American conclusions have
infuriated the British, who
denounce them as revisionist
 December 3, 2002 Visiting
Bismarck, Explorers Revise Its
Story By William J Broad THE Bismarck was the
world's most feared warship, a Nazi
superweapon meant to sever the convoy
lifeline that kept Britain alive in World
War II. Its guns could fire one-ton shells
24 miles. So upon its debut in 1941, the
British responded with everything they
had. Resolve grew steely after the
Bismarck destroyed the Hood, considered
Britain's finest ship, killing all but 3
of its 1,415 men. "Sink the Bismarck!"
became the battle cry. After being pursued by a fleet of
British ships and aircraft, and constant
pounding by shells and torpedoes, the
Bismarck went down in 3 miles of water,
600 miles off the coast of France, on May
27, 1941. It was the eighth day of the
warship's first mission. The victory
became a monument of British pride and, in
time, a hit film, a popular song and a
small industry of Bismarck books and
television shows. There is just one problem. New
evidence, detailed in interviews,
videotapes and photographs, suggests that
the story is wrong. "We conclusively proved there was no
way the British sank that ship," said
Dr. Alfred S. McLaren, a naval
expert who studied the wreck on two
expeditions, this year and last. "It was
scuttled." This conclusion is still hotly
contested by British researchers. But five
expeditions have reconnoitered the site,
and three independent teams of American
explorers, including Dr. McLaren, a
retired submariner and emeritus president
of the Explorers Club in New York, have
concluded that the famous ship is in
surprisingly good shape. No major
damage from enemy fire is visible on
the sides of its hull, the American
explorers say. That fact alone, they
add, suggests that the Bismarck was in
fact scuttled - as German survivors
have claimed all along, saying that
their naval tradition was to
deliberately sink ships in danger of
falling into enemy hands. 
Irving comments: NOW what did I write in
War (published in 1977)
and then in "Churchill's
War", vol. i: "Struggle
for Power" (published in 1987).
Oh yes: Churchill's
War: ...
The biggest battleship in the
world was no longer a fighting
machine, but she was unsinkable.
Her guns fell silent by ten a.m.,
their last ammunition spent. A
message from Admiral Tovey
arrived in London: the battleship
could not be sunk by gunfire. It
did not matter, because even as
Churchill's Cabinet met at
ten-thirty to accept the loss of
Crete, engineer officers aboard
Bismarck were blowing open her
seacocks to scuttle her. She went
down at eleven
a.m. Hitler's
War: ...
At noon Hitler learned that the
British government had announced
the sinking of Bismarck an hour
before. Disabled and her last
ammnition spent, Bismarck had
scuttled herself under the guns
of the British navy; she sank
with her colours honourably
flying and the loss of some
twenty-one hundred
lives. HOW was I so sure of this? I
had been told the facts by
Rear Admiral Puttkamer,
Hitler's naval adjutant (back to
camera in the picture), who
passed the reports on to the
Führer. Now that is how Real
History is written. I wonder what we would have
found in a history of the episode
by Prof.
Richard "Skunky"Evans?
Probably wild fantasies about SS
officers on board shooting
fleeing sailors, and plotting
further atrocities, as they
screamed "Heil
Hitler!  | The American conclusions have infuriated
the British, who denounce them as
revisionist claptrap."I just don't buy it," said David L.
Mearns, who last year led a British
expedition to the wreck. "Bismarck was
destroyed by British gunnery and sunk by
torpedoes." Anything else, he added, is
ridiculous. The newest assault is by James
Cameron, director of the 1997 movie
"Titanic." His television documentary - to
be shown Sunday on the Discovery Channel -
is based on an expedition last spring in
which Mr. Cameron explored the Bismarck
with robots and piloted submersibles. The
expedition was able to probe the wreckage
more deeply than earlier
investigations. Would the wounded Bismarck have sunk
without the scuttling? "Sure," Mr. Cameron
said in an interview. "But it might have
taken half a day." The new observations are challenging
ideas about the Bismarck's end that once
seemed self-evident, at least initially.
In 1941, the British got a lucky break
when an aircraft fired a torpedo that
crippled the battleship's rudders. British
ships then moved in, relentlessly firing
rounds of shells and torpedoes. Waves of German sailors abandoned the
Bismarck as it sank, the men bobbing in
the oily waters. The British picked up
some survivors, but soon fled the area
upon reports of U-boat activity. Of nearly
2,200 men on board the Bismarck, just 115
survived. The German sailors told of setting off
scuttling charges - explosives most
military ships carry that shatter water
intakes and other weak areas near the
ship's keel. They said that those charges
- exploded about 30 minutes before the
sinking, and before the last torpedoes hit
- were the real cause of the Bismarck's
demise. A British Admiralty report during the
war concluded that German explosives might
have hastened the ship's end, even if they
were not the exclusive cause. But British
patriots dismissed that idea. New light on the controversy came when
Dr. Robert D. Ballard, a discoverer
of the wreck of the Titanic, subsequently
found the Bismarck's resting place in
1989. The sinking battleship, he
discovered, had slid down an undersea
mountain for nearly a mile. Despite the war damage and rough
landing, it was in remarkably good
condition - even a faded Nazi swastika was
clearly visible. As for the ship's conning
tower, he wrote in "The Discovery of the
Bismarck," published in 1990, "Its heavy
armor still looked capable of warding off
enemy fire." Dr. Ballard used a tethered robot that
could not see far sideways, limiting his
views of the hull's sides. He nevertheless
leaned toward the scuttling theory, saying
he saw no signs of large air pockets,
which would have been crushed by rising
water pressure as the ship sank. Such
implosions shattered Titanic's stern.
