were cremated on huge funeral pyres for days after
the 1945 British raid. [Original
colour photo by Fritz Hahn, taken on Feb 25, 1945:
copyright assigned to David Irving in all western
countries in 1961] From David Irving
"Apocalypse 1945: the Destruction of Dresden".
this book)
Documents on the
Dresden air-raid death toll, February 13-14,
1945 <
Germany hoists huge banners smearing solemn protest
march against Dresden bombing, calls it
"Nazi" - Op-Ed: Columnist
Tom Friedman must apologize for slandering
Israel - and Rabbi Schmuley takes a risk by
saying that 250,000 Germans were killed in
Dresden, 1945
- Sept 2010: Mayor
of Dresden protests at British plans to erect a
London monument to RAF Bomber
still missing" after RAF obliterated Dresden
| Our
Dresden gallery
- More
on Prof Richard "Skunky" Evans and Hanns
- Stephen
Combe asks about the German official commission
investigating the Dresden death roll
- David Irving finds a
crucial decoded document on Dresden's huge death
roll | on
which see this Russian documentary: pt. 1 |
| 3
| David
Irving interviewed by rightwing National Zeitung
on the decode which reveals true number of
Dresden missing at 100,000 (4 MB pdf) |
0.5 MB pdf, in German
- Daily Telegraph: "Nazis
exaggerated Dresden death toll, German
historians conclude" - "claimed that as many
as 500,000 people died during the Allied bombing
of Dresden" -- This is a typical Goebbels trick:
the German Government never stated 500,000, and
for obvious reasons kept Dresden's death-roll
secret. The
British decodes, not mentioned by these
conformist, ass-licking German historians, show
the figure of registered missing persons, i.e.
dead, was 100,000 | Our
dossier on the Dresden air raid | The
Times - note that these "newspapers of
record" made no attempt to contact Mr Irving
before smearing him | BBC
News also engages in this holocaust denial and
manipulation | The
Times's otherwise unknown philosemite Oliver
Kamm has a problem with Mr Irving -- and with
the Dresden deathtoll! | Ha'aretz,
discovered decoding evidence shows that six
weeks later Dresden's Mayor reported that one
hundred thousand names had been registered as
"missing" (i.e. dead) after the 800-bomber raid
by RAF Bomber Command- German
cops go house to house to arrest people involved
with 2010 Dresden march
- Dresden:
Massenproteste gegen Neonazi-Aufmarsch Seven
thousand German Reds protest at Right Wing
instrumentalising the 1945 Dresden holocaust:
Politician lays memorial stone, but 135,000
death toll marked down to "25,000"
- Der
Spiegel now suggests that the July 1943
death toll in Hamburg (48,000) was higher than
Dresden's - so those editors are safe
from prosecution
- The Jerusalem Post on Dresden
victims and German manipulation
- Real holocaust denial:German
government claims Dresden bombing killed fewer
than thought: The Allied firebombing in 1945
killed only 25,000 people, a special commission
has found: so that's all right then | our
dossier on the Dresden atrocity
- David
Irving: "Apocalypse 1945: the Destruction of
Dresden" (free download) | order
- Jan - Feb 1945: Some
British documents leading up to the raid on
- Letter: Stephen
Combe asks about the German official commission
investigating the Dresden death roll
- Flashback:
Allied air raid on Dresden on Feb. 13-14 killed
300,000 persons," reported Stars &
Stripes, May 5, 1945
- David
Irving writes a letter to The Times, July
1966, on new documents on the Dresden death
roll | An
article in Dresdner Neues Nachrichten Jan
25, 2005, comments on this, but gets the
wrong end of the stick | Mr Irving comments on
the article
- David Irving, free download: The
Destruction of Dresden [all
- Göring's
ADC Bodenschatz and Bassenge talk in British
captivity about ... the Dresden air raid and
compare it with concentration camp atrocity
Movie: David
Irving speaks on the Dresden death roll - how
intercepted secret messages of Dresden's police
chief confirmed his 1963 book claim that 135,000
had died in the firestorm (9MB
posted, an exlusive pictorial series: