the [Israeli] navy
arrives, it will be a mitzvah
[good deed].
Israeli pilot strafing US ship
| [Images added
by this website] 
Saturday, February 1, 2003; Page
C01 The
Attack On Liberty In
1967, Israeli Forces Bombarded a U.S.
Intelligence Ship, Killing 34 Americans
and Leaving a Legacy of
Suspicion By Ken Ringle Washington Post Staff
Writer ON June 8, 1967, in one
of the periodic explosions of violence
we've learned to expect in the Middle
East, an American intelligence ship named
the USS Liberty was attacked with rockets,
cannon fire and torpedoes while in
international waters off the town of El
Arish in the Sinai desert. 
Irving comments: THE
ISRAELI attack on the USS Liberty
is a topic of special interest on
which speakers at our 2003 Real
History convention will address
the audience. The convention is
held each year on the Labor Day
weekend at the Cincinnati
Marriott.  Related
on 2002 function
interest in 2003
| Thirty-four Americans were killed and 171
injured in what would remain the largest
post-World War II loss of U.S. lives in
the Middle East until the bombing of the
U.S. Embassy in Beirut in 1983.But unlike that latter attack, or the
1983 truck bombing of the Marine barracks
in Beirut or the suicide bombing of the
U.S. destroyer Cole in Aden, Yemen, which
killed 17 less than three years ago, the
attack on the Liberty was not made by
terrorist bombs but by the jet fighters
and torpedo boats of the nation of
Israel. The attack on the Liberty has never
been fully explained. Official reports by
both the Israelis and the U.S. Navy
declared it accidental: "a case of
mistaken identity" during the Six-Day
War. But today, dozens of Web sites still
argue one side or another, and they're
multiplying. Pro- and anti-Israeli
authors, journalists and activists have
sought to spin the Liberty story for their
own purposes over the years. The
controversy keeps growing, much as Middle
East conflicts have grown to become the
largest foreign policy and defense issue
occupying the U.S. government. For the Israelis, compared with the
Americans, there has been less reason for
resentment, blame and further
investigation -- their people weren't
killed, and after their government
admitted its mistake, they did not have
victims making charges of coverups. Not
that they have ignored it: In 2000, for
instance, Israeli historian Michael B.
Oren wrote an article titled "The
U.S.S. Liberty: Case Closed" -- a position
he also took in the New Republic in
2001. The attack on the Liberty, and the
Six-Day War that surrounded it, introduced
us to a fog of war that gets ever thicker.
The same sort of bewilderment, suspicions
and anger aroused by the Liberty incident
continue to bedevil governments as U.S.
troops mass on the borders of Iraq, war
protesters parade and intellectuals
debate. The Six-Day War was "a turning point in
our relationship with Israel," says former
ambassador Richard Parker,
political counselor of the U.S. Embassy in
Cairo in 1967. The war did more than
double the size of Israel with captured
lands still the focal point of
Israeli-Arab turmoil: "Up to that point we had
avoided being a major arms supplier to
Israel. And afterward, the security of
Israel became one of our strategic
objectives, which it had never been . .
." The attack on the Liberty was not
simply a case of a single bomb going
astray. According to those who survived,
it continued for nearly two hours. It
involved rocket and napalm attacks by
multiple flights of Israeli jet fighters,
a simultaneous torpedo attack by three
vessels of the Israeli navy and the
machine-gunning of lifeboats tossed
overboard as the Liberty survivors
prepared to abandon their wounded
ship. Last month, during a program on the
Liberty at the Middle East Institute here,
Parker said those on record as believing
that the Israeli attack was deliberate
include former secretary of state Dean
Rusk, former CIA chief Richard
Helms, Adm. Thomas Moorer (a
former chief of naval operations) and a
host of former directors of the National
Security Agency, as well as then-President
Lyndon B. Johnson. Parker said he
believes that the attack was accidental.
But he also believes that a congressional
investigation into the Liberty incident,
even at this late date, "would be very
useful." In the past year alone, a Front Royal,
Va., filmmaker has produced a video
calling for a congressional investigation
of the Liberty incident, and a Miami
bankruptcy judge has published a book and
set up an associated Web site endorsing
the "mistaken identity" thesis and
attempting to lay the incident to rest.
