notes dictated by David Irving during a visit to the home of
Mr Walt Martin in a Philadelphia suburb on September 18,
2001 Martin owns the residue of the papers of Dr Robert M W
Kempner, whose last address (where the papers were salvaged)
was 112 Lansdowne Court, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, USA - He hands me a (sixteen page, approximately) French
language hand-written deposition dated 12th May 1952
taken during the action against Steinworth -- an
- A clip of approximately four-hundred pages (German
original) documents relating to the Ukraine signed, or
originated by Otto Bräutigam (and Dr Alfred Meyer)
dated 1941/1942 including originals, carbon-copies, an
Aufzeichnung headed "Geheime Weisung" - beginning "Im
Osten wird von Deutschland ein Dreiviertel Krieg
geführt - ein Krieg zur Vernichtung des Sozialismus,
ein Krieg zur Zertrümmerung, des großes (?)
Reiches, und endlich ein Krieg zum Erwerb von Kolonial
Land zur ...."
- There appears to be a speech draft or article draft,
probably by Rosenberg. The document dated Berlin, March
5, 1943, "Kaum eine Maßnahme hat sich derart
negativ auf die Stimmung der Bevölkerung in dem
besetzten Ost-Gebieten ausgewirkt, wie die ans glauben
jagten Erinnerung der Betreibung von Menschen für
den Arbeits Einsatz in Deutschland". Initialled
apparently 'Br.'(?) for Ministerial Direktor Dr.
- The file also includes press clippings, for example
from the Minsker Zeitung, a document signed by Von Kleist
(Oberkommando der Heeresgruppe A) dated February 17,
1943, Betrifft: Die Behandlung der Zivilbevölkerung
im Operationsgebiet, a copy of the Proklamation by Dr.
Goebbels dated February 15, 1943, "Behandlung der
Europäischen Volker."
- Page from the Deutsche Ukrainezeitung, January
- A letter from Rosenburg to Alle Obersten
Reichsbehörden, December 3, 1942. A ten page
Memorandum, "Der Ostraum Tritt zu Europa" (in handwriting
on the top, Dr Rudolf Kommosz.)
- A Memorandum by Dr Alfred Rosenberg, Berlin,
September 3, 1942 entitled "An die Volker des Ostens"
- A carbon copy of a five-page Meldung an den
Führer by Rosenberg, August 11, 1942.
- Eine ausdrucksweise Abschrift an den Herrn
Reichsminister für die eroberten Ostgebieten - we
don't know where it is from or the date. It begins
....."In einem Schreiben an den Höheren SS- und
Polizeiführer hat der Herr Reichsminister für
das Ostland am 24.12.1941 bestimmt, daß die
Zigeuner in die Behandlung der Juden gleich gestellt
würden. Eine Abschrift dieses Schreibens liegt
bei...." Towards the end it continues ...."Die Mitletten
in Mischehe lebenden Zigeuner würden bisher, soweit
dies ? zu bringen war, von den Maßnahmen im Sinne
des Erlasses von 24.12.1941 nicht erfaßt."
- Attached to this is a letter from Lohse an den
Höheren SS- und Polizei Führer in Riga,
24.12.1941, Abschrift about "Im Lande und umherirrenden
Zigeuner" and the danger that they were causing als
Überträger von Ansteckenden Krankheiten.
- It ends: "Ich bestimme daher, daß Sie in der
Behandlung den Juden gleich gestellt würden.
Gezeichnet.Lohse." The document is 'Geheim'.
- A document signed by Heinrici, General der
Infanterie, Armee Oberkommando 4, dated 12.3.1942,
"Vorschläge zur Behandlung der Bevölkerung in
den eroberten Ostgebieten. Der Russe hat ein
ausgeprägtes Gefühl für Richt und
- Memo From Dr. Schlotterer, Wirtschaftsstab-Ost,
Berlin, 15. November, 1941, to Dr Bräutigam.
