London, Wednesday, October 6, 1999
EUROPE Anti-Jewish
fury as Germany seeks slave
IN BERLIN GERMANY is set to offer
former wartime slave labourers the sum of
4.5 billion marks (£1.5 billion) in
negotiations which begin in Washington
today. The offer is likely to be swept aside
by American lawyers representing the
labourers, who have been discussing
figures of up to £20 billion. The wrangle, capping months of
negotiation on compensation procedures,
has become bitter. German officials have said that if the
Government and business world are put
under too much pressure the result will be
an upsurge in anti-Semitism. An incident in Berlin at the weekend
suggests that something of the sort may
already be happening. On Sunday, the day of German Unity, a
group broke into Europe's largest Jewish
cemetery in Berlin's Weissensee district
and destroyed at least 104
gravestones. Although the cemetery is guarded, like
all Jewish monuments in Germany, the group
smashed the stones unobserved. The police
have only a few footprints to go on. The lifting and destruction of so many
heavy stones -- most of which mark the
graves of people who died between 1940 and
1955 -- suggests a high degree of
organisation, and the police assumption is
that neo-Nazis were responsible. The
vandalism has continued all week with the
painting of swastikas on a monument to
deported Jews as well as slogans on
cemetery walls. The protests
may simply reflect a rawer climate in
Europe. The election success of the
populist Jörg Haider in
Austria suggests that there may be a
broader shift of sympathy to the
radical Right in Europe. Israel was quick to react with horror
at Herr Haider's surge of support (Austria
is still waiting for the final count which
will show whether he came second or
third). Edmund Stoiber, Bavaria's Prime
Minister, was equally quick to suggest
that Herr Haider should form a new
Austrian government with the conservative
Peoples Party. The main trigger for anti-Semitism in
Germany, however, is almost certainly the
slave labour talks which are the subject
of comment around the country. The offer to be tabled by the Germans
in Washington represents a package in
which businesses and the Government
contribute equally. The Government will
take responsibility for compensating those
labourers who cleared bomb rubble or did
other work for town councils. It will also
pay those who worked on farms. The 16 German companies represented in
the talks are also ready to make a
payment, providing that the United States
can guarantee that they will not be taken
to court and made to pay a second
time. Count Otto Lambsdorff, the
German Government's chief negotiator, says
the final sum for "normal" forced
labourers will be significantly under
10,000 marks. Siemens and Volkswagen have already
agreed to transfer the sum to those who
were forced to work for them in the Third
Reich. They stress that they are doing
this out of a moral obligation rather than
a legal one. Count Lambsdorff has been trying to
increase the number of German companies
willing to pay. In particular he has been
applying pressure to building
companies. Many companies
which do little business with the
United States -- and therefore do not
fear a boycott -- are reluctant to join
in. Count Lambsdorff has also been urging
German subsidiaries of foreign companies,
such as Opel and Ford, to make their
contributions. The trend is for companies to wait for
the outcome of this week's negotiations
before committing themselves. The key
question remains how many victims will be
compensated. Count Lambsdorff seems to be
working on the assumption that there are
two broad categories -- 250,000 slave
labourers who lived mainly in
concentration camps or under similar
conditions, and a further 480,000 "normal"
forced labourers. However, the American
lawyers have come up with much larger
numbers and some want to include at least
243,000 "dislocated" people. |