was often accused by political opponents
and anti-Semites of being in the pocket of
wealthy Jews.
 Sunday, December 16, 2007; BW04
Other Alliance
Why the
British leader bucked the anti-Semitism of
his time Reviewed by Glenn
Lifelong Friendship
- By
Martin Gilbert
- Henry
Holt. 352 pp. $30
"Even Winston had a
fault," Gen. Edward Louis Spears, a
dear friend of Winston Churchill,
once told historian Martin Gilbert.
"He was too fond of Jews." Spears's remark, which rather neatly
epitomized the
pervasive anti-Semitism of Britain's
ruling class, is Gilbert's jumping-off
point for his sympathetic but ultimately
disappointing account of the singularly
warm and supportive relationship between
the greatest British leader of the 20th
century and the Jewish people. From the
moment he first launched his public career
as a member of Parliament, through his
years as Cabinet secretary, political
outcast and heroic wartime prime minister,
Churchill cultivated
personal and financial ties with
Jews, praised them and became an
ardent champion of a Jewish national home
in Palestine. It was, writes Gilbert, an
unusual partnership of "a remarkable man
and a remarkable
people."  David
Irving comments: WHAT IS
relevant to, but missing from,
this article? Well,
readers might find it useful to
know that Martin Gilbert is
himself Jewish, and might
therefore essay to fudge over the
extent to which his people hired
Winston Churchill's talents in
the period from July 1936 to 1939
to agitate Britain into our
ruinous war against Germany,
while Winston had previously
shown himself remarkably
uninterested in the Nazis. And as for Sir
Martin's objectivity towards Mr
Churchill, one might expect a
reviewer to note that Gilbert
himself is, or was, the
beneficiary of financial support
from the Chartwell Trust, set up
by the Churchill family, which
thus neatly completes the funding
cycle. Gilbert himself
acknowledges this support in the
introduction to his magisterial
(i.e., turgid) biographies
of the Great Englishman. If I had
mentioned that I received
substantial support from the
Carinhall Foundation while
writing my Göring biography,
or that I was indebted to the
Adolf Hitler Memorial Trust for
its support in writing Hitler's
War, I should expect even the
friendliest reviewer to give that
a passing mention. (In fact, I
hasten to add, I received no such
support: and nobody is impugning
Sir Martin Gilbert's integrity or
suggesting that the funds he
received in any way warped his
judgments: he
was after all not an "expert
witness" testifying in the
British High Court). ONE other minor point.
Revisionists often chuckle about
Churchill's "financial ties" with
Bernard Baruch and surmise
that Baruch was one of the
"wealthy philanthropists," as
they like to see themselves, who
funded Churchill. So far as I
could ascertain, researching in
Baruch's papers at Princeton, he
was not. He gave Churchill
financial advice which resulted
in the Briton losing his second
fortune on Wall Street in 1938.
And the only evidence in the
Princeton files of money changing
hands is a letter from Bernie to
Winston reminding him of a
ten-dollar loan that had not been
repaid. That's how the
obscenely wealthy get to be what
they are: filthy rich.  
AS for the bombing of
Auschwitz, the British
politicians may have felt that so
long as the Jews were killing
British troops in mandated
Palestine they had no moral
obligation to rescue them
elsewhere. On March 23,
1962 I asked Sir Arthur
"Bomber" Harris,
commander-in-chief of RAF Bomber
Command, why he had not bombed
the site (see
picture above). "Mr Irving," he
replied, "If I were given the
choice of being burned alive by
British incendiaries and being
killed by cyanide gas, I know
which I should prefer."
download: David Irving,
"Churchill's War", vol. i:
"Struggle for
download: David Irving, The
Morgenthau Plan (introduction
Churchill's profound admiration for the
Jews, which was not shared by many of his
closest political colleagues, was all the
more amazing because it survived the
rise of Bolshevism, which Churchill
abhorred and which he believed was
dominated, intellectually and politically,
by men and women of Jewish origin. It
even survived the turbulent years during
and after World War II when Zionist
extremists conducted a campaign of
political murder against British
officials, policemen and soldiers. That
campaign reached its nadir with the
[November] 1944 assassination in
Cairo of Lord Moyne, Britain's top
colonial administrator in the region and
one of Churchill's closest friends, and
the 1946 bombing of British administration
offices at the King David Hotel in
Jerusalem, in which 91 people died. Why did the great man shower his
affection on a people that could be, by
his own reckoning, so cantankerous and
problematic? It was, Gilbert writes,
partly because Churchill saw Jewish ethics
as the foundation stone for Western moral
teachings. The Jews, Churchill wrote,
"grasped and proclaimed an idea of which
all the genius of Greece and all the power
of Rome were incapable." Impressed with
what he saw as Jews'
sense of loyalty, vitality,
self-help and determination, he endorsed
their national aspirations.
A Jewish homeland
"will be a blessing to the whole
world," he told an audience in
Jerusalem in 1921. It's also the case that Churchill had
little use for Muslims. As early as 1899
he wrote of the "fanatical frenzy . . .
fearful fatalistic apathy . . .
[and] degraded sensualism" of
Islam. "Individual Moslems may show
splendid qualities," he added, "but the
influence of the religion paralyzes the
social development of those who follow
it." While Britain's post-World War I
mandate called for it to foster democratic
institutions in Palestine, Churchill
consistently delayed them, knowing that a
freely elected legislative assembly
dominated by an Arab majority would have
cut off Jewish migration. Churchill was often accused by
political opponents and anti-Semites of
being in the pocket of wealthy Jews.
Lord Alfred Douglas, the poet and
former lover of playwright Oscar
Wilde, alleged that Churchill accepted
bribes from Jewish financiers during World
War I to manipulate wartime information
for their financial advantage while he was
secretary of the Royal Navy. Douglas was
convicted of criminal libel and sentenced
to six months in prison. Gilbert, who is author of the
definitive eight-volume Churchill
biography, persuasively discredits these
claims. He is less successful in debunking
longstanding allegations by critics such
as Israeli historian Michael J.
Cohen that Churchill, while expressing
horror and concern, did little or nothing
to prevent the Holocaust. After Jewish
leaders pleaded with the Allies in 1944 to
bomb the railway lines to Auschwitz,
Churchill instructed his foreign
secretary, Anthony Eden, "Get
anything out of the Air Force you can and
invoke me if necessary." Nothing happened.
The Royal Air Force, it seems, had other
priorities, and Churchill never followed
up. Hundreds
of thousands more Jews died between July
1944 and the death camp's eventual
liberation in January 1945 by Soviet
troops. According to Cohen, Zionist leader
Weizmann, one of Churchill's
public admirers (right), told a closed
session of the Zionist Political Committee
in London in June 1945 that Churchill,
Franklin Roosevelt and other
Western leaders had ignored his pleas.
"Nobody cared what happened to the Jews,"
Weizmann complained. "Nobody had raised a
finger to stop them being
Gilbert's book is an ardent hagiography
of a great man, and the portrait at times
seems less than three-dimensional. Even
less enthralling is Gilbert's reliance on
long quotations from Churchill's speeches
and writings. We get page after page of
Churchill's remarks to the House of
Commons on this issue and that,
interspersed with one-line sentences from
Gilbert. This is history as stenography,
and the book inevitably feels like a set
of out-takes from Gilbert's masterly
biography. Its subject may be intriguing,
but little here seems new or
surprising. Glenn Frankel, the former
London and Jerusalem bureau chief for
The Washington Post, teaches in the
graduate journalism program at Stanford
why Churchill considered negotiating
with Germany in 1940