- There is a ten page Memorandum dated Berlin, October
2, 1941 entitled "Vermerk über eine Besprechung beim
Führer am September 29, 1941 im
Fuhrer-Hauptquartier" attended by Hitler and Rosenberg
with Dr Lammers and Martin Bormann.
- "Einleitend betonte der Führer als
außerordentliche Wichtigkeit daß die ganzen
Arbeiten in der Ukraine gut vorwärts gingen..."
Rosenberg protested about the interference from Himmler,
"Die Unterredung kommt an auf der Verhältnis vom
Reichsführer SS zur Verwaltung als Chef der
Reichspolizei und Reichskommissär für die
befetsigung des deutschen Volkstums. Hier sagte der
Führer, "Es ist einmal so im Krieg, daß wir
machten Polizei, wenn sie in ein besetztes Gebiet
kämen, irgendwelche Fabriken
(Kleidung-Schulfabriken) beschlagt nahmen, und Mann
müsse die Frage von dem Gesichtspunkt betrachten,
daß es wichtig sei, daß die Dinge hier im
Betrieb kämen, das übrige würde ich
später schon finden.
- The last three pages concern this relationship with
Himmler (of that Memorandum - 3 copies).
- There is an important file of 500 pages or more or
original documents, typescript, carbon-copies,
handwriting, etc., originating apparently from the OKW
Wirtschaftsstab Ost. Many of the documents are signed by
Generalmajor Hans Thomas.
- The whole file is from 1941, pre-and post-Barbarossa,
concerning the technical planning for the colonisation of
the Soviet Union after the occupation. There is a
'Schnellbrief" signed by Körner, May 27, 1941: "In
Bestätigung der bereits mündlich durchgegebene
Einladung daß ich beim nächsten 'B' Sitzung am
Montag, den 28 Mai 1941, vormittags 12 Uhr in daß
Preußische Stadts-Ministerium".
- A letter signed by Staatssekr Kleinmann,
- One document dated May 1941 is marked 'Zurück
(zrk) Barbarossa' in red crayon.
- ? apparently went to the Berlin Document Centre
(Gotha-Old II) because it also contains a number of
photographic prints of documents. One contains a lot of
Thomas's documents as drafts with many handwritten
corrections. The document is headed Vortragsnotiz
über die Besprechung, betr. Vorbereitungen
Barbarossa am 7.5.1941 nachmittags" attended by a dozen
Army Officers and Thomas.
- The file isn't a Rosenberg file but a Thomas file
(Wehrmacht file - OKW).
documents of the Arbeitsstab Oldenburg, March 21, 1941.
An Aktenvermerk über Besprechungen am 21. März,
1941 attended by Thomas, Gusovius and others. The
document signed by Gusovius headed "Aktennotiz über
Besprechung Oldenburg" beim Amtschef am 10.3.1941
vormittags entitled Studium für Vorbereitungen
zum Abwehr eines Positions(?)angriffs gelegentlich des
Marita Unternehmens."- There is some detail on the steps taken by Hitler to
keep Barbarossa secret. The first document in the file is
dated January 31st, 1941. The file is basically concerned
with the economic exploitation of occupied Russia after
Barbarossa begins.
- The papers include a handwritten Allgemeine
Einleitung in Das Alte Testament, which I am told
belonged to Kempner's mother.
- There is a Schulheft on law studies, 'Straf
- There is a very large number of prints of photographs
of documents. The prints range in size from Din A4 size
to A5 size. A typical serial number reads 64409
rubber-stamped on the bottom right-hand corner. There are
prints from microfilms - the perforations can be seen on
the edges.
- There are a number of sealed envelopes - one which
was addressed to 29,000 Jeaen Lessmann on the outside -
it contains Bank Statements, a file of correspondence by
Kempner in the United States 1941, 1942, 1943, including
a letter from Reynal & Hitchcock rejecting his
suggestion of publishing Rosenberg's Myth of the 20th
Century as "a turgid performance".
- Photographic prints from microfilm copies of the
Stenogramme of the Führer Lagebesprechungen. These
are interesting because some of them portray also the
actual burned fragments of shorthand attached, on which
the transcript is based. But they do not appear to have
contained anything new.
