin doubted that
sabotage had taken place, or that the
pilot had crashed the aircraft
deliberately, he goes on to add: "The possibility of Sikorski's
murder by the British is excluded from
this paper. The possibility of his
murder by persons unknown cannot be so
excluded." The inquiry's finding about the jammed
controls, he wrote, seemed plausible. "But
it still leaves open the question of what
-- or who -- jammed them. No one has ever
provided a satisfactory answer." According
to another paper, there were other
"curious aspects of the affair", on which
the inquiry had thrown no light, "eg, that
(the Soviet Ambassador, Ivan) Maisky's
aircraft was drawn up beside Sikorski's
Liberator in the period immediately before
the accident." By
a remarkable coincidence, Maisky
(right) had
also arrived in Gibraltar on the morning
of July 4, 1943, on his way to Moscow. His
Liberator landed just after 7am -- the
time at which, evidence shows, Sikorski's
aircraft was left unguarded. Another
pitfall for the Government was the fact
that the head of the British Secret
Intelligence Service's
counter-intelligence department for the
Iberian Peninsula section from 1941 to
1944 was Kim Philby, the Soviet
double-agent who defected in 1963, and
later claimed to have been a double-agent
since the Forties. Before 1941, Philby
served as an instructor with the Special
Operations Executive -- which specialised
in sabotage behind enemy lines.
The briefing paper reveals a number of
other curious details. One of the first
Royal Navy divers to examine the wreckage
was Lt Commander Lionel "Buster"
Crabb. Although Wilson was assured
that there was nothing sinister in this,
Crabb by 1969 was known as an ex-Navy
diver who had disappeared in mysterious
circumstances in 1956 while on a secret
underwater mission beneath a Soviet
cruiser in Portsmouth Harbour. A headless
body in a diving suit was found weeks
later, amid unconfirmed speculation that
Crabb had defected, and his wife was
unable to identify the corpse as that of
her husband. In the light of further background
Wilson was given, much of which muddies
the Sikorski waters, his statement to the
Commons on February 11, 1969, now seems,
at best, less than frank: "There is no
evidence at all that there is any need or
reason to re-open the inquiry." He added
that the allegations about Churchill's
involvement should be "dismissed and
brushed aside with the contempt they
ALLEGATIONS that Britain killed Sikorski
have bubbled up from time to time. The
playwright Hochhuth told Der
Spiegel magazine in October 1967 that
he had partly based his play on a story in
a book by the Yugoslav politician
Milovan Djilas. Stalin had
told Djilas to tell his own President
Tito to beware: "The British might try
to undertake the same kind of operation
against him as they had undertaken against
If not Churchill and the British -- and
not a shred of evidence has ever emerged
that he was behind the plot -- who had the
strongest motive for doing away with
Sikorski? Certainly the Russians regarded
him as a serious troublemaker. By the
spring of 1943, Sikorski had been raising
the issue of postwar borders with the
Soviet Union and had travelled to the USA
to lobby support from President
Roosevelt. In April, he had lunched with Churchill
in Downing Street, where he brought up the
alleged massacre by the Russians of 10,000
Polish officers in the forests of
near Smolensk in the USSR. Churchill urged
caution since the alliance between Stalin
and the West was fragile. Undeterred, Sikorski, without
consulting the British Government, called
publicly for the International Red Cross
to investigate the massacres. A furious
Stalin promptly broke off diplomatic
relations with the Polish government in
exile. His anger was conveyed to Churchill
at Chartwell
in Kent [in fact
at Chequers] by an agitated
Maisky -- the man whose plane touched down
a few weeks later alongside Sikorski's in
Gibraltar. The PRO papers show that Wilson was
advised that, "two or three years ago", an
unnamed KGB defector had alleged that
Sikorski had been murdered by the agency's
forerunner, the NKVD. This information was
regarded as "extremely delicate"; Wilson
was warned that "no mention of it should
be made publicly". In Volume IV of his memoirs of the
Second World War, Churchill gives a
detailed account of Sikorski and the Katyn
controversy but, astonishingly, makes no
mention of his death. By all accounts,
Churchill had a good relationship with the
Polish leader. Perhaps the glaring
omission tells us nothing. But perhaps it
could be a sign that Churchill knew in his
heart that Sikorski's fate was sealed, and
that he was powerless to
statue for London, May 1999
War", vol. ii: "Triumph in
Adversity": Appendix on death of
General Sikorski, the contents of a
Harold Wilson
file (pdf
of Public Record Office file
Irving: Radical's Diary, Nov 14,
Irving, Accident: The Death of
General Sikorski
account dated July 18, 1945 by General
Mason Macfarlane, Governor of
Gibraltar, of the night Sikorski was
Irving protests to the Air Ministry,
April 1, 1969
photos of the horrors of Katyn