By contrast, the sunken Bismarck was
largely intact. So it had apparently
been completely flooded, suggesting,
Dr. Ballard wrote, "how effective the
scuttling was." More than a decade later, in June 2001,
people dived to the wreck for the first
time, using two Russian minisubs, and the
American explorers were able to study the
Bismarck's sides closely. The trek was
organized by Deep Ocean Expeditions, a
private company. Experts, including Dr.
McLaren, peered from portholes as video
cameras operated by the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institute on Cape Cod
photographed the ship. The
explorers could examine the hull only
where it rose above the muck at the
bottom. But the visible areas revealed no
significant damage from enemy fire.
"You see a large number of shell holes
in the superstructure and deck, but not
that many along the side, and none below
the waterline," recalled William N. Lange,
a Woods Hole expert on the voyage. More important, no major breach was
found in the 13-inch-thick armor belt that
girded Bismarck above and below the
waterline as a shield against torpedoes
and shells. Torpedoes may have hit the
armor belt and detonated, Dr. McLaren
surmised, but may nevertheless have done
no damage other than making insignificant
dents. The next month, in July 2001, the
British arrived with an expedition of
their own, financed by British television
and supported by the Ministry of Defense
and British veterans groups. Using a
tethered robot, the expedition found
provocative gashes below the armor belt
where the lower hull met the seabed. The Americans assumed that the
Bismarck's rough landing on the
mountainside had made these openings -
"mechanical damage," as Mr. Lange of Woods
Hole put it. But Mr. Mearns, the British
expedition leader and director of Blue
Water Recoveries, an experienced deep-sea
salvage company in West Sussex, England,
saw them as evidence of enemy fire. "My
feeling," he said in an interview, "is
that those holes were probably lengthened
by the slide, but initiated by
torpedoes." He ridiculed the idea that torpedoes
bounced off the armor belt, but
acknowledged that he found no signs of
torpedo damage there. In his book, "Hood and Bismarck,"
published in January, Mr. Mearns and his
co-author, Rob White, concluded
that scuttling "may have hastened the
inevitable, but only by a matter of
minutes." Dr. Eric
Grove, a naval expert at the
University of Hull in Britain who went
on the expedition, strongly agreed and
dismissed the scuttling theory. "I
don't believe a word of it," he said.
"From what I saw, that ship was very
heavily holed below the waterline."
Mr. Cameron's expedition in May and
June, with a team of American and Canadian
experts, made unusually long dives. As
with the earlier expedition, he hired the
Russian Mir minisubs, run by the P. P.
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, based in
Moscow. Each of the twin submersibles can
hold three people. From them, Mr. Cameron's team deployed
tiny robots to probe inside the wreck and
closely examine its exterior. He said
little publicly about his findings until
now. High on the hull, he said, his team
found a few shell holes but none below the
waterline or big enough to quickly sink
the ship. He also found no torpedo damage
on the armor belt, echoing previous
findings. Down low, however, the explorers
discovered much. First, Mr. Cameron's study of the
wreck's lower reaches and nearby debris
fields led his team to a new explanation
for the hull gashes previously attributed
to torpedo hits or mechanical damage. The Bismarck, he said, suffered a
"hydraulic outburst" when it hit the
bottom. Girded by the armor belt, the ship
was like a water balloon wrapped in duct
tape and then dropped. The belt held, but
inner forces caused the sides to bulge out
and break in places - especially at the
bottom, as the ship slid down the mountain
slope. The surprise, Mr. Cameron said, came
when his tiny robots were able to
penetrate the gashes into the ship's
interior. In two cases, he came upon
torpedo holes at the ends of long gashes.
But upon sending the tethered robots even
deeper into the ship, Mr. Cameron
discovered that the torpedo blasts had
failed to shatter its armored inner walls.
All that was destroyed, he said, was an
outer "sacrificial zone" of water and fuel
tanks that German engineers had created to
absorb torpedo hits and keep interior
spaces dry. "The inner tank walls are untouched by
any explosive force," Mr. Cameron said.
"So the armor worked." The German sailors and officers at the
heart of the wounded ship, he added, "were
protected in the armored citadel." The
torpedoes, he said, caused "no significant
flooding." This July and August, after Mr.
Cameron's voyage, Dr. McLaren of the
Explorers Club and his colleagues again
dived down to the Bismarck with the Mir
submersibles. At an Explorers Club program on Oct.
17, Dr. McLaren, who in the 1980's was an
instructor at the United States Naval War
College, showed videos of his Bismarck
dives and told of the new findings. "Every naval ship is prepared to
scuttle," he said afterward in an
interview. "If you're going to get
boarded, you want to sink it as fast as
you can, but leave sufficient time to get
the hell out of there." Related
items on this website:
downloads of David Irving: "Churchill's
War", vol. i: "Struggle for Power" and
"Hitler's War" (Millennium Edition,