January 13, 2005 Power-mad
Mussolini sacrificed wife and
son From Richard Owen in Rome BENITO MUSSOLINI drove
his secret first wife and son to early
deaths in lunatic asylums because they
threatened his rise to power. His henchmen
then tried to erase all traces of their
relationship. A documentary to be shown on state
television tomorrow will shock Italians
after recent attempts to rehabilitate
Mussolini, who has been portrayed in
recent family memoirs as a paternal figure
and patriot. But the documentary, Mussolini's
Secret, paints a black picture of Il
Duce's ruthlessness. It claims that as a 31-year-old
aspiring politician Mussolini
married Ida Dalser, 34, a
beautician from Sopramonte, near Trento --
then part of Austria -- in Milan in 1914
at the start of the First World War. The
following year -- by which time Mussolini
was fighting at the front -- Signora
Dalser gave birth to Benito Albino,
whom Mussolini accepted as his son in
sworn statements. The film quotes passionate love letters
from Mussolini to Ida. But the marriage
turned sour and after Mussolini had risen
to power in 1922, Fascist agents sought to
erase all traces of the relationship. They
overlooked, however, a certificate by
Milan city council ordering Mussolini to
make maintenance payments and referring to
"his wife Ida Dalser" and their child.
Gianfranco Norelli, who produced
the documentary, said that "the Milan
authorities would not have issued such a
document without proof of marriage". Ida refused to
bow down. When she tried to meet a
Fascist minister visiting Sopramonte
she was interned in a local mental
hospital. She struck back by denouncing
Mussolini to the Interior Ministry for
treason, saying that she had proof that
he had taken a substantial bribe from
the French Government to use his
influence to commit Italy -- initially
neutral -- to war against Austria in
the First World War. "This could have finished Mussolini's
career before it had begun," Signor
Norelli said. The accusation was shelved,
however, and Fascist doctors in Trento
committed her to an asylum in 1926. Ida's niece, Alda Cimadom, 90,
recalls that Benito was abducted by
Fascist police and told that his mother
was dead. He was ordered to stop declaring
that Il Duce was his father. In 1931, at
15, Benito was adopted by the former
Fascist police chief at Sopramante.
Researchers found that in 1942, at the age
of 27, he died at an asylum near Milan
where he was given repeated coma-inducing
injections. Ida died in 1937 of a "brain
haemorrhage" at an asylum on the Venetian
island of San Clemente. She and her son
were officially described as "a danger to
themselves and others" but newly found
hospital records show that both were
Our dossier on
personal effects found in ministry
Sicilian town to
name street after Mussolini
Benito Mussolini's
Rome villa is being restored