here is entirely in Jewish
hands . . . their
propaganda is so effective
that people here have no real
knowledge of the true state of
affairs in Europe -- Polish Ambassador Potocki,
Washington, reporting to
Warsaw in 1939
J. F. C. Fuller, A Military History of
the Western World, vol. 3, pp.
372-374: "THE situation as it was at the end of
the year (1938) is so illuminatingly
described by the Polish Ambassador at
Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki, in
a report to the Polish Foreign Office,
dated January 12, 1939, that we will quote
from it fully: Public
opinion in America nowadays expresses
itself in an increasing hatred of
everything . . . connected
with National Socialism. Above all,
propaganda here is entirely in Jewish
hands . . . [W]hen
bearing public ignorance in mind, their
propaganda is so effective that people
here have no real knowledge of the true
state of affairs in Europe
. . . It is interesting to
observe that this carefully thought-out
campaign -- which is primarily
conducted against National Socialism --
no reference at all is made to Soviet
Russia. If that country is mentioned,
it is referred to in a friendly manner
and people are given the impression
that Soviet Russia is part of the
democratic group of
David Irving comments:
THIS 1939 dispatch by the
Polish ambassador is
notorious; the Germans
published it in a White Book
after they captured it in
Warsaw files in 1939; Potocki
indignantly called it a fake
when challenged by Bernard
Baruch on its
anti-Semitism (Baruch's letter
ande the reply are in his
papers at Princeton). But I
also found the carbon copy of
the original in Potocki's
papers in the Hoover
For more about this, see
Mark Weber's essay,
Roosevelt's Campaign To Incite
War in Europe: The Secret
Journal of Historical
Review, Summer 1983. | Thanks to astute propaganda, public
sympathy in the U. S. A. is entirely on
the side of Red Spain. Side by side
with this propaganda an artificial
war-panic is created . . . No
effort is spared to impress upon the
American mind that in the event of a
world war the U. S. A. must take an
active part in a struggle for freedom
and democracy. President
Roosevelt was first in the field to
give expression to this hatred of
Fascism. He had a two-fold purpose in
mind: firstly, he wanted to divert
American public opinion from difficult
and complicated domestic problems
. . . Secondly,
by creating a war-panic . . .
he wanted to induce Americans to
endorse his huge program of armaments
. . . Furthermore, the brutal
treatment meted out to the Jews in
Germany as well as the problem of the
refugees are both factors which
intensify the existing hatred of
everything connected with German
National Socialism . . .
Jewish intellectuals such as Bernard
Baruch, Lehman, Governor of New
York State, Felix Frankfurter,
the newly appointed Supreme Court
Judge, Morgenthau, the Financial
Secretary, and other well-known
personal friends of Roosevelt have
taken a prominent part in this campaign
of hatred. All of them want the
President to become the protagonist of
human liberty, religious freedom and
the right of free speech
. . . This
particular group of people, who are all
in highly placed American official
positions and who are desirous of being
representatives of 'true Americanism',
and as 'Champions of Democracy', are,
in point of fact, linked with
international Jewry by ties incapable
of being torn asunder. For
international Jewry -- so intimately
concerned with the interests of its own
race -- President Roosevelt's 'ideal'
role as a champion of human rights was
indeed a godsend. In this way Jewry was
able not only to establish a dangerous
centre in the New World for the
dissemination of hatred and enmity, but
it also succeeded in dividing the world
into two warlike camps. The whole
problem is being tackled in a most
mysterious manner. Roosevelt has been
given the power to enable him to
enliven American foreign policy and at
the same time to create huge reserves
in armaments for a future war which the
Jews are deliberately heading
for. |