- Photographic prints from various documents of the
German Foreign Ministry. Typical serial number,
- Handwritten, approximately 40 pages including blanks,
Kriegstagebuch Nummer 1, OKW Wirtschaft
Richtungsamt/Arbeitstab Oldenburg begonnen 24. Februar,
1941 und endet 23. Juni 1941. This is of high historical
importance. A few associated documents are also with that
file. [I have a photocopy of this document]
- Several documents from the Reichfuhrer SS. Both are
duplicated documents entitled 'Meldungen aus dem Reich',
for example 11 March, 1940.
- Correspondence between J. Edgar Hoover and Kempner in
1943. A long telex from the Generalgouverneur ? (Krakau)
to the Ostministerium in Berlin, betr. Unterabteilung
Kirchenwesen, which is about ten pages long - an
- A folder of correspondence between Kempner and the
German Government on his publication of the Warren Report
of 1964.
- There is a photocopy of a letter from Robert Wolfe
[US National Archives] to Dr Robert M. W. Kempner
dated 8 November 1972 showing that Kempner received the
reproductions of 1749-PS, Alfred Rosenberg's papers. "The
entire 1749-PS series of ten folders consist of 692
- There is an original map printed
'Politisch-Administrative Karte der UdSSR, systematische
Darstellung der Energiewirtschaft" dated 1 März
- There are 20 pages of Xerox copies, negative,
handwriting, 'The Rosenberg Diaries' but they are
identified at the top as 1749-PS.
- The file contains one or two working level papers
dated November 1945 which suggested the interrogation of
General Koestring, etc signed by James A. Gorrell.
- At the front is a black address book entitled
'Adressen der Schule des Landschulheims Florenz ab 25
Oktober 1936'. Most of the names appear to be Jewish,
Israel, Kahane, Katzenstein, Liebenthal and Frau Helene
- There is a thick black binder containing
approximately 2,000 pages of correspondence between
Kempner and others from 1943 onwards. He was Assistant to
the FBI in October 1943, apparently advising them on Nazi
Germany on enemy sabotage and practices, on espionage, on
the Abwehr and similar matters. The cover sheet is
entitled: "Preparation for Testimony as Expert Witness".
The file ends in May 1945. The cover sheet may not be
related to the content. He is giving his expertise and
insights on the workings of the German Government both
before and after the Nazis came to power.
- A file of papers of Kempner in the Staatsrechtliche
Seminar in 1921.
- A black notebook is Kempner's desk diary for 1942 --
1943 with a few hand-written entries. There are one or
two tattered letters from Robert Kempner, including one
dated 20 February [1946?] beginning&emdash;
- Meine Lieben:-
- "Montag abend, 10.30hrs Abfahrt, Ankunft in Bermuda
um 2 Uhr Morgens dort, zu starke Wind zu Abfahrt nach
- Then arrives in Nuremberg. About half a dozen letters
to his family dated between 1945-1946.
- There is collection of about 100 letters written in
German to his wife, Ruth Kempner, from Nuremberg,
sometimes on headed notepaper of the Office of Chief of
- There are a lot of Kempner's own personal college
papers when he was studying law.
- This is quite an interesting binder with
approximately 200 pages of documents, etc., originals,
the Deckblatt says, "Preparation for Testimony before
Courts, Enemy Alien Hearing Boards, etc., and the names
include Konrad Heiden, , Stadt-Sekretär Planck,
Arnold Bergstrasser. The documents include a Memorandum
on Konrad Heiden's newest book, written for the FBI, 15
February 1944.
- Correction: The above file includes about 400 pages
and shows the extent to which the Americans went to crack
down on German citizens and their collaborators in the
United States, with the assistance of Dr Kempner.
- One folder contains a cheque for US$20.70 covering
Kempner's testifying as an Expert Witness in the case in
the United States v. Malzahn et-al, 20 April 20,
- Letters from Herman Bohle, the son of Gauleiter Bohle
in 1960 and 1961 to Dr Kempner. There are several charts
called 'Kräftige Überstellung of German and
Soviet Forces 1943".