Meanwhile a BBC documentary last June
presented documents purporting to link the
attack and its subsequent coverup to a
mysterious covert operation the United
States and Israel planned against Egypt,
complete with nuclear weapons. As the United States prepares for war
in Iraq, the attack on the Liberty looms
like a specter. Whether accidental or
deliberate, the incident is full of
examples of bungled orders, missed
communications, operational stupidity and
interservice rivalry on both sides -- the
sort of foul-ups that dog every country's
military in every conflict. A
Phantom Investigation? "They tried to kill all the witnesses,"
Phil Tourney, president of the
Liberty Veterans Association, said
recently. "They didn't want any one of us
left alive." The official reports have been
repeatedly rejected as insufficient by
Liberty survivors and a sizable group of
historians and scholars, who contend that
the Israeli attack was deliberate. It was
intended, many say, to erase the Liberty
before its electronic eavesdropping could
discover events Israel was anxious the
world not know. They say as well that a coverup (if not
a conspiracy) has kept the truth about the
incident from the American public for more
than 35 years. They point to crucial NSA
intercepts of Israeli radio signals known
to have been made during the attack --
intercepts that remain classified by the
U.S. government in the name of national
security. That restriction has already
lasted more than a decade longer than the
one that cloaked "Ultra" -- the most
crucial and tightly held code-breaking
operation of World War II. "There
has never been a real investigation," says
James Bamford, right, author
of "Body of Secrets," a critically praised
2001 investigative history of the NSA that
includes perhaps the most concise
documented account of the ttack on the
Liberty. Disinformation was a major
strategy employed by the Israelis in the
Six-Day War from the beginning, he says,
and the U.S. government, preoccupied at
the time with the Vietnam War and the Cold
War, chose to avoid looking closely at
what happened to the Liberty.
"An investigation is what we did after
the Cole bombing when we sent agents to
Aden, or after the bombings at the
embassies in Africa, when we sent agents
there to find who was responsible,"
Bamford says. "Nobody was ever sent to
Israel to ask questions about the Liberty.
We just took the Israelis' word for what
happened." A Navy court of inquiry, Bamford says,
"concerned itself with the ship's response
to the attack. They never even questioned
most of the survivors about why all those
Americans died. And neither has Congress
to this day." And unlike the two U.S. pilots who face
possible court-martial for the "friendly
fire" bombing of Canadian troops last year
in Afghanistan, no Israeli has ever been
tried or reprimanded for the 205 U.S.
casualties on the Liberty. Wrote the
colonel who headed Israel's official
investigation into the attack: "I have not
discovered any deviation from the standard
of reasonable conduct which would justify
a court-martial." In
Harm's Way To seek out the truth of what happened
to the Liberty is to immerse oneself in a
maelstrom of conflicting testimony,
disputed accounts and questioned motives,
not excluding suspicions of anti-Semitism.
It is possible, however, to arrive at a
basic outline of events using mainly
agreed-upon facts. The Liberty (GTR-5) was what was then
known as a General Technological Research
Vessel -- a converted 455-foot former
World War II Liberty ship purportedly
investigating science but actually an
offshore electronic eavesdropper. Its real mission was highly secret not
only because spy ships might not be
welcomed into every port but also because
reading another nation's mail by
intercepting radio signals (SIGINT) was
seriously forbidden at that time. Despite
its thousands of employees, the
SIGINT-handling NSA was so secret in 1967
that officially it didn't exist. In the
intelligence community, its initials were
said to stand for No Such Agency. Though it was technically a Navy ship
and most of its 295 crewmen were avy
personnel, the Liberty generally reported
directly to the NSA. In May 1967 it had
been sailing slowly up and down the west
coast of Africa, listening in on the messy
wars in the Congo and other newly
independent colonies. On May 23, however, with war clouds
gathering over Israel and Egypt, the ship
was ordered to the eastern Mediterranean.
