Thursday, April 15, 2004 | Extracts
from General Dwight D Eisenhower's
presidential library, relating to
publication of the Yalta Papers over
British objections.
Extracts from the
office diary kept by Eisenhower's
secretary Jim Hagerty David Irving dictated these extracts in
Abilene in about 1976. They may contain
phonetic or transcription errors. We
invite comments, corrections and
expansions. Please give date of letter
referred to. [comment] | WEDNESDAY,
MARCH 16, 1955 (Cont'd) [. . . ] 2. Release of Yalta Papers -- [John
Foster] Dulles said if the
President were questioned on this, he
should say it is entirely a State
Department matter. Actually, we are trying
to get them released and yesterday Dulles
again cabled Eden to see if they
would withdraw their objection but as yet,
has received no answer, The British
opposition is based on two reasons: (a)
Some remarks in the minutes by Churchill
which are rather disparaging of the French
and (b) A rather terse comment by
Churchill to Eden when Eden interrupted
him. Churchill turned to Eden on that
occasion and said, "Aw, shut up." | Re
Yalta papers: Message received 5:45
from the Prime Minister
[Churchill] to the President
[Eisenhower], March 18, 1955.
My dear Friend, I am so glad that you disclaimed
responsibility for the issue of the Yalta
papers. Personally I do not at all mind
their publication though I feel a strong
line should be drawn by the Governments
between formal and plenary sessions on the
one hand and after dinner conversations on
the other. Also I think people should know
whether they are being reported by
interpreter [Charles]
Bohlen or not. Otherwise so far as I
am concerned I am very content with the
tale. What worries me is whether its
publication at this moment may not
endanger French ratification of London and
Paris Agreements. I thought your letter to me and the
other NATO Prime Ministers was a splendid
declaration which doubles our strength and
halves our risks. I am sorry that we shall
never meet in a top level confrontation of
our would-be friend, but I hope indeed
this applies to political occasions
only. With my sincere good wishes. Yours always,
Winston. P. S. : How are you getting on with the
portrait? I hope you will show it to me
when it is finished and I warn you I shall
claim full rights of retaliation. [Source: DDE Libr., Þle
'Churchill'] | WEDNESDAY,
MARCH 23, 1955 (Cont'd) [..] 2. Yalta Papers -- On the Yalta
Papers, Dulles pointed out that during the
last two years the Senate Appropriations
Committee, on its own initiative,
requested that the papers be published and
had appropriated money for that purpose.
Dulles and the State Department had held
up publication because of a British
objection but that objection was withdrawn
by Eden prior to the release of the papers
even though Eden did so rather reluctantly
and looked upon the publication of the
papers as the lesser of two evils; namely,
having to come out piecemeal or having to
come out all at once. As far as the President was concerned,
Dulles said that he had discussed the
problem of the Yalta Papers with him and
that the President was kept fully informed
on the changing British position. The
President knew they were in the process of
preparation but never actually saw the
galley proofs. Dulles said that as far as other
meetings were concerned, the Historical
Section of his Department is working on
the Potsdam papers but no date has been
set for their release. He said that this
is a normal procedure and that it normally
takes the Historical Section many years to
get the papers in shape for release. | TUESDAY,
APRIL 5, 1955 (Cont'd) [. . . ] When the Yalta Papers were published,
the Democratic high command, of course,
trying to get Roosevelt out from under the
political decisions that were made at
Yalta, embarked on a campaign to blame the
Yalta decisions on our military. This, of
course, is completely ridiculous and Yalta
was a political conference, not a military
conference. It is the same sort of
Democratic defense that they made about
Roosevelt's Boston speech in 1940 when he
said, "And I tell you mothers again and
again and again that your sons shall not
fight on foreign soil." In this case the
Democrats tried to add the words "unless
we are attacked" which, of course,
Roosevelt never said. The Democratic speakers on the floor of
the Congress after publication of the
Yalta Papers have been saying that the
decisions taken at Yalta were urged by the
military. Sunday General MacArthur
issued a statement in which he said that
this was not true, that he was opposed to
the entrance of Russia into the war in the
Pacific and that he urged the Defense
Department to publish all the papers
dealing with the conduct of the war in the
Pacific to prove his point. The New York Times claims that
many of the papers were not classified in
any of our three classifications -- Top
Secret, Secret or Confidential -- but were
merely "Restricted". And with the issuance
of our Executive Order in 1953 on
classifications made that "Restricted"
classification one which was of a public
nature. They asked me to look into the
situation and I told them I would. [. . . ] | The
above material has been researched by
David Irving for the third volume of his
Churchill biography, "Churchill's War",
vol. iii: "The Sundered Dream." |