- There is a little brown leather-bound address book
kept by Dr Kempner from 27 August 1941 onwards until 31
October 1946.
- An original document, the first two pages only,
Berlin, 23 March 1944:-
- "Vermerk für den Leiter der Führungskorp P4
- Betrifft: Orthodoxische Konferenzen".
- "Besprechung mit SS-Sturmbannführer Dr.
- In a Memorandum dated 11 October, 1945 Kempner writes
a summary of documents of 2 May, 1941 of the Arbeitsstab
Oldenburg as clear planning of the German attack against
- There is the Divorce Action of Helene Kempner against
Robert Kempner dated 9 March, 1932, a letter from Kempner
to Ministerialdirektor Dr Klausener dated 1 June, 1929
with an attached Entwurf "eines Polizei Gesetzes".
- There is a letter from Edmund Stinnes in a folder
dated 14 March 1950, an Affidavit of Helmut Wohlthat
about Stinnes.
- The attachment is an Aktion against Otto Seeger and
others wegen Diebstahl und Hehlerei in April 1923.
- A folder of photographs of Schnurre, Hilger,
Schulenberg and of the German Embassy in Moscow.
- A letter from the family of Robert Kempner, namely
his son Lucienne and his son André to the
Holocaust Museum dated 11 June, 1997 relating to Robert
Kempner who died August 15, 1993 dealing with the
disposal of his papers.
- The letter states that the written Estate is under
the temporary control of Mrs Margot Lipton (who I am
informed was his live-in girlfriend).
- A letter from Kempner to the Attorney General of the
United States Attorney dated January 5, 1942 which shows
that his radio had to be fixed so that he could no longer
listen to the short wave programmes of European stations.
"Thus I have complied with the regulations for enemy
aliens". He applies, however, for an exception to be made
in his case.
- In a cardboard box are photocopies of things like
Vernehmungsniederschhrift of Dr Wilhelm Harster, Munich,
April 27, 1966 - 11 pages long about the deportation of
the Dutch Jews to Mauthausen.
- A little heap of about 10 letters written to
André Kempner in French, 1952 in the original
envelopes, a membership book for the Bund der Beamten und
Anwärter der Staatsverwaltungen 1930
- Correspondence about his book, "Blueprint for the
Nazi Underground as Revealed in Confidential Police
- Various letters from publishers in 1930s, etc., to
Kempner about his planned publication of a book on "Ein
Kommentar über das Polizei Gesetz".
- A typewritten copy of an article in "Die Zeit",
January 29, 1952 called "Gesiebte Dokumente" commenting
on the fact that the documents on Nuremburg have not been
returned by the Americans in their entirety.
- A three page article about Kempner entitled "Kommst
Du nur immer Anzuklagen?, Ein Vault zum Ewigen Frau
Kempner", correspondence with German Authorities about
how his wife had kidnapped a child, Lucien, in 1938.
- Robert Kempner writes in one document at the end,
"Lucian's Mutter ist eine durch Geschlechtskrankheit
ausgesucht und Alkoholismus seelisch und körperlich
ruinerte Person." Correspondence on these matters appears
to go on until 1940 or later.
- A full photograph of a young man who appears to be
Lucian who was serving in the British Army in the Rhein
in 1946. Lucian writes, "Ich bin hier in eine
verteufelten Lage. Ich habe seit April [1945]
amerikanische und englische Uniform getragen, und wann
mich jemand fragt was ich bin und zu wem ich
überhaupt gehöre kann ich nicht antworten oder
müss lügen".
- This file appears to be primarily papers of Lucian or
relating to him.
- A number are found to be papers printed by Dr. Lydia
Rabinowitsch and Dr Walter Kempner, round about 1903 on
plagues and epidemics (she was an associate of Dr Ludwig
Koch and also Kempner's Mother who was one of their first
Bacteriology Professors in 1897).
- There is a letter from Sir Hartley Shawcross dated
September 25, 1950 to Kempner responding to his complaint
about an article in the German newspaper, "Der
- It includes a lot of correspondence with ?, including
those who returned to Germany.