Egypt was a major client state of the
Soviet Union, and any Egyptian attack on
America's ally Israel held the danger of
dragging the United States into a nuclear
war. The NSA had a need to know. While the Liberty was still steaming
eastward, however, Israel on June 5
launched its air force against Egyptian
airfields, destroying almost all of that
nation's air power in about 80
minutes. Informed that war had broken out, the
U.S. Navy ordered all its vessels to keep
at least 100 miles from the war zone. The
NSA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff followed
that up with at least five similar orders
directed specifically to the Liberty,
according to Navy radio transcripts since
made public. But the Liberty never
received them. A series of bureaucratic
bungles that defy logic or explanation
delayed the messages for 16 hours and then
routed them via Hawaii into some
communications twilight zone. The Liberty took station just outside
Egypt's 12-mile territorial limit off the
Gaza Strip at dawn on June 8. Though they
knew they were in a war zone and kept
careful watch, crew members were relaxed
enough to sunbathe hen off duty. Israeli
planes circled the ship several times at
close range. Crewmen waved at the
pilots. Then, shortly before 2 p.m., a flight
of delta-wing Mirage jets approached the
ship in what Capt. William
McGonagle recognized as an attack
pattern. He shouted a warning, but before
he could sound the ship's general alarm
the planes raked the ship from bow to
stern with rockets and cannon fire,
killing several sailors, along with the
executive officer. The attack shattered virtually all of
the ship's 45 communications antennae. It
took technicians more than 10 minutes to
jury-rig enough wire to send an SOS to the
6th Fleet, 500 miles to the north. A radio
operator on the USS Saratoga heard the
message that the Liberty was under attack
but demanded an authentication code that
had been blown away by the first
shots. "Listen to the goddamn rockets, you son
of a bitch!" Liberty's radio operator
screamed into the microphone, according to
one survivor's account. Drawing
a Bead Crew members on the Liberty had seen
explosions on the beach earlier. The
Israelis would later discover that the
blasts were caused by Egyptian stragglers
blowing up ammunition dumps. But at the
time, the Israelis say, they received
reports that an unidentified ship was
shelling El Arish and sent three
high-speed torpedo boats to
investigate. The Liberty was armed with only four
50-caliber machine guns with an effective
range of less than two miles. It was
cruising at about 5 knots. The Israelis
say a plotting error aboard the torpedo
boats convinced them that the Liberty was
traveling at 30 knots -- the rate of a
serious warship and more than 10 knots
beyond the Liberty's highest attainable
speed. The Israeli navy then summoned the
air force to intercept the mysterious
vessel. The Israelis concede that they had
investigated the Liberty earlier and had
identified it as a U.S. ship. But they say
that when a new shift of officers came on
duty that information was somehow not
passed along, even though the Liberty was
the only such vessel within probably 50
miles and the Egyptian navy was
effectively nonexistent. Partial transcripts of Israeli air
force communications from the fighters
sent to investigate, recently declassified
by Israel, reflect more than a little
uncertainty about the identity of the
Liberty and include at least one
suggestion it might be American. But they
reflect a greater concern that the jets
sink the ship before the navy could share
the glory: "Before the navy arrives, it
will be a mitzvah [good deed],"
says one of the pilots. The torpedo boats did arrive, however.
Uncertain about the identity of their
target, they attempted to communicate with
signal lights. By this time, however, the
Liberty had eight men dead and 75 injured
from rockets, cannon fire and napalm.
Seeing three torpedo boats approaching in
attack formation, the crew assumed the
worst and one seaman opened fire before
McGonagle could stop him. The torpedo boats, assuming only an
enemy would fire at them, launched their
attack and loosed five torpedoes.
McGonagle managed to avoid four of them.
The fifth, however, blew a 40-foot hole in
the Liberty's starboard side, shattering
the ship's cryptographic compartment and
killing most of the men in it. Only heroic
damage-control measures by the survivors
in the following hours kept the Liberty
from sinking before it limped into Malta
days later. Shipyard workers there counted
more than 800 holes in its
superstructure. Digging
for Information Those are the basic facts of the
incident, together with the Israeli
explanation for why it happened.
is, of course, far more to the story,
including much debate about whether the
Liberty's American flag was visible,
whether the Israeli jets were unmarked,
whether the Liberty's lifeboats were
targeted by the Israelis. There is debate
over whether the Israelis could, as
claimed, have mistaken the Liberty for the
El Quseir, a decrepit, unarmed 38-year-old
Egyptian coastal transport half the size
of the Liberty and markedly different in
profile. Such debates are not helped by the
narrow focus of the debaters, which tends
to exclude the context of the Cold War,
including Soviet vessels in the eastern
Mediterranean, and an increasingly
divisive Vietnam War. The debates will probably never be
resolved. But far more intriguing is the
evidence that suggests a U.S. government
coverup, past and present, of much
surrounding the Liberty incident. The
ship's casualties were vastly
underreported initially. Survivors were
threatened with court-martial, prison or
worse if they talked about the incident.
The Pentagon clamped a lid on discussion
even as the Liberty was sold for scrap and
the shattered pieces of those who died
were buried in a common grave in Arlington
National Cemetery. Israel eventually paid
$6 million in
restitution to the survivors of those
killed and, in 1980, another
$6 million to
the U.S. government to end litigation.
That $12 million was less than half the
cost of the ship's SIGINT equipment
alone. James M. Ennes Jr., a Liberty
survivor whose 1979 book, "Assault on the
Liberty," was the first comprehensive
effort to tell the crew's story, has since
found a document in the Liberty's file at
the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in
Austin referring to a meeting of the White
House "303 Committee" in April 1967, a few
months before the outbreak of the Six-Day
War. It concerns something called
Operation Cyanide, which apparently
involved a U.S.-Israeli covert operation
that would have stationed a submarine in
Egyptian waters. Asked on camera by the BBC about
Operation Cyanide, Rafi Eitan, who
was with the Israeli secret service in
1967, smiled cryptically and said: "I know
what I am able to tell you and where I
have to stop. And here I stop." When the same interviewers questioned
former CIA chief Helms on camera, he
confirmed the covert function of the 303
Committee but said, "You'll have to ask
McNamara" about Operation Cyanide. When
Robert McNamara, secretary of
defense in 1967, was asked on camera about
Operation Cyanide, he replied, "I won't
say a word about the Liberty." Why? When the U.S. Navy finally heard the
Liberty was under attack, it was assumed
the attackers were Egyptian. Strike
aircraft were launched from the carrier
Saratoga and elsewhere and Parker,
the former ambassador, says he was warned
in Cairo that they were en route to the
Egyptian capital. But when Israel was
identified as the attacker, they were
recalled -- on direct orders from
McNamara, according to several Navy
sources. Other third-hand reports cited by
Ennes and other authors claim the
president himself, despite his belief that
the attack was deliberate, ordered the
Navy to send no planes to the aid of the
Liberty. Those speculating on reasons for
Israel's attack on the Liberty have
asserted it was to prevent Washington from
learning of Israel's coming seizure of the
Golan Heights from Syria, or to prevent
disclosure of war crimes against Egyptian
prisoners of war. Bamford uncovered a July 27, 1967, CIA
report quoting an Israeli official to the
effect that Israel knew who the Liberty
was and what she was doing, but was unsure
who besides the United States might have
access to the ship's intercepts, so it put
the Liberty out of commission just to be
sure. There may indeed have been a conspiracy
surrounding the Liberty. But Miami Judge
A. Jay Cristol, in his 2002 book,
"The Liberty Incident," discounts that
possibility, quoting an old Marine
proverb: "Never attribute to malice what
can be blamed on stupidity." Will we ever learn everything
surrounding the attack on the Liberty?
Probably not without intense pressure on
the government from the public and the
media, both of which have been fitful at
best in their concern with the 205 U.S.
casualties at the hands of a U.S. ally 35
years ago. Bamford, who clearly won the
cooperation of many at the NSA in writing
"Body of Secrets," points out that a
special public law exempts the NSA from
the Freedom of Information Act so that
only Congress or the White House has
access to what's classified there. At the Johnson library, tape recordings
of LBJ's phone calls and office meetings
are slowly being declassified, but it will
be more than a year before archivists deal
with those of June 1967. There is no
certainty even then that anything dealing
with the Liberty will come to light. But as debate continues about the U.S.
role in the Middle East, a growing chorus
of voices is asking why an incident as
central to our current involvement in the
region as the attack on the Liberty
continues to be shrouded for "national
security" after so many years. © 2003 The
Washington Post Company