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Heinrich Himmler book illustrations

3 partisans to be hanged
Three partisans being marched through Voroshilov Street in Minsk, October 1941, to their execution by hanging. Photograph taken by a friend of the Generalkommissar (from private family collection). High resolution image available.
According to reader John Fowley (Sunday, August 28, 2005) the young girl shown is a seventeen-year old Jewess, Masha Bruskina, and the date is October 26, 1941, in the city of Minsk. The young man with her is Volodya Sherbateivich, and the older one as Kril Trous. See too: David Irving, Radical's Diary and correspondence. The execution gallows was set up at the gates of a nearby yeast factory.

For an energetic though loosely argued defence of the proposition that the Unidentified Young Female about to be executed is the (Jewish) teenager Masha Bruskina, citing several eye-witnesses who claimed to have known her, see the paper by Nechama Tec and Daniel Weiss, both also Jewish, in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, VIII, No.3, winter 1997, pages 366-377.

Locations (click air photo below to enlarge):

  1. Heutige Leninstrasse
  2. Platz der Freiheit
  3. Marienkirche
  4. Dominikanische Kirche (1960-en zerstört)
  5. Alte Palast von Radzivillen, später Stadttheater (zerstört 1986)
  6. Platz des zerstörtes Europahotel (2005-2006 neu gebaut aber auf dem Platz des zerstörtes Stadttheater(No. 5))
  7. Ehemalige Dominikanische Strasse, heute Internationale strasse
  8. Alexanderpark

Also die "Partisanen" stehen in der Dominikanischen Strasse neben dem alten Stadttheather (No.5: rechts gut zu erkennen), hinter auf dem Hintergrund sieht man auch eine Türmchen von Dominikanische Kirsche. Es ist die südliche Seite des Freiheitsplatz oder heutige Internationalestrasse.

Wartime aerial photo of Minsk