- A Writ dated September 4, 1930 in der
Privatklagesache wirken ? von Preussendiegen Mendel. Dr
Kempner was one of the Lawyers involved, presumably for
the Defendant.
- A file called 'War Criminals' dated 1950 containing
materials in relation to the later trials.
- There are four pages of Summaries entitled 'Inhalt
der Arthur Rosenberg Unterlagen' dated November 20, 1972
listing the contents of 1749-PS, item by item with the
page numbers, and answering certain questions about them.
There is no reference to any pages of the diaries that
are not in the 1749-PS set.
- There is a copy of an original carbon-copy of
Dokument EC-483, dated November 3, 1943: "Die Bedeutung
über Ost Europas für die Deutsche Richtungs
Industrie", 15-16 pages.
- There is an undated 4 page Memorandum by Rosenberg
entitled "Betrifft Odessa", on the importance of Odessa
for the Reichkommisariat Ukraine.
- Notiz über eine Besprechung 31 Mai 1943 attended
by Ministerialdirektor Dr. Fränk and Leibbrandt who
signs the document, and the need for eine baldige
Entscheidung in Fragen der Ost Politik".
- Sollte in nächster Zeit eine solche
Bekannt nicht erfolgen, so werde Reichminister Speer
gezwungen sein, dem Führer zu berichten, dass er die
grosse Balfür haben im Osten nicht übernehmen
- There is a 7 page Memorandum by Otto Bräutigam
dated Berlin, August 15, 1943, eine Auszeichnung mit die
Politische Unterstritzung des Feldzugs in Osten.
- Testimony of R. M. W. Kempner on Dr Hans Dieckhoff:
Verbatim transcript of about 30 pages.
- There are a lot of school essays of Kempner going
back to the 1915-1916 period. In a number of letters to
Kempner in the early 1950s from Germans denounced leading
editors, for example, Werner Friedmann, the Herausgeber
of the 'Süddeutsche Zeitung' was said to have worked
for the Goebbels Propaganda Ministry during the War. Also
from German diplomats who were similarly denounced in
such letters.
- An interesting letter from Paul Weiss of Wharton
& Garrison to Kempner, December 23, 1949 on
negotiations that they had conducted with the widow of
Generaloberst Adam, who was willing on principle to allow
her husband's diaries to be made available to historians,
but feared the repercussions.
- A report (?) from Telford-Taylor with attached a
Memorandum by him dated October 17, 1949, information
with respect to General Adam's Memoires. He had discussed
the matter with Dr. Gordon Craig of Princeton who had
expressed interest on behalf of the University.
note by David Irving, September 2001:
My general impression of the collection is that it is
about 90% junk:- - Photo prints from post-war microfilms, faded
crumbling yellow duplicated pages from the Nuremburg
prosecution files, surprisingly voluminous correspondence
with J. Edgar Hoover, and ancient press-clippings turned
almost red with age.
- The valuable materials include especially many
thousands, by my estimate, of pages of correspondence in
hand-writing with members of Kempner's family. There are
about a dozen photographs showing him and a female
(Margot Lipton?) visiting the Pope. The papers are in an
impressive disarray, and any archival treatment of them
would involve first of all sorting them out between junk
and valuable material, and then sorting them out into a
strictly chronological sequence.
- As repositories, the most obvious candidate would
appear to be the U.S. Holocaust Museum, to which the bulk
of the Kempner papers were already willed; or the
University of Syracuse, because of their interest in
Judge Biddle; or Boston University Library, because of
their similar collections; and possibly the Hoover
Library. I do not believe the material is of sufficient
value for the Bundesarchiv or the Institut für
Zeitgeschichte, as the new German content appears to be
limited to the Kriegstagesbuch of the Arbeitstab
Oldenburg and a few files of Rosenberg and Thomas.
- There was no trace in the collection shown to me of
any unknown pages of the Rosenberg Diaries.
- The search lasted from 11 am until 5.20